10. Between two chairs

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Louis p.o.v.

"Dad would like to talk to you, Louis."
I nodded and breath out very strongly. My Dad wanted to talk with me. That was incredible! This was amazing! It was so...unbelieveble! I haven't seen him for years and now he wanted to talk to me! This moment was so special that I couldn't believe it at first.
"Hello Louis!" I heard how his soft voice flew into my ear. I stopped breathing for one single moment. Troy, my biological Dad, talked to me again after so many years! I was flashed!
"Hi Dad", I answered very slowly and a bit quietly. A big smile appeared on my face. I was happy to hear his voice though the phone. I enjoyed it so much! My feelings overpowered me and a tear was running out of my eye. The smile stayed.
"How are you, my little boy?", Dad wanted to know. He called me his little boy! I was a little boy as he left us and saw me the last time when I was 15. Now I am a big adult boy. The time goes by so fast. I knew that he was so happy, too, to talk to me. Hopefully I meet him again soon!
"Very good now", I said lovely into my phone. I didn't know where to start so I told him that I miss him. "I missed you all these years! I never forgot you and your family! You were always in my heart and you are still there! Oh man, I am so glad to talk to you now!"
"I miss you, too", he answered. "We all miss you! I think about you very often especially when you are on the tv or on the radio. I enjoy to hear your voice singing. We all do. I am so proud of you, my Tommo boy! You seem to be very happy with your band."
"Yes I am!", I confirmed very fast. "My mates are so nice and funny! We have so much fun together! It's like a dream came true for me!"
"Great to hear that!", Dad replied. "I am happy that you find your way to happieness."
I closed my eyes again for a short moment but got interuppted soon.
"Louis? Could you please come down for a second?" This was the voice of my mum from downstairs. She seemed to need my help. Why now? I didn't understand! Oh man! I just wanted to talk a bit with Dad but Mum is calling me! I counldn't do nothing else then...
"Dad...I'm so sorry but...my Mum is calling me. I have to..." It was hard for me to tell him that I had to end the call so I couldn't. Dad heard  in my voice that I had to.
"...end the call?", he asked disappointed.
I nodded. "Yeah. But I will call soon again! We will see eath other soon! I promise!"
"No problem", he answered. "Everything is fine."
I smiled for a second. "Okay then...bye."
"Bye!", I heard Dad and Georgia saying together.
"Bye!", I said again and my voice broke down again.

*the next day*

I sat down in a little cafe in Doncater city. My eyes moved around through my sun glasses. I couldn't see her but many other people walking around in front of the cafe. I knew a lot of them and of cause they knew me but they behaved normally. Some wanted to have an autograph but most of the time I was waiting I was alone. I sighened quietly. I had a meeting with my girlfriend Eleanor. I wondered where she has been. El was never too late!
I was a bit nervous because I haven't seen her a few weeks. The time I couldn't see her was the heaviest time so I enjoy every day we can spend together.

I looked around and saw Eleanor walking though the door. There she is! Oh, she looked very beautiful in her coloured summerdress and her balerinas. Her hair was open and a bit curly.
I started to smile, stood up and hugged her lovely. Then we kissed.
My girlfriend smiled at me as we looked eath other deep in the eyes after our lips had removed from eath other. I loved her beautiful smile. Nothing in the world is more beautiful than the smile of my girlfriend. Especially when you haven't seen it so long.
"I missed you so much!"
"I missed you, too, love!"

We stopped hugging after a little while and sat down on our table.
"How are you, El?", I asked her and took her hand. Our fingers got caught in eath others. Her hands were warm and a little bit weat. "Is everything alright?"
She couldn't stop smiling during her nodd. "Yeah, everyhings great! Now! And you? Are you alright?  Our last call was 5 days ago! I thought..."
"Yeah I'm sorry that I didn't call you again", I said a bit guilty. We had phoned one day after the concert and that was a few days ago. Normally we text neary every day but this week is was a bit different because of Georgia. But Eleanor didn't know about it yet. I wanted to tell her personally. "I had so much to do but now I have time for you! I am so happy to see you!"
"Me, too, Louis. I really missed you", she said with a soft and cute sound in her voice. I hate it to hear these words in her mouth but it was the truth. It was so sad to meet each other only sometimes. My life as a popular singer was so complicated and hard most of the time but I loved what I do so it was the right thing to do. I would never neglect my family or friends!
"I do, too!", I answered. "I hope that we will meet more often in the next weeks or month before our next tour start."
Eleanor nodded. "Hopefully!"
I also nodded and looked deep in her wonderful eyes. "I promise." 
A waiter came to our table and took our order. I took a coffee and a piece of cake and Eleanor took a glass of water and also a piece of cake.
"You were in my mind every day", I flattered after the waiter had left us. I told the truth! I really thought about her every day but I had one other girl in my head, too - Georgia. I couldn't get her out of my head even now. I had to tell Eleanor soon what's on my mind.
"So...what happened the last days?", El wanted to know from me then. "I don't know what you did since sunday." This was typical for her. She always wanted to be updated. My girlfriend was so curious but it was okay for me. That's what I liked about her. We told eath other everything.
"Ah, not so much" I started. "I helped my mum in the house and spend a lot of time with my family..." I saw a sparkle in her eyes. She loved it when I spend time with my family - especially with my sisters. She had a great contact with them and was very close to Lottie. Of couse because she were both interested in fashion and make-up trends.
'"You're such a great big brother!", she flattered and smiled.
I smiled, too. "I know. And I enjoy the time I can spend with them. Every single second."
"What's troubling you, Louis?", El asked from one moment to the other.
I raised an eyebrow. "Troubling? Me? What..."
"I can feel that something is on your heart that you want to tell me", she said. "Did something happen?" The smile lost her face. I knew that she will find out.
"No nothing bad happened...I mean...", I tried to calm her down. She looked unsure at me. I breathed in and out again. Now it was time to tell her about Georgia.
But first the waiter came back and gave us our order. We express thanks and he went away again. Eleanor looked at me expectant while she drank some water.
"Please promise not to talk with my mum about what I tell you now, ok? Only you and me know about it. I want to keep it as a secret at the beginning."
El didn't ask why and listened to my story. I told her about the relationship to my dad and Georgia before and after the concert on saturday. I have never told her before about Georgia so she was surprised as she heard that I had a half sister.
"Why didn't you tell me about her?", she wanted to know.
I moved my shoulders up and down. "I don't know....I..."
"But it doesn't matter now", she interuppted me. I looked in her face and saw a big smile. "I am so happy that you meet your sis and that you have contact again! It seemes like a dream came true, right?"
I nodded. "Yeah...somehow..." I made a short break. "I am so happy! We called a few times..." I stopped talking then when the situation from yesterday came into my head.
"But?", El digged deeper and her eyes got bigger.
"There's a little problem", I continued and swallowed. "I wanted to keep it secretly before telling Mum about it but...Lottie met Georgia in the parc yesterday. She doesn't know about Georgia yet so..."
"...you are afraid that when Lottie gets to know about it gets angry?", El asked unsure.
I nodded and stopped the eye contact. "I'm afraid of her reaction...Lottie loves me and enjoys our special relationship. How will she react when she gets to know that she has got to share me with one more girl in her age? We tell eath other everything! Mum just wants that they don't know about the Austins. I don't wanna know what will happen!" I signed and looked down on the table.
"I understand, Louis." Eleanors voice sound so understandble and soft. I knew that she would understand me. That's why I wanted to talk to her and nobody else. "I know that you want to wait until you tell your mum but maybe...maybe you should talk with Lottie first. She should know it. Georgia is a part of your life now again and she should know it."
I signed again, looked up at my girlfriend and thought one second about her words. What would be more terrible for me? That I tell Lottie about Dad and Georgia or that she finds out?
"I think you're right, darlin'", I told El then. "Lottie should know about it."
Eleanor smiled at me again and nodded. "That's the right decision, Lou. Trust me."

Suddenly my mobile vibrated.
"Sorry", I said and took my phone out of my pocket. A new message just came in.
"Who is it?", Eleanor wanted to know curiously.
"It's Georgia!", I said very happy and smiled about my whole face. "She writes that she misses me and want to know if we could meet each other in the next days at her home!" I looked at my girlfriend as the luckiest person on the planet. But what should I answer? Yes or no?
"That is your chance! Write yes!", El said very fast. Her eyes went big and they sparcled. "That's what you wanted to reach, right?"
I nodded. "Fine, I will answer her." Then I wrote:

"Hey Gee!
See you in 2 days at your home.
Please send me your adresse.
Your big brother who loves you so much:
Louis xD"

I send the message and put my phone away.
"Are you happy? Or nervous?"
"Yeah I'm so happy to see her again and to see Dad! I can't await it! It will be great to see them again in two days!" It seemed like a tear was running out of my eye again but I could stop it.
"You missed him that much", she read it in my face. Her hand moved over my chest.
"Yeah I do!", I whispered and smiled at her. Our eyes met again.
"I'm so happy that I talked to you! I didn't know who I could talk to", I told her and looked her deep in the eyes. Her beautiful big eyes which can't lie.

Georgia Austin - The unknown sister of Louis TomlinsonWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt