Chapter Two

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Logan rubbed his hand up and down his face as he slowly woke up. Logan had a small pound beating in his head. It sounded as if it was to a beat of one of the songs he heard through his walls the previous night. Eyes now opened, he was met with his wall. All the pictures he had hung up of him and his friends and family. Fond memories.

He rolled over, being greeted with Dee putting his shirt on. Logan blushed a small bit. It was no secret to the two roommates that they were both gay, but both expressed that they had no interest in each other.

Logan grabbed his glasses, his fingers being startled when his phone rumbled and lit up. It was a text in the group chat Virgil and Patton were also in. He noticed this one was from Virgil. He didn't even have to read the name, he could just see it in the spelling, Still meetin @ coffee shop 2day rite? His friend asked.

Before Logan could pull up the keyboard, Patton responded, Yep, 11:30! Logan glanced at his phone. The clock just switched to 10:30. He didn't worry too much, the coffee shop was near his side of campus anyway.

See you guys there. Logan answered, putting his phone down face first to avoid distractions. The student swung his legs over the bed, shaking his head off of any remaining sleep. Dee gave him an eye, grabbing things and shoving them into his pockets.

"So, uh, I'll be back kinda late tonight. I have a late class and then I'm going over to a friend's place." Dee explained.

"Oh, so you're planning on attending a class today?" Logan joked. Dee gave him a plain look as he left the room. Logan chuckled to himself. He didn't joke with Dee often, but when he did, the reaction was always priceless.

Once Dee excused himself from the room, Logan slowly removed his shirt. The cold morning air hit his pale skin. The air sent his body into shivers and goosebumps. It only then did he notice his window was still open from the night before.

Logan discarded his old shirt into his old fashioned dresser, grabbing a plain black T-shirt. As he pulled it over him, he walked over to his window, shutting it tightly and locking it. From what the student could see outside, the morning was already bustling. Many of his fellow classmates riding bikes, walking with friends or listening to music on the way to their classes.

Logan truly did love his college. Not only did it have the best science and engineering programs in the state, but all the students pretty much minded their own business. It was a nice sense of community. Logan liked that.

The student went back to his dresser, pulling out a pair of dark blue jeans. Pulling them on, he slipped his feet into his favorite pair of dress shoes. He grabbed his belt, looping it through his pants while shoving his phone, wallet, and keys in his pockets.

He walked over to the door, clutching the knob in his hand. He took one last look at his room, making sure he didn't forget anything of too much importance. Once he was satisfied, he left the room, locking it securely behind him.

As Logan walked confidently down the stairs of his dorm hall, a smile could help but form on his lips. The student couldn't lie, he loved his close friends and sincerely enjoyed the time they all spent together.

He glanced at his phone clock as he guided himself towards the local coffee shop. 11:13 am. He was making considerably good time. He continued his pace, being mindful of passing cars and bike riders.

Logan turned the corner, coming upon one of the best coffee shops on the north side of campus, Coffee & Creamery. As soon as he stepped inside, the strong scent of the energizing liquid filled his nose. The place was surprisingly calm for still being pretty early in the morning.

Someone waving their arm wildly in the air caught the student's attention. When Logan turned over, there sat his two best friends, Patton Parks & Virgil Night. Logan smiled, walking over to small booth the two had reserved.

"Hey, Lo!" Patton greeted, patting the spot next to him. Logan took a seat, smiling brightly at his two friends. "What's going on?"

"Not a lot. What about you guys?" Logan responded. Virgil shrugged while Patton beamed brightly.

"I got promoted at the animal shelter!" Patton announced.

"Aren't you interning at the animal shelter?" Virgil questioned, fiddling with a sugar packet.

"Yeah. But it's still exciting!" Patton cheered. Logan and Virgil giggled at their peppy friend, making Patton laugh as well.

"Have you guys ordered yet?" Logan questioned.

"In fact, they did." A new voice chimed in. They all curiously peeked over, seeing who Logan knew as Remy Hariot-Koffe. He was carrying three cups in his hands, placing them on their table. "One Cinnamon Swirl Hot Chocolate, Caramel Espresso, and Pitch Black." Remy smiled.

"Thanks, Rem," Virgil said, leaning over and giving the barista a kiss on the cheek. Remy heated up brightly. A lovesick smile appearing on his face as he walked anyway. The three boys went to drinking their drinks, enjoying the heated beverages slide down their throats.

"I see things between you and Remy or going well." Logan teased. Virgil shyly pushed his hair behind his ear.

"Yeah. He's pretty great. He loves working here; he thanks you daily for getting him this job." Virgil said. Logan nodded, taking another sip. Logan always loved this place. They made their coffee perfectly to Logan's liking. He was happy to get Remy employed somewhere. Especially somewhere like this.

"Do you guys have any classes today?" Patton asked us.

"Color Theory at 3:00. It's an okay class. I just wish I didn't sit in the front. The professor always calls on me when she has questions." Virgil said, wrapped his arms around his stomach. Virgil was one of Logan's only friends that had a severe anxiety disorder. Social interaction was something he wasn't a big fan of. Just another reason Logan appreciated him as a friend. He was glad Virgil trusted him.

"Okay. I was just wondering if anyone wanted to go to the Drama Department's production of Phantom in the Opera. Everyone from my Film and Fiction class says it's incredible." Patton gushed. Logan's eyes rolled over, releasing a small chuckle before taking another coffee sip.

"Isn't it kind of distracting from school work to go see live-action make-believe?" The student asked. Virgil and Patton gave each other an odd glance.

"It's supposed to be something to relax you. know, take your mind off things." Virgil told him, kind of laughing.

"Perhaps, but we got a lot of work we should be doing. We're gonna be graduating college soon. Real-life isn't about magic and music." Logan protested.

"Logan!" Patton chastised, "It's about supporting the Drama students and having a good time! Have you forgotten about that?" He questioned. Logan just shrugged, feeling a red flare run across his cheeks. "Just think about it. It ends in two weeks." Patton finished.

Sooner or later the boys' lunch date ended. They exited the booth, saying goodbye to Remy on the way while Virgil gave him another kiss. As they all walked back to school, Logan followed them to their dorm hall. When they disappeared inside it, Logan couldn't help but feel bad for hurting Patton's feelings.

He sat his hands in his pockets as he dragged himself to his own dorm hall. He couldn't help but have a question run through his mind, How influential could a play be?

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