Chapter Fifteen

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Logan walked all the way over to Coffee and Creamery without any of his stuff for the project. Despite how unprofessional that may have seen, the student knew what he was doing. This meeting was about Roman, not the dumb project.

He walked proudly into the shop, watching Remy turn around to greet his arrival. The guy smirked, twitching his head to the direction of where Roman was sitting. Logan thanked him with a smile and headed in that direction.

Sure enough in a corner booth sat Logan's Phantom, Roman Rodgers. He was reading from some book, not paying attention to the world around him. But as soon as Logan sat down his head jerked up. "Hey, Logan!" He greeted. He shoved the book next to his seat. It struck Logan as odd that Roman didn't want him to see whatever he was reading.

"What'cha reading?" Logan innocently questioned. He watched Roman's face heat up with slight embarrassment.

"Oh, nothing. Say, where is the stuff for the project?" Logan sighed, feelings his nerves rocket out through his fingertips. He could sense Princey's nervous energy as well. The air was thick with pressure. Logan put his elbows on the table, trying to feel professional even though he was sweating bullets.

"Princey, you don't have to hide this from me."

"W-Wha? I-I don't know what you're talking about!" He nervously chuckled.

"But you do, Roman." The prince looked taken back, his face was like a tomato. "I was there last night. When you yelled at Remus. I understand that you were mad at him, but I just don't understand you felt like you had to hide your identity."

Roman sighed, running a tired hand through his hair. He pulled the book from his seat and slapped it back onto the table. Logan could clearly read that this was his Phantom script. "Alright. You deserve to know," He readjusted himself. "I wasn't always The Phantom. In fact, I never was. My brother Remus was. But, Remus was kicked out of the role.

"When Anton heard, he got furious. When Remus came to the theater the next day, he told Remus he never wanted to see him near the theater again. My brother was heartbroken and angry. But not at Anton or his friends. Or even me. He was mad at you. He blamed you for all of this. He didn't even know your name. But he knew you did this, somehow."

"But then, how did you become The Phantom? And why did you keep it a secret?" Logan questioned, looking at Roman's script.

"I auditioned for the show. I just didn't make it in. Plus, I fit Remus' costume on such short notice. I talked to Anton about it and was cast immediately. But on one condition. I didn't want him to change the program for the show."

"What? Why?"

"Because this meant so much to Remus!" Princey hollered, releasing a crazed laugh. "Remus wants to make it big in show business. And when he got cast as The Phantom, he was thrilled. Even though he got kicked out of the show by his own agenda, I didn't want to take it from him."

"And that's why you didn't tell anyone..." Logan finished.

"Exactly. I wanted everyone to think Remus was the one performing. Not me." The two sat quietly for a moment, Logan playing with a leftover straw rapper while Roman fiddled with his fingers.

"What about your last names then?" Logan asked. Roman looked up, seemingly confused before chuckling a little.

"The name 'Royal' is a stage name. Roman and Remus Rodgers are our birth last names." He explained. Logan nodded, everything making sense in his head. "Can I ask you something now?" The student nodded, "When did you know? Like, that I was the new Phantom?"

"Last night. You know, when you were yelling at Remus." Roman flushed red, removing his collar from his neck.

"I didn't realize anyone else was out there. Are you okay? Did he hurt you again?"

"No. Not...not me." Logan lightly chuckled, a new question coming to mind. "He knew my name though. I've not once said my name in front of him yet, last night, he called me Logan. How did he know that?"

"Oh...I-I..." Roman flustered again, a sweet smile sticking to his face, making Logan blush too. "I talk about you...a lot."

"What?" Logan couldn't fit another word in before Roman leaned over the table and connected their lips together. An entire parade full of booming fireworks was going on in Logan's heart. His surprise melted into pleasure as he kissed him back.

They pulled apart, tiny bits of laughter escaping the both of them. "Logan, from when we first met in class last week, I couldn't get you out of my mind. You were so flawless and determined. You know exactly what you want and you're unwilling to let anyone or anything stop you."

"Roman?" Logan breathed.

"Yeah, Lo?"

"C-Can we do this more often?" He asked. Roman laughed, nodding in happiness as they kissed again. They brought their hands together on the table. When they finished, the two were smiling like idiots.

"Alright, it's a coffee shop, not a couple's factory!" Remy shouted from behind the counter. The two laughed, taking hands and walking out of the coffee shop.

"So, are we actually going to work on our project, or do you just want to make out more?" Roman questioned. Logan drunkenly smiled, liking the sound of Roman's tone.

"That sounds nice." With that settled, the two walked back to Logan's dorm hall. They happily floated along as they walked about, walking and laughing the entire way. When they came to Logan's dorm room, the student unlocked it and was pushed inside by Roman. In the midst of being smothered in kisses by Roman, Logan noticed that Dee, Patton, and Virgil were gone.

He found it rather curious but was a little preoccupied with Roman giving him hickeys on his neck. Logan grabbed Roman's shoulders, bringing him closer to his bed. They continued to kiss and tug at each other's clothes.

And we all know what comes next.

From What I've Heard - Sanders SidesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora