Chapter One

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The day had just come to a close, and the stars were beginning to awaken from a well-deserved sleep. Each one was glowing brighter the last one to appear. At least, that's what Logan was noticing as he made his back to his dorm.

Logan Sanders was a very studious person. All the staff at the college library knows his name, people at local coffee shops know his name. While he isn't very popular, he had a recognizable face. He had deep brown eyes framed by his black glasses. The hair atop his head was a dark brown, almost black.

The new books he rented from the library kept falling out of his grasp on his way to his dorm. It was getting to be tedious, but Logan was a patient person. As he bent down to pick up another one of his fallen books, he could hear the muffled sounds of blasting music coming from his dorm. "Oh great." He mumbled, placing the book back onto his small stack.

Once at the door, he fished for his key card to get inside the dorm hall lobby. The door made a small squeak as he was allowed to enter. The music was even more predominant now. Logan could already sense the headache forming right above his temples. Tonight would be a long night.

He climbed the stairs, making his way to the fourth floor where his room was. His hall was void of people but littered with garbage that had been lazily thrown onto the ground. Solo cups, chip bags, stray dollar bills, even rolled of joints of weed were all over the hall floor.

Logan sighed, struggling to get through it all. When he reached his dorm, he could tell that whoever was throwing the party was right next door. "Fantastic. Does anyone at this school even study?" Logan rambled to himself. He twisted his key in the lock until he was let inside.

The student grumbled as he walked inside his dorm. Nights when there were parties, were often nights Logan wished he could afford a single apartment. His roommate had his clothes all over the floor, his bed was a mess, and the chair that went with the desk they shared was knocked over.

Logan tried to look past it as he slammed his books onto the desk. A small piece of paper on his desk caught his eye, however. He picked it up, unfolding it until he saw the message inside of it, Going to party tonight. Be back in the morning. -Dee

It took Logan a lot of restrain to not too angry. Between the blaring music, messy dorm, and the fact that his roommate would probably return noisily when he would be trying to sleep was beginning to grind his gears. The student took a breath, crumpling the note in his hand and throwing it into the overflowing trash bin of Dee's notes.

Dee Viper was Logan's long time roommate. They first met when their college hosted a roommate finder event. While Dee wasn't Logan's first choice out of everyone he met that day, he didn't seem too bad. In fact, they were majoring in similar topics. Logan was into Chemical Engineering and Dee was a talented Robotics student. They had many of the same classes together so they became friends pretty quickly.

However, Logan only met one side of Dee. It was only when the first party happened did Logan understand Dee's interesting personality.

Logan stared back at his messy room. He rolled eyes before pushing his glasses back up to his nose. "No point in studying when I can't even think." He reasoned. The student went around and picked up all of Dee's thrown about clothing. He draped them all on his bed before neatly folding them.

Once he did that, he straighten up his roommate's bed. Logan didn't really want to touch his friend's bed. He could tell who Dee brought in for the night and what they would do. When the bed was made, Logan put the desk chair back in its place, looking over his cleaned dorm.

The lyrics to some rap song Logan never heard of came blasting through the wall. He rubbed his temples, wanting it all to go away. He pulled out his earbuds from the backpack next to his bed. When he noticed how tangled the wires on them were, he considered it a lost cause.

That's when the rocketing music from next door suddenly stopped. Logan's ear perk, a wave of hope washing over him. He could hear someone yelling, along with something banging against his door.

Without warning, Dee burst in the door, slamming the door and pushing his back against it. Logan stared wide-eyed at his roommate who laughed off whatever just happened. When he was done laughing, he noticed Logan was also in the room."Oh, hey, Logan." Dee giggled, holding his stomach.

"What was going on out there?" Logan dared to ask.

"Oh you know, too loud for the old ladies across the street. Cops came in so everyone scattered. Dude, that party was amazing; you should've come over!" Dee invited. Logan gave him a look as if he was crazy.

"Sorry, but I'm the only student in this school that cares about my studies." He retorted, plopping down on his bed.

"Hey, I care too! But school is about partying too. It's a happy medium." With that, Dee sat on his bed. He pulled out a wallet-sized case, opening it up to reveal several neat blunts. Logan carefully watched him take one, stick it loosely in his mouth, and light it up.

"Can you not smoke in here? I have to go to lunch with Patton and Virgil tomorrow and if Patton smells an ounce of weed on me, he'll figuratively have my head." Logan complained.

"It's fine, I'll just open a window," Dee compromised. Logan sighed, laying down on his bed. He looked at his digital clock, 10:47 pm. He rolled his eyes, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "You got "Walden" again? Haven't you read this like...7 times already?" Dee asked, examining Logan's stack of library books.

"It's a literary masterpiece. Maybe you should give it a try." Logan grumbled. Dee shrugged, setting it down. It continued to smoke and watch people from the street below him.

Logan stood up, deciding to grab some sweat pants and head to the showers. This was another thing Logan didn't like about his dorm situation. Dee and Logan didn't have an on-suite bathroom. They had to share with every other guy on their floor.

Logan grabbed his keys and headed down the hall. He could hear drunk, German exchange guys blabbering from the lounge. He couldn't make it all out, but from the little he knew of German, they were talking about girls.

The student entered the bathrooms. Lucky for him, they were pretty empty. They usually were after big parties, but some days were better than others. He took an open shower, stripping himself down and turning on the water.

As he washed, he couldn't help but still smell the weed now burned into his nostrils. Now dripping wet, he turned off the water. Taking a complimentary towel, he dried himself enough so his clothes wouldn't stick to his body.

He put back on the shirt he had before, which was just an old NASA shirt and his sweat pants. Grabbing his belongings, Logan headed back to his room. When he opened his door, he saw Dee passed out on his bed. His joint was still loosely hanging from his lips.

Not wanting to set the place on fire, Logan grabbed his joint and smashed into the ashtray by his bed. After that was done, Logan threw his old clothes into his drawer and collapsed onto his bed. Logan didn't even have to take the melatonin tablet on his bedside table to fall into a deep sleep.

From What I've Heard - Sanders SidesWhere stories live. Discover now