Chapter Sixteen

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Logan woke up the next morning, everything below his waist was burning. He tried to push himself up only to realize that he was immobile. Gazing up he could see the sun-kissed arm of Roman wrapped around his chest. The prince was still asleep, breathing out small snores every now and then.

The student hummed at his adorableness, pecking his cheek with a kiss. Logan turned back over and looked at his room. He expected to see Dee on the other side of the room. His bed was empty. This troubled the student at first. That was until the memories of the previous evening flooded back to him. If Dee had come back during the couple having intercourse, Dee probably would've left to give them some privacy.

His worries subsided a little. He felt Roman's lip graze his face as the prince stirred a little. "Morning, nerd," He greeted. Logan chuckled, facing Roman.

"Morning, Princey," The two kissed as they untangled themselves. Roman stood up a stretched, revealing nothing more than his boxers to Logan.

"Like what you see?" Roman mocked.

"You're so full of yourself," Logan laughed. He reached over to the other side of his bed to grab his shirt from the other night. He pulled it on before getting up as well. Roman was gathering his clothes and putting them on. "Do you want to borrow anything? Surely those can't smell great," Logan pointed out.

"I think it's fine," He shrugged. Logan proceeded to pull on some pants and slip into his shoes. "Wanna walk to breakfast with me?"

"I thought you'd never ask," Hand in hand, the lovebirds walked out of Logan's dorm hall. The sky was grey but the heat from the sun was still in the air. The birds in the trees were becoming visible from their homes in almost naked trees. Fall was approaching.

As the two turned the corner, they saw a small crowd of people huddling around something. It captured both of their interests almost instantly. They went closer, seeing people had their phones out, trying to photograph whatever was there.

"It looks like another person..." Roman muttered, using his toes to try and see a little better from the back of the small crowd.

"What?" Logan question. He tried to see what his love was seeing. It was growing harder as people started to move. However, Logan caught a glimpse of someone with their knees drawn to their chest. They were shaking wildly while trying to push themself away, but their back was to a building.

It was when Logan saw a flash of a purple patch, the student's heart stopped, "Virgil?!"

Said emo threw his head up, trying to track the sound. Logan pushed through the crowd, Roman right behind him. Once the student made it through, his breath was stolen from him. Virgil had a completely black right eye, a swollen cheek, a busted lip and a dried bloody nose. He was in the midst of an awful panic attack.

He reached out his shaking hands to Logan, "L-L-Lo...L-Logan," He cried, breaking into more sobs. The student helped him stand, Roman took his other arm to stabilize him.

"Virgil, what happened to you?"

"I-I-I don-don't know. Af-After you le-left Dee told u-us about his cr-crush on Emile. S-So Patton, D-De-Dee, and I-I left your d-dorm to go f-find him. B-But we were ju-jumped by...b-by..."

"By who, Virgil?" Logan demanded to know.

"Remus," He coughed out. Roman went red, feeling embarrassed and ashamed all at the same time. "H-He attacked me f-f-from beh-behind. He kept h-hitting me un-unt-until I smashed m-my head against th-this wall. I-I-I only woke up-up a half an h-hour ago wi-with all the-these people around," He sobbed again.

Roman took charge, turning towards the crowd and shooing them away. Some people tried to ask him what happened but Roman wasn't talking. "I'm so sorry, Virgil," Logan said, pulling him into a hug. "Do you know where Patton or Dee went?"

"N-No! A-All I know is Re-Remus chased af-after them!"

"He might've been after Dee, thinking he would lead him to you?" Roman suggested. Worry filled the student. If Virgil and the others were jumped last night, there is no way they'd be able to find them now.

"Come on, Virgil. Let us take you back to my dorm to fix you up," Logan said. He tried to grab the emo's hand only for it to be slapped away.

"N-No, you need to g-g-g-go find Patton an-and Dee!" He squealed.

"Maybe, but we're going to need all the help we can get if we're going up against my brother," Roman commented.

"Who are you?" Virgil snarked.

"I'm Roman. I believe you've heard of me," He smiled, watching Logan turn red like a radish. The two helped Virgil limp back to Logan's dorm. Once inside, he was laid out on Logan's bed so the student could fix him up. "What can I do to help?" Roman asked.

"Uh, maybe call Dee, see if he picks up!" Logan told him, handing him his phone. Roman unlocked it, going through it until he found Dee's number.

Logan started cleaning off Virgil's face, listening to the phone ring in Roman's hands. "Logan!" A breathy voice came through the phone. Both Logan and Virgil perked up upon hearing Dee's voice.

"Where are you?" Logan asked while running over to the phone. Roman put it on speaker.

"No clue. All I know is Picani and Patton are here too. I have no idea where any of them are! We lost Virgil last night! Remus beat him and then chased after us."

"What do your surroundings look like?" Logan panicked.

"Uh, It's a small room. No windows. Uh, the door is locked but there are mirrors and clothes everywhere!" He explained.

"That sounds a lot like the theater," Roman added. "What else happened?"

"Um, it's a bit of a lengthy story. But I could probably tell you quickly. I don't think Remus knows I have my phone." Dee said.

"Alright, tell us what happened," Logan demanded. The student and his lover made their way back over to Virgil so Logan could fix up his face while still listening to Dee's tale.

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