Chapter Twenty Two

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Two Years Later...

"Hurry up, Lo! This type of thing waits for no one!" Roman hollered at him from the other side of his dorm's door. The student rolled his eyes, a flustered smile appearing on his face.

"I'm going as fast as I can!" He responded. Logan took another look at himself in his cap and gown. The royal blue robe matched eyes nicely. He had decorated the back of his cap to match with Roman's. His said, "Boyf" while Roman's said "riends" The student wasn't entirely of the reference but appreciated the idea.

Finally, the student stepped out the door, being greeted by his stellar boyfriend in the same robe he was wearing. The two both lost their breath upon seeing each other like this. Roman, however, was the first to speak, "You look incredible!"

"So do you," Logan slipped his hand into Roman's bringing their lips together. "Are you ready to graduate?" He whispered to his boyfriend.

"Hell yes!" With that, the two bolted down the stairs, hand in hand. Outside their dorm hall waited Dee, Emile, Patton, Virgil, and Remy. The only one not dressed in the classic robes was Remy. But it was nice to have him as support.

"You two look awesome!" Patton squealed, hugging the two of them.

"Patton, we're all wearing the same thing!" Virgil pointed out. The fatherly friend scoffed at that as they all walked towards the big auditorium known as graduation. Virgil kissed Remy before walking up to join the rest of his class. They all had to sit in assigned seats which sucked. But they weren't super far apart.

The headmaster began his lecture. Talking about how proud he was or something. Logan was hardly listening. He couldn't help but have an absolute buzz about him. Today was the day he had been looking forward to for a very long time. The day he'd be handed a sheet a paper that declared something he worked hard to study for years.

Everything in his life had been turning upwards for a change. Remus was found and arrested about a year ago. He was promptly put in jail for 25 years with no opportunity for parole. No one else carried on Remus' legacy by attacking him and his friends. If anything, people at his college treated him differently. As if they were war heroes or something.

The headmaster finished his speech as everyone around clapped. The excited energy was radiating off everyone on stage. The student almost could help but smile as well. He looked back at Roman, seeing him looking to him as well. The prince blew him a kiss, making Logan blush.

It finally came the time that degrees were being handed out and people were walking off the stage. Virgil went first out of the small friend group. He received his art degree, Remy cheering loudly for him. Patton went next. Then Emile. Then, it was Logan's turn.

He stood up, approaching the headmaster. He extended his hand for a shake, grabbing his degree in his other hand. The headmaster smiled, "Change the world, kid,"

"Of course, sir," Logan responded, walking off the stage. He immediately turned around and waited for Roman's name to be called. When it was, Logan couldn't be happier.

The prince smiled, going over to claim the degree he earned. A degree in Musical Theater. "You literally brought the house down, Mr. Rogers," The headmaster commented, making everyone laugh. The prince flared up in embarrassment. Ever since the theater burned, Roman and all his friends gathered together to raise money to rebuild it. And if everything goes smoothly, the building should be done by the next school year.

Roman hopped off the stage, running into Logan's arms. They pulled together for a kiss, unbearably happy that they finally made it to this day.

Last was Dee. He limped over to the headmaster. The doctors didn't think he'd be able to walk again after the accident. However, he did. Unfortunately, he'll have that limp for the rest of his life. But everyone agreed that they rather see him limp than not walk at all.

Once Dee was off the stage, the little friend group through their caps into the air. Finally college was over. Finally their lives were starting.

Finally, this whole mess was behind them.

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