Chapter Seventeen

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Logan left the dorm room with a grin on his face. Dee was oddly proud of him. It was nice to see his long time roommate and friend finally come out of his shell. Sure, Dee had always been more of a player when it came to love. But seeing Logan head over heels for someone was cute as well.

Patton sat on Logan's bed next to Virgil. The fatherly student was a little teary-eyed. "That was a super sweet thing to say to him, Virge!" Patton gushed. The emo shrugged, shrinking into his jacket and out of the attention.

"It was nothing. I mean, I know I would want to hear that if I was asking Remy out..." He said. "Plus, I'm the only one of us that actually has experience in this type of shit! When are either of you going to get a boyfriend!"

"There are hardly any good guys here!" Patton complained as he leaned into Virgil for a dramatic flair. "I mean, everyone is either not in the LGBT+ community or they're taken! It just isn't' fair!" The two others laughed.

"What about you, Dee? You're pretty sociable. Surely there is some guy you've pinned," Virgil coaxed. The man's face flushed up. He shyly pushed some of his overgrown hair behind his ear. Patton gasped, a cheesy smile across his lips.

"You have a crush! Dee, that's so cute!" Patton gushed. He ran over to him in a tightly gripped hug. "Who is he? You have to tell us!"

" you guys remember Emile?" Dee sheepishly grinned.

"Picani? You like him?" Virgil hissed. "Is that why you don't like Remy?"

"I know it's a stupid reason to dislike someone but, he knew I liked him but they dated in high school anyway," Dee rambled. The emo crossed his arms, a little upset. "I'm sorry, Vee. As I said, it's a stupid reason, but I shouldn't have lashed out at you that day," Virgil sighed, giving him a friendly smile. "Are we cool?"

"Whatever," He smiled.

"Oh, this moment is so perfect!" Patton squealed. "You know what would make this even perfecter? We should go find Emile!"

"What? Hell no," Dee retaliated. "He probably doesn't even remember me. It's been 3 years."

"Don't be silly!" Patton enthused. He pulled Dee of his bed and dragged him out of the room, Virgil right behind them. They busted out of the dorm hall, committing to their search for Dee's crush.

"Do you have any idea where you're going, Patt?" Virgil dared to ask.

"I mean, I went to his dorm once freshman year. I'm pretty sure I can find it again."

"Considering he hasn't switched dorms or anything," Virgil grumbled. The stars overhead began to twinkle. It was a pretty sight. The college was quieting down for the night with the exception of a few parties.

As the boys walked along, Virgil's arm hair began to stand up from underneath his jacket. It startled him enough to turn him around, surveying the area around him. He found nothing. Damn anxieties, he thought.

Unfortunately, it wasn't his anxiety's fault.

Within seconds, arms wrapped around Virgil's torso and pulled him back. The emo let out a terror-filled scream. It alerted his friends to whip around. Dee gasped, seeing the man that attack him and Logan only a few nights before.

"Remus!" Dee shouted, grabbing the man's attention. His head shot up, a twisted grin climbing up his face. He was hardly struggling to keep Virgil tightly in his grasp. The emo wasn't super strong to begin with. "Let him go!"

"Forget about your promise?" He asked through gritted teeth. Dee exchanged a look with Patton. Fear deeply set in both of their eyes. Dee swallowed, nervous droplets pouring down his face.

"Just let Virgil go!"

"Fine," Remus swung Virgil around so he was facing him. After that, it was blow after blow. Direct hits to Virgil's face. He made no noise, just trying to back away which would only make Remus angrier.

It became harder for his friends to watch as the emo got himself sandwiched between Remus and the wall. Remus delivered one final bash to his head. The result sent Virgil's skull straight into the brick building behind him. He collapsed to the ground, releasing one last pained breath before his consciousness slipped away.

"VIRGIL!" Patton screamed, crying his eyes out. Remus turned to them, fear striking their hearts.

"Patton, we gotta run!" Dee exclaimed. He grabbed onto Patton's arm, pulling him back and beginning the chase. Remus was not far behind them. The two weren't even entirely sure where they were going. Just trying to be anywhere that was away from Remus.

They turned a corner, coming across a large building that seemed to have shut down for the night. As Patton and Dee ran full speed at it, Emile walked out. He was adjusting his coat before he saw the two. "Dee?" He called out.

"Get inside!" He hollered back. It didn't take long for Emile to understand as Remus bolted around the corner. Emile yelled out as Patton and Dee pushed him inside the building. They pushed their backs to the door as Emile scrambled with his pockets.

"I have the master key! I can lock the doors!" Emile announced. But it was too late. The doors burst open, sending the three of them crashing onto the floor. The trio groaned as their bodies reacted with the hard ground.

Daunting over them was Remus. His eyes were wild and glazed over in his own craziness. The boys panicked when they noticed this. Emile suddenly realized that the keys that were once in his hands had made there way into Remus' grotesque fingers. "Going somewhere boys?" He cackled.

Dee was the first to get on his feet. He grabbed Patton and Emile by the arms and pulled them up. The three ran off into the building, Remus right behind them.

The three decided to split into different directions. There were no lights on in the entire building, making it hard to see. Dee ran up a small flight of stairs before running into a small room. He slammed the door and pushed his back behind it.

Dee took this moment to catch his breath. Stressed tears rolled down his face while he struggled to get his breath. He hugged his stomach, sliding down the back of the door and drawing his knees up.

As he continued to helplessly cry out of fear, he heard the unforgettable sound of keys slipping into their lock. He could hear the sound of the door locking from the outside. Dee's head shot up, a harsh and fearful breath.

He could hear Remus' footsteps walk away, a small snicker echoing down the hall. Dee sprang up to his knees, rattling the doorknob. It hardly moved, telling Dee what he wished he didn't know. The door was locked.

Dee sighed, sitting back down and leaning his head against the door. He couldn't help but worry. Worry about Virgil. About Patton and Emile. Not to mention, the fact that they were all trapped in a random building with a literal psychopath.

The weight of the situation finally crashed onto Dee's shoulders. He hugged his knees, crying himself into a restless and fearful sleep.

From What I've Heard - Sanders SidesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora