Chapter Four

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Picture above done by: @GizmonotGiz  | Thank you so much!

Logan awoke the next morning in an unfamiliar environment. He was greeted by a wall that was covered in all different types of animal posters. There were a few pictures splattered around too, but they were either of dogs or of other people. The wall underneath all this was painted a baby blue. It screamed childhood, which gave him a hint as to where he was at.

The student turned over, his head when off like a drum as his unclear vision wobbled. He noticed a neatly folded pair of glasses on the bedside table. Upon moving his face closer to them, Logan released that they were his.

He put them on, blinking a few times to acquaint himself with the strong prescription of his glasses. Logan looked over to the other side of the room. It took him by slight surprise to see Patton fast asleep on the bed across from the one Logan was on. It was only when the student noticed all the band posters, horror movie posters, and few art doodles taken directly from a sketchbook, did Logan understand where he was.

A lump moved in the corner, making the poor student jump. Virgil laid on a tiny beanbag nestled in the corner of his room. He was scrolling through something on his phone. He had yet to notice that Logan had woken up. "Virgil?" The student whispered. Said emo boy dropped his phone in his lap at the calling of his name.

"Oh, you're up." He grinned, climbing out of the beanbag.

"Did you sleep in that all night?" Logan asked, scooting over so that Virgil could sit.

"More like, I sat in there all night." He chuckled, stifling a yawn.

"You really should get more sleep, Virge. You know what Patton will say."

"Yeah, yeah. As if I haven't heard the whole spiel before." The emo boy joked, glancing over at Patton. He was so peaceful in his sleep. His hair was a rat's nest with all the tossing and turning he did. "So, how are you doing? You had quite the eventful night last night by the looks of it." He said, gesturing to Logan's torn up shirt and bruised wrists.

"Yeah." Logan sighed, reliving all the fear and adrenaline rush from the night prior. Suddenly, his head shot up, a realization in his eyes. "Damn it." He whisper shouted, stomping a foot on the floor.

"What?" Virgil asked.

"Those stupid drunk kids made me lose my bag. That had all my textbooks, my notebooks, all my 3,981 flashcards." The student panicked. Virgil looked shocked, a small smile slowing sliding up his face.

"How the fuck do you know you own that many flashcards?"

"I had to write them all." Logan shrugged, "Whatever, it isn't important! I need all of my stuff. I have 4 classes today and I need all my stuff!"

"Who said you're going to your classes today, kiddo?" A new, tired voice grumbled. Both other boys turned around to see Patton. He was rubbing his eyes while taking a deep yawn. He grabbed his glasses and placed them on his face. Virgil and Logan shot guilty looks at each other.

"Did we wake you up, Pat?" Virgil questioned softly.

"No. I've been awake and asleep for a couple of hours now." He moaned. Patton pushed himself off of Virgil's bed, joining to two on the other bed. "Logan, what happened last night anyway? You had us worried to death." He pleaded.

"I was just walking back from the library. I was heading to my dorm hall when I started hearing the slurred voices and bottles breaking of other college students." He retold, making Virgil flinch at the thought. "They came out from, seemingly, nowhere. I tried to get through them but one of them tried to pick a fight. He asked me if I was one of the gay kids, so I ran; dropping my bag and everything in it."

From What I've Heard - Sanders SidesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz