Chapter Nine

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Logan gently kicked rocks along his path as he began his venture back to his dorm hall. After breakfast, he received a call from Patton, stating that Virgil had run off and he couldn't find him. After the student went about calming his friend, he when to his morning class. He thought having one of his classes would distract him from his already hectic morning.

Unfortunately, it did not. For Logan, he merely sat in the class for 90 minutes with his mind floating in other places. Thinking of The Phantom. Thinking of Dee's outburst. Thinking of Virgil and Patton. His mind was far from his Engineering Principals class. He knew that.

As he wandered back to his dorm hall, going slower than usual. He knew good and well as to who might be waiting inside his room for him. Logan huffed, not wanting to think about Dee. He wasn't even that angry at him. More upset. Dee knows that Virgil can't handle being yelled at, and yet, he did it anyway! Logan could feel his blood boil more and more as he came closer to his hall.

Just as he was about to walk inside, his pocket buzzed. It startled him more than he wished to admit to himself. Instead of walking inside, he wandered over to a nearby bench. He placed his bag next to him on the seat, pulling his phone out of his pocket.

It surprised him to see the person calling him, was Virgil. Without hesitation, he answered the phone. "Virgil? What is it? Where are you?"

"Hey, I'm sorry I ran out. I'm with Remy at the coffee shop," He rushed out explaining.

"Hey, hey. No need to apologize. But look, Patton's really worried about you; I think you should call him right n-"

"No, listen!" Virgil shot back. "Sorry. But, Remy's brother came to the shop. He was the stage manager at the show the other night!"

"Okay, what of it?" Logan stated.

"He said, that wasn't Remus Royal that performed the other night," Virgil said. Logan's world crashed for a split second. This was not the news he expected to receive. "If you've been searching for this guy, you're hunting the wrong dude."

"Did he know who actually played The Phantom then?" Logan asked, small drops of desperateness washing his words. 

"He didn't. But he knew who might. You remember, Picani?" Virgil asked.

"From what, high school?" Logan clarified.

"He's the one. Apparently, he's been managing the costume department for this show. He's positive that if anyone knows who was under that mask the other night, it'd be Picani." Virgil told him.

"Alright. Thanks, Virgil. You doing okay though? Really?"

"Yeah, Remy helped calm me down. I'll talk to Patton later. Thanks for the concern though." Virgil hummed, making Logan smile from the other line.

"Anytime." With that, Logan hung up, sliding his phone back inside his deep pockets. As he stood up from the bench, a heavy sigh passed through his lungs. Not only did finding his crush just get harder, but it's also a full-on mystery now. Logan ran a hand through his hair, trying to clear his head a little bit.

He walked inside his dorm hall, not entirely sure if he wanted to talk to Dee yet. Logan knew anger was a powerful thing and his thoughts towards his roommate were somewhat vulgar. As he walked up the stairs, he kept happy thoughts and memories in the forefront of his brain. He took a deep breath, using his key to turn the lock and open the door.

Inside his room was the usual scene. Everything on Dee's side of the room was a mess while Logan's side was pristine. This time though, Dee was sat on his bed. His elbows rested on his knees while his brain swam his thoughts and white noise. He looked up at Logan, the blunt in his mouth hanging loosely. "Logan, I-"

"Not right now," Logan insisted, setting his bag down on the next.

"Please, can I just explain?"

"You've explained enough!" Logan sighed, turning to face his half high roommate. "It's been made quite clear that you don't care for Remy or Virgil. You're entitled to your own opinions, but please, keep in mind their feelings and triggers!"

"I'm sorry, alright?!" Dee blurted. Logan tilted back, standing in shock. "Look, I know I don't say that as much as I should. But I really messed up. I see that. My past aggressions got ahead of me and I yelled at someone who didn't deserve it." Dee fell flat on his bed, resuming his position with his hand in his hair.

"What do you mean by 'past aggressions?'" Logan questioned, sitting on the bed to join him.

"Remy and I have never gotten along. But...but that's not important," He shrugged off. "Just know I'm sorry."

"I understand. But, I'm not the one who deserves to hear that."

"Yeah, I know." The two took a second in comfortable silence. Neither of them knew what to say, but at the moment, neither of them needed to say anything. "You were gone for quite a while. Did you go to class?"

"Physically yes, but mentally no." Logan laughed. He rubbed his nose, pushing his glasses further on to his face. "But I did find something out. Whoever was The Phantom the other night, wasn't the person listed in the program. And apparently, Picani might know who it really was."

"Emile?" Dee asked, a red blush rushing to his face. "I haven't seen him since graduation. It seems like so long ago. Really it was just 3 years ago," Dee chuckled, rubbing his hands over his face. Logan smirked, returning to his bag and pulling out his laptop. The student then sat back on his own bed, opening the laptop and punching in the password. "What are you doing?"

"Purchasing another ticket for the show tonight," Was his simple response.

"What? Why?"

"Picani will be there. He runs costumes. All I have to do is be at the theater right before he leaves to figure out who The Phantom is."

"Then why purchase another ticket?" Dee smirked. Logan turned a deep shade of red, eyes flashing over to Dee.

" the cause?"

"Yeah, of pleasing your Phantom boner." Dee laughed. The student rolled his eyes, resuming to type into his laptop. He couldn't wait for his plan to unfold.

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