15. Everything's fine?

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Lottie p.o.v.

Harrys eyes went on his clock. "Oh so late?", she said as he saw the time.
He jumped out of the bed and went to the door. Then he looked back to me. "Sorry but I have to go! My mum and my sister wanted to go to dinner with me." I nodded. "Ok I will bring you downstairs."
I stood up, too, and we went downstairs.

As we left the stairs I heard mum screaming: "Please don't tell me you have regular contact with her!" I hate it when she screamed. Harry and my eyes met.
"I shouldn't interruppt them", Harry said and took his jacket. "Please tell Louis that I will call him tomorrow." "Ok", I nodded. "And I wish Louis a lot of luck", he added with a smile on his face. I nodded again. "Everything will be good", I said as we hugged.
"Cu", Harry said. "It was nice to see you again." "Hope we see each other soon", I said with a smile on my face. "I hope!"
Harry opened the door and left the house. There he went. I closed the door behind him.
"Yes mum we have contact!", Louis said very strickt. Ok he told her. I was very curious and sat down on the stairs and listened a bit.

Louis p.o.v.

"She is my sister, too, and I have a right to have contact to her! You don't even know her! She is nice and lovely and such a great person!" I was proud of me to say that about Georgia.
"Louis, I can't belive what you tell me right now", Mum said in a louder voice. She turned around and was walking trought the room. I saw that she foced herself to calm down. "Why did you hide that from me?", she wanted to know from me. I couldn't look in her eyes.
"The concert was about one month ago, Louis! And you didn't tell me..." "I.." "Louis, you are my son! Why..." "Because of dad!", I said out loud. "I know that you don't like him and Georgia either! You would have forbide me the contact from the beginning! You wouldn't have given me one single change!", I screamed. "I was just scared of your reaction!" This were hard words I knew it. I had never spoken to her like that. Was this fair?
"I really love Georgia and Dad. They are my family, too. I don't own you, mum." Mums eyes went to me again. "I never wanted the day to come", she said sadly. "I thought that you would never have the idea to go to your dad. I mean...I told you not to do that 'cause he has no interests for you and he isn't good for you." "Mum you thought that he has no interests and he isn't good for us", I said. "But this isn't true!" "Louis, stop!" Her voice vibrated. She sighed.
"It's hard for me to say that right now but..." Mum sat down on the sofa again. For one short moment she had to close her eyes. "I have to let you go like I did it when you went to the X-Faktor. I can't forbide you things anymore. You are old enough for knowing what's right and what's wrong. You aren't a baby anymore, boobear." Tears were running out of her eyes. I saw that it was very hard for her to say that. I'm her oldest son and it's hard for every mother to let their children go.
I couldn't believe that she said! I starred at her surprised. Did she really say these words? Did I listened correctly? I thought that she would call Troy to move to another city that we can't see each other anymore or something like that! But she was differently. She has chand. I've never expected that. What came to her mind to have this opinion? I mean...IT'S GREAT!!
"When you really love them, I have to except that", Mum addedd. I smiled and felt in her arms.
"I love you", I said. My voice nearly broke down. "You are the best mum in the whole world!"
"Aww, thank you, Louis darling. And you are the best son ever!" My eyes went wet again.
Don't cry! Don't cry!
We were still hugging as I heard steps coming closer. Mum and I turned around as we saw Lottie.
I nodded to her happily. Lottie started to smile. She understood that everything was ok.
"Everything's ok", I whispered. "I'm so happy for you, Lou!", my sis said smiling.
I could feel that her words were right and true. She was running streight in my direction and I closed her in my arms. "Lottie knew about that?", Mum asked. Lotties and my eyes met before I looked at mum again. "Since today", Lottie laughed. "Just a few minutes before you!"
Mum nodded. "Fine", she said and looked at me. "You should call Georgia and tell her what I said."
"Really?", I asked but she nodded. "It's ok."

Together with Lottie I ran upstairs to take my mobile for calling Georgia.
At the same moment I saw an incoming all from her. I looked at Lottie and took the call.

Georgia p.o.v.

I decited to call Louis. I was nervous. Did he tell her Johanna? I was afraid of the future.
I breathed in and out three times. I waited a moment after I chose his number to call.

"Hey Gee!", I heard Louis voice through the phone. He sounded...happy?
"Hey Lou...have you seen the article in the newspaper?", I wanted to know scared.
"Yeah I did", my brother answered. "Lottie and mum, too", he added.
I swallowed. "Oh...", I whispered unsecure. "And what did they say?"
"Lottie was angry at first but then she understood me. She is happy for us as I told her the story."
"Really?" I couldn't believe it. Everything was fine? "She still likes you whatever happened the last time", Louis said. I smiled. "Does she forgive me that I didn't tell her?", I wanted to know.
"Yes everything is alrght. Don't worry!", Louis answered. I was happy.
"And...Johanna?", I asked then.
"At first she was angry", Louis told me "But then..." He made a break.
"What then?? LOUIS!?!?" I was so nervous! What did she told him??
"She saw that she had to let me go. She let me decide alone and...we can keep the contact!"
My smile had no ending. I jumped up and down and screamed trough my whole room.
"OMG REALLY??? THAT'S SO AMAZING!!" I couldn't stop smiling.
"Yeah I can't belive it, too." I heard that he smiled, too. "Nothing can come between you and I!"

Georgia Austin - The unknown sister of Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now