Chapter Twenty One

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"Open your eyes, Logan!" A familiar voice called out to the student. Logan squinted his closed eyes, turning his head in discomfort. His mind felt like it was trapped in dense fog and his mouth tasted like smoke. Slowly, however, Logan peeled his eyelids apart. He was greeted with a rather distressing sight.

In front of his were Roman, Virgil, Emile, and Patton. All of them were happy upon Logan finally waking up. Virgil had a leg brace that was wrapped all the way up to his knee along with crutches to support him. Roman had a sling across his right arm with a few bandages holding it in place. Emile and Patton both seemed okay. "W-What happened?" The student asked, wanting to sit up.

"Hold on now!" Roman warned, walking over to him. He placed Logan back onto his hospital bed and used the bed's controls to lift the head up. "Don't want to disconnect your IV or something."

"My what?" The student repeated. Sure enough, running down his arm was an IV with a half-filled bag of medicine on the other end. He looked back at his friends, all of which were giving him gentle smiles. "What am I missing here?"

"Well, what do you recall?" Emile asked.

"Uh...Remus. The theater. The...the sandbag." He realized. His face contorted in pain again. His face was littered in small bandages where nurses had to dig the glass from his glasses out of his face and stitch him up. He also had a wad of bandages around his nose, preventing further damage.

"Well, things got pretty heated after that," Patton joked, making everyone but Logan laugh.

"In shorter terms, Remus broke my leg, Roman's arm, and started a fire so now the theater doesn't exist anymore!" Virgil summed up.

"W-What about, Dee?" Logan asked.

"Take a look for yourself," Emile mumbled. The student turned his head to see Dee in the other bed in his shared hospital room. Both of his legs were suspended and wrapped. His head had a giant bandage that wrapped around the circumference of his entire head. He was still sleeping, many tubes sticking out of his arms, even one to help him breathe.

"W-What happened to him?" Logan asked with a panicked tone.

"Hey, hey! Calm down," Roman hushed, bending down to be on the same level as his boyfriend. "He's alright. He was awake a few hours ago but his medicine makes him sleepy. He was worried about you too though."

"How long has it been?" Logan questioned, almost scared to ask.

"About a week," Virgil replied. Logan leaned back in his bed, placing a hand on his forehead.

"What about our project?!" The student commented. Everyone chuckled, Roman taking his hand in his hand in reassurance.

"Don't worry about that, love. Right now, what's important is you," The prince placed a kiss on his lips, slowly calming him down. "I missed you,"

"I missed you too," Logan answered, staring into his prince's loving eyes. "Whatever happened to Remus?" The question seemed to strike a nerve. Everyone looked to Roman as if only he could answer the question.

"Police officers looked all around the remains of the theater. He was nowhere in sight. They think he might've fled the scene but, as of now, I don't know," Logan sighed, not liking the sounds of that answer.

Slowly, Dee began to stir in his bed. Logan swiftly turned his head, wanting to see for himself if his friend was okay. His roommate's eyes opened, searching the room of the unfamiliar surroundings before calming down. He looked over at Logan, a smile forming. "You're alive!"

"So are you!" Logan chuckled. Emile went over and kissed Dee's cheek, welcoming him back into the waking world. "You doing okay?"

"I mean, as well as I can be!" He shrugged, wincing a little. The room went quiet. A tension swirling around the room like a tornado. "I'm really sorry, Logan. If I'd known all this was going to happen, I would've kept my mouth shut like Remus wanted."

"Hey, I blame none of this on you, okay?" Logan said, clearly up the air. "You did what you thought to be the right thing. And it was. It was Remus that took things too far and got us all here right now!" Dee nodded, seemingly relieved.

"Why are you so perfect?" Roman gushed, cuddling into his boyfriend's bed. Logan put his head on his shoulder, missing the contact of the person he loved so dearly for so long. "I love you, Logan,"

"I love you too."

From What I've Heard - Sanders SidesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin