Chapter Eleven

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Logan sat in his Life Biology class, mindlessly doodling in his notebook. Despite the student's love of science, his mind was in other places. He was thinking of The Phantom and everything Emile had told him the day before.

Logan could hear the other students in the class talking behind him. Most of the people were popular students. None of them seemed to care about the class; always talking or texting during it.

The student tuned back into the room, seeing his professor write PROJECT on the board. Everyone in the room groaned. Logan, however, perked up a little bit. "Alright class," The professor boomed, "You will have one full weeks to complete this project. It is going to be worth half your grade for this semester."

Everyone groaned again. Logan didn't though. He was practically known to finish a project in less than two days and still have it look amazing. The student cockily smirked. Not only would this project be a breeze to finish, but it wouldn't stop the search for the man under The Phantom's mask.

"It will also be a group project with partners I have assigned to you." That dropped the ball. It was Logan's turn to grumble. A partner? He'd never get his work done super fast WITH a partner. The students behind Logan snickered a little, making fun of Logan's melancholy demeanor. "Alright, let's get started."

The professor went down the list of students, watching them stand up as their name was called, walk down to collect their project, meet their partner, then go take a seat again. Logan realized how much he didn't know anyone in his class. He saw the faces of people he'd never seen before. This only added more weight to his shoulders.

Depending on your partner, it could make or break your mood. He could get someone really amazing or get someone that has no interest in actually helping with the project. That had already happened too many times to the poor student.

"Mr. Sanders?" The professor called out. Logan grabbed his things, trudging his way down each step. "You'll be with Mr. Rodgers." The student turned around, watching his partner barrel down the stairs.

"Hi, nice to meet you!" The new student greeted, extending his hand for a shake. Logan almost laughed at the man as he shook his hand. This guy was the definition of a classic prince straight from a fairy tale. He had short blonde hair which was gelled back, bright blue eyes, and flawless skin. He wore a plain red shirt, jeans, and pearly white shoes.

"You too, Princey." Logan joked. The prince laughed, seeming to enjoy the nickname.

"Alright then, Calculator Watch." He shot back.

"Alright boys, play nice." The professor teased, handing them their project. Logan quickly glanced over it, almost laughing at how simple it was. Their topic was genetics and all they needed to do was create a poster, write a paper, and create a slideshow to represent it all.

"Okay, listen, the class is about to end and I gotta go right when it ends. Why don't we exchange contact info and we can find a time to work on this?" Princey suggested. Logan chuckled, face growing stern.

"Like you actually want to work on this."

"What do you mean?"

"Look, I see your shtick. You've been partnered with one of the smartest kids in this class. You're a popular guy, who right after class is going to run to whatever 'practice' you have to go to and leave me with this project. Don't think this hasn't happened to me before!" Logan snapped. Princey put his hands up, taking a breath to collect his thoughts.

"I'm sorry if I came off that way. But I really do want to help with this project." He insisted.

"You really want to help me with this project?" Logan asked again.

"Of course. I care about my grade in this class just as much as you do. Plus, it's a whole weeks worth of work. That's way too much for you to do by yourself! I'm sorry if you've been mistreated in the past with projects like this. But, I really do want to help."

"I'll believe it when I see it," Logan responded, rolling his eyes and turning away from the flawless man. Princey huffed in disappointment, thinking of ways he could make it up to him.

He spotted Logan's phone sticking out of his back pocket. The prince swiftly pulled it out, making the logical yelp in surprise and whip around. "What the hell, dude! Give that back!" Even though Logan was only a few inches shorter than the prince, he was not nearly as fast as him.

"No password? It's like your asking people to steal your phone!" He remarked. Logan gave up trying. Instead, just waiting for his phone back. Sooner or later, the prince handed his phone back to him. "Alright, text me if you need me to get anything! But I gotta bounce!" With that, Princey grabbed his stuff and flew up the stairs.

"Wait, I don't have your-" Logan paused, taking a moment to think. He opened his phone, seeing his contacts still on the page. There was Princey's phone number, along with the nickname he was given as the contact name.

Logan smiled, a faint blush appearing on his cheeks. He looked up just in time to see Princey looking at him from his spot at the door. "Tomorrow at the library, okay?" He shouted at him. Logan gave a thumbs up in response, signaling for the prince to leave. The student gazed at the project papers in his hand. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

From What I've Heard - Sanders SidesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon