Chapter Twelve

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Logan arrived at the library around noon the next day. The library was packed with many people the student faintly recognized from his Life Biology class. He lets out a relaxed sigh. The library was like his home away from home. It was always someplace he could fall back on to calm down or collect his thoughts.

The student noticed Princey sitting at a table next to a window. He could tell that he was listening to some sort of song through his earbuds. Logan put on a content smile and walked over to him.

As soon as Princey saw Logan, he pulled out his earbuds and greeted him with a friendly smile. "Hey, Calculator Watch," He snickered, watching Logan set down his bag and remove the contents inside it.

"My name is Logan." He dully responded.

"Alright then, 'Logan'" He joked again. Logan shrugged off his childish nature by handing him the project papers and guidelines. The prince grabbed it and began reading it over while Logan started up his laptop.

"Thank you, by the way," Logan muttered as he took a seat.

"For what? I haven't done anything."

"I mean, for just showing up and not putting this entire project on me. It makes my life a lot easier."

"I can imagine. I may be busy, but you don't deserve to do this alone. Plus, I love creating posters!" Princey cheered as he grabbed the poster he had bought from his bag. "So, I was thinking about it, I think we should design our poster as such!"

Princey slid over a piece of binder paper to his partner. Logan eyed it oddly before picking it up and examining his work. It was flawless, clearly showing the title of their project at the top of the poster while all the information was displayed clearly and neatly.

"This is incredible. You've really got a knack for creating." Logan handed it to him while the prince wildly blushed and smiled.

"I'm a man of many talents." He gushed. The two proceeded to sit in the library for the next couple of hours, researching information, putting it into their slideshow, along with printing out the facts for the poster and getting a rough draft of the paper going.

They were flying through the project. Logan couldn't believe it. Never had a group project gone this well for him. As they finished printing our the last piece of information for the poster, Princey's phone chimed in his pocket. He took it out and examined his messages. "Oh shoot, I should get going." He said, packing up his things in a hurry.

"What time is it?" The student asked, earning a laugh from the prince.

"We've been at this for about three hours, dude." Sure enough, Logan looked out the window to see the sun getting ready to set. "So, I'm completely booked this weekend. Maybe we can pick this up again next week?"

"Are you sure we can't meet sooner? I mean, we've still got a ton to do. Plus, it's due in a week from yesterday." Logan pushed, growing slightly panicked.

"I know, but we worked hard today. You deserve a little break." Princey pulled his bag onto his shoulders and began to walk out. "See you later, Logan." He called out, giving him a wink as he left. The student proceeded to blush red like a rose. A small smile spread across his face as he packed up all of his things to head out.

The cold air of the day clung to Logan's skin as he walked back in the direction of his dorm hall. Nobody else was around, probably because it looked like it was going to pour down rain any second. The student didn't mind though. He enjoyed the peaceful quiet around him.

He entered his dorm hall, marching up the stairs and heading to his room. He barely pulled his key out of his pocket before the door opened and he was pulled inside. The student was stunned with surprise, but once he regained himself, he realized it was just Patton and Virgil in his room.

"Oh, I didn't expect you guys to be here." He greeted, a smile slipping onto his face.

"I didn't either," Virgil admitted. His eyes landed on Patton, seeing him bouncing on the tips of his toes. His face was beaming with pure excited energy. It was making Logan tired just watching him. "But, I told Patton that you might've gone to Picani to get answers on The Phantom, and Patton needed to hear it for himself. So, here we are."

"Come on, Virge! You can't tell me you aren't the least bit excited or interested in hearing what Logan might've learned!" Patton teased. The emo rolled his eyes, chuckling lightly.

"Well, I didn't find much. Other than his name..." Logan murmured as he emptied out his bag.

"A NAME?!?! That's more than you had before! That's great progress? What's his name?" Patton asked, looking ready to explode with excitement.

"Roman," Logan said, face heating up slightly at the thought of his name.

"That's it?" Virgil questioned.

"Don't be such a downer, Vee!" Patton told him, giving him a playful sock in the arm. "Well, I think that name is wonderful, Lo. When are you gonna go back and try to meet him?"

"Right now I can't. I have a Biology project due in less than a week. Not to mention, it's a group project!" The student groaned.

"That's so gross." Virgil sympathized, flipping through his phone.

"My partner is busy all the time and can't meet until next week! This is a huge part of our grade and there isn't a whole lot I can do without him." Logan thought out loud. His two friends looked at each other then back to their friend.

"I'm sure you'll figure it out, Lo. If he's busy, he's busy. You can't blame him for living his life." Patton cooed. He reached out and hugged Logan before heading towards the door. Virgil followed behind him, giving the student a two-finger salute before following his roommate down the hall.

From What I've Heard - Sanders Sidesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें