5. The best moment of my life

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Louis p.o.v.

"Great show guys!", Liam praised all of us as we walked from the stage with screaming fans in the back. They couldn't believe that the concert was over. I couldn't believe it either. "It has been such an amazing show of two hours! We just gave our bests and it has worked!"
"London loves us!", Niall screamed and started to dance and to celebrate together with Zayn and Harry backstage. I didn't celebrate with them 'cause my thoughts were somewhere else. I couldn't think about how great the show has been. I couldn't get this girl with the curly hair out of my head. I couldn't stop thinking about her. This feeling was so unnormal and unusual...
"Great show, hum?" Niall pulled his arm on my shoulder and tried to dance with me like he did with the others. I didn't deal with it. I couldn't. "Our fans were so amazing, weren't they? "
I nodded quietly and didn't looked at him. I had nothing to say. That was bizarre for me, I knew that. Niall seemed to know that something wasn't alright.
"Lou, what's up?", he asked me in a serious voice. He tried to look in my eyes but I looked at the ground and shook my head.
"Nothing", I mumbled and said nothing else.

We were the last but not the least of the band who entered our dressingroom. The others sat or layed on the sofas and talked to each other about the show. Paul stood there in the door and held his arms up. What was he doing here? Did he want to talk to us? I was so cunfused at this moment...
"Guys get ready for the autograph session!", he said in a loud voice so that everyone could hear him perfectly. It was good that he had such a loud voice but sometimes I got nerve 'cause of it.
I looked at Paul with big eyes. An autograph session? Just tonight? Oh gosh...I forgot! I wasn't ready for it! I couldn't meet fans now in this mood! I wasn't ready for more fans around me in this moment. I just want to have silence for sorting my thoughts. But this was my life and I tried to give my best. I loved our fans so much and now I had to be strong to act normal like always.

Georgia p.o.v

"This was such a great concert!", Celina shouted out loud as we left the big arena hall to get in the entrance hall. She jumped up and down on the way and couldn't stop. She nearly forgot to breath! "Harry looked at me a few times and smiled!! My heart was beating like I would die every moment! Is was an absoluetly amazing show! OMG I want to see them again!"
I smiled the whole time Celine spoke with me but I really couldn't follow her words. I tried to but my thouths were somewhere else. This one scene as Louis looked at me didn't want to leave my head. I couldn't believe that he saw me! He looked at me! Maybe he remembered! I will never forget this beautiful moment!
"Girls, are you ready for the autograph session in a few minutes?", Dad asked us.
I looked at him while my eyes wided. "Autograph session? What? Now??"
Dad nodded. My head turned to Celine who smiled about her whole face. "OMG I FREAK OUT! WE WILL GET AUTOGRAPHS FROM ONE DIRECTION!"
"YES!", I screamed and jumped up and down now with Celine.
The autographs wasn't that important for me. Hopefully I had the chance to talk to Louis! This was my chance and I would give my very best!

Louis p.o.v.

The autograph session has started. Nearly the whole arena was here to get an autograph from us. I didn't really understand why we gave an autograph session after the concert. How long should it go? I was tired and not in the mood to talk to fans. I just wanted to go to bed!
One fan after another got a picture with our signs on it. We also wrote their name on it, too (For...). Many fans were crying as they got the photo. I couldn't understand why they cried but I had not to understand that. I knew that it is called "fangirling". For me it was more than crazy. It's okay to idolize somebody but it shouldn't be too much like our fans do.
I was sitting in the middle of my mats. I signed a photo and the girl in front of me kept on walking to Liam who was sitting on my right. This was going on and on and on...

"What's your name?", I heard Niall saying as the next fan came to our table. This was the first question of Niall, who was sitting at first in our line, to our fans since nearly one and a half hours. I hears it about 1000 times in the last minutes. Maybe he would dream about this question this night. This thought maked me smile. As I moved my head in his direction, my eyes wided again. It was her! The girl with the curly hair! This eyes and this smile! She looked so familliar to me! I was sure that this was...
"Georgia", the girl said to Niall who was writing her name down on the photo.
"Georgia?", he asked. I saw the girl nodding. "This is a very nice name."
"Thank you, Niall", the girl expressed thanks and smiled.
Niall sighed the photo with his autograph while his eyes were just on the girl.
"Where do you come from?", he wanted to know at least. "You remember me on somebody..."
Yeah she did. She remembered me on my dad who I hadn't seen so many years...
"Really? I come from Don....", she said but got interrupted by the impatient Harry: "Niall, come on!" We don't have time for small talk!"
Georgias eyes went fast to Harry.
Niall didn't say a word and gave the photo to him, who was sitting next to him so Harry sat on my left. I starred at this girl who was moving in my direction. She looked at Harry and smiled as he signed the photo. Her smiled was so cute and natural like mine.
"Thank you, Harry", she said in a polietly voice. I loved the sound of hers so much. Yes, it was Georgias voice. How I missed this...
Hazza gave the photo to me. I took it and layed it down on the table. The girl took a step to the left. Now she was standing right in front of me.
"Hi Louis", she said in a very nice, soft and sweet voice. I didn't know what to say at first so I didn't looked at her. Georgia seemed to be nervous and also excited. I was nervous either.
"Ah...you're Georgia?", I asked her stuttered like I didn't know anything. I tried to behave normally but I couldn't. My sister which I hadn't seen over 7 years was standing right in front of me! What should I do? I was so thunderstocked that I didn't know what to say now. My eyes were still at her like hers were still on me. I couldn't stop looking at her. She was such a pretty young lady! Maybe she was 15 or 16 years old! I saw the big smile on her beautiful face fading away.
"Don't you remember me, Louis?", she wanted to know seriously. I looked down at the photo and sighed it quietly. I was quiet - too quiet for her. What should I say? Should I say yes...or no? I was speachless. What should I say? What if I would say something wrong? I was so insecure like I've never been before! Oh I really didn't know what to do!
"You can't tell me that you don't know who I am", I heard Georgia saying. "You do!"
As I looked up at her again, a tear was running down her face. Don't cry! DON'T CRY DARLIN'! Oh no please don't! I touched her cheek with one finger and wiped away her tear. This touch was with many feelings and very emotional for me. I've nerver felt something like this before! I still didn't know what to say. I've missed this girl for so many years and now she is here! I was sitting right in front of my half-sis and I said no word. What was wrong with me??
Suddenly it was like a thunder in my body. Every word that came to my thouths had to leave my mouth at least in this one single moment: "You grow up to much and so fast that I nearly didn't recognise you, Gee! I...I don't know what to say! I'm so happy to see you! I remember every single moment we spend together! I really missed you so much!"
Georgias eyes got wet and her smile appeared again. "You do? Really?"
I nodded fast. "Yes I do! How could I have forgotten you?"
I stood up and hugged her lovely. My eyes got wet in this moment either. I couldn't believe what happened right now. We had no contact over 7 years and I didn't really know why. It was so unbelieveble that she was here tonight to get a talk with me. Wow! What an amazing feeling! How much I missed the time with my half-sis! She was always in my heart! I can't remember why we had no contact before! I didn't really know!
"I missed you, Gee", I whispered in her ear as my eyes were closed. "I really missed you!"
"I missed you, too, Louis", Georgia sobbed. "You can't imagine how much!"

Georgia Austin - The unknown sister of Louis TomlinsonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora