25. At the hospital

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Louis p.o.v.

I didn't know how fast I was driving. Georgia didn't get out of my head. How was she? Was she ok?Did she get hurt? Was she awake? What about Dad? Where was he?
These and more questions ran though my head. My heart was beating very fast and loud.
I breathed in as I finaly saw the hospital where Georgia had to be. I stopped the car and left it.
I was running in the hospital how fast as I could. I hoped nobody has seen me.
When I entered the hospital, I went to the reception. The room was nearly empty.
"Hi. Where do I find Georgia Austin?"
"Hello." The woman behind the reception wasn't looking at me.
"Georgia Austin", I repeded. I saw that she searched her in the computer.
"Room 254, mr, but first I want to know..."
The woman looked up and our eyes met. I thought she wanted to know who I am. I thought I was right. She was starring at me. She knew who I was.
"Louis Tomlinson!", she whispered in my direction.
"Yeah I know who I am", I said strange. "Could I visit her now?"
"Of cause", she said and nodded fast.
I nodded back and went on my way to Georgias room. I took the stairs 'cause the elevater was too slow right now.

Georgias p.o.v.

"She will wake up soon." "I will tell you if this happens ok?" "Ok."
I heard these voices very quietly. One of these voices was from my Dad. He was here! By my side!
But...where were we? My eyes were closed. Should I opened them?
First I tried to remember what happened before. I...I couldn't remeber anything. I breathed out very loudly.
"Georgia?" The voice came closer.
"Dad", I whispered as loud as I could and opened my eyes slowly. I saw in Dads face. He smiled at me. I was so happy to see him.
"Georgia!", he whispered and gave me a kiss on my forehead. A tear was running out of one of his eyes.
"You are awake!", Dad said and pushed a button on the wall. "How are you?", he wanted to know.
I didn't really know. "Ok", I tried to say and looked around. It looked like a hospital. What? I was in a hospital?
"Georgia calm down!", Dad said in a whispered voice. "Everything's fine."
What? No! Nothing was fine! "Dad what happened?", I asked confused. "Why I'm here?"
"You can't remember?", Dad wanted to know. I shook my head slowly. "Which day is it?", I wanted to know. Hopefullly I could remeber something.
"It's friday, honey", he answered. "The 15th October."
"Concert", I whispered. "The charity concert is today."
Dad looked at the clock. "Yeah right, darlin'." And he was still here.
"What happened and how long did I sleep?" I asked one quesion after the other.
"I wasn't concentrated and too freaky so I..." One more tear left his eye while he tried to explain to me what happened.
"I'm so sorry Gee but we had an car accident. I was ok after it but you..." It was hard for him to speak. "You didn't move. You were unconscious."
I listened with water in my eyes.
"I called the police and the ambulance", Dad continued. "They took you here and I was with you the whole time. The police said I will get a letter because of the crash with consequenses."
"But you won't go in pri..."
"No prison, Gee, no prison!", he calmed me down. "Don't worry! Everything's alright!"
I tried to smile. "I'm so happy you're here."

Suddenly the door opened. A woman came to my bed.
"Hello Georgia", she said in a nice voice. "I'm Mrs. Colin. Are you ok? How do you feel?"
"Fine", I said again. "I'm week but fine." She nodded.
"Well you had a lot of luck. Nothing bad happened. You can leave the hospital in less than a week. If something is wrong, you can call me." I nodded. "Thank you."
"How long will you stay here?", she wanted to know from my Dad then.
"I think I will go in a few minutes", he said and looked at me again. "I've just waited that you waked up and if you're ok." We smiled at eath other. "I love you", I said. "I love you, too, Gee."
He came closer and kissed my forehead again.

The woman left the room.
"I will come again in the morning", Dad said to me. I nodded again.

Suddenly the door opened again.
"Georgia!", I head someone screaming my name. My eyes opened wide.
"Louis!", I whispered happily and surprised.
Dad stood up and turned around. "Louis! What are you doing here?", he wanted to know. "What about the concert? Is it over?"
It was only 10pm.
"The concert had started without me", he explained and came closer to me. Louis sat down on my bed and looked deep in my eyes. I could see he hold back tears.
"Are you ok?", he asked me. I could see the shock in his eyes. I nodded.
"You know", I whispered. "How should I feel?"
"I'm here for you", my brother whispered. For a moment he closed his eyes. One, two and then five tears were running out of his eyes.
"I'm fine", I said to him. "Nothing bad happened."

Suddenly Louis turned his eyes to Dad. "What happened?", he asked him. "Who did the crush?"
"Louis please...", I said. I didn't want him to scream at Dad.
"I was...", Dad wanted to start but I interuppted him: "I drove the car in front of a tree", I said.
Louis eyes went back in my direction. "You?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Dad wasn't concentrate and I prevented a crush with another car so I grabbed the steering-weel from him and we drove in a tree."
"Dad was what??" Louis sounded very outraged.
"Louis please don't be angry!", I whispered. He breathed out and turned to Dad again.
"Does it has concequences for you?", he asked him. Dad nodded. "Not very much but...yes."
I looked at Dad. "I think I should go now and leave you two alone", he said to us. I nodded again. It was hard to say something. My brother nodded, too.
"See you later. Love ya!", I said and smiled. "Love you! Bye! Bye Louis!" "Bye Dad!"
Louis didn't looked at him as Dad left the room. Louis eyes were still on me.
"Don't be angry with Dad!", I said again. "He didn't drink anything! He was just a bit..."
"Nervous? Freaky? Crazy?", Louis counted. I nodded. "I don't know."
"The most important thing is that you two are fine." He kissed me on my forehead.
One moment of silence. I couldn't believe Louis was here. By my side. In the hospital.
"The concert", I said suddenly and looked at him. "You should be on stage and have fun."
Louis smiled. "I can't have fun when a family member is in hospital."
"But the concert was..." "....very important, I know", Louis complited my sentence. I raised an eyebrow. "You didn't go on stage because..." "...of you, that's right." He did it again.
Tears ran out of my eyes. Did he really says that? Louis William Tomlimson said that to me? He wasn't just a half brother of me. Louis was my brother!
"But Louis..." I couldn't believe one word he said.
"I'm always there for my family", Louis said with a soft sound in his voice. "Nothing is more important than family for me!"
I couldn't do anything else as hugging him. He didn't make the concert because of me! That was too crazy! I've never believed he would do something like this for me! Am I so important for him? I really was a part of his family! He was the best big brother in the world! Nobody can replace him!

Georgia Austin - The unknown sister of Louis TomlinsonKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat