17. A long day ends

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*after the interview*
Georgia p.o.v.

"Guys! What can we do now? I don't want to drive home yet! I want to enjoy London with all of you!"
The boys and me walked from the studio back to the tourbus.
I was jumping up and down 'cause listening to the interview was so much fun! It was so great to be live there! The boys were a little bit tired but also happy.
"Gee it's 10pm!", Louis notised as he looked at his mobile. "Remember you have to be home at midnight!", he remebered me stickt.
I looked at him with an raised eyebrow. A smile appeared on my face. "You enjoy your role as my big brother, do you?", I wanted to know from him.
Louis started to laugh and closed his arms around me. "Maybe", he said with a smile. "But I don't want to get a in a fight with your parents."
My smile reduced. "Fine..." I rolled my eyes in thoughts around.
"Maybe we could eat something...", Harry suggested to all of us. My smile came back very fast.
"That's a great idea I'm very hungry!", I said.
"Me, too", Niall confirmed my answer. Typical. I knew that Niall was always hungry. Somehow it was cute. "We should eat something", he added. I smiled at him.

As we arrived the tourbus we got in it. We would drive to a restaurant I thought.
"What about Nandoos?!", Niall screamed very loudly that everyone could hear that. We were all looking at him and then we started to smile. A big smile appeared also on his face. I looked at Louis who was really laughing. He heard words like this nearly every day, right?
The driver wanted to start driving but suddenly someone was knocking at the door. I creased my forehead. "Who could this be?", I wanted to know. "Everyone is here, right?"
Liam nodded. "Yeah this have to be fans!"
I looked trough the little window in the door and saw a fan - no two - no three! More and more!
"Hey! Could you please drive on?", Harry screamed to the driver and then the bus set in motion.
"To go to Nandoos is a good idea", Zayn said then. "I'm very hungry, too."
"Mee either", Harry said and Liam nodded, too.
"It is ok for you?", Louis asked and looked in my eyes. I nodded. "Yeah of cause! Why not?"

"It was so tasty!", I swarmed as we left Nandoos. "I just love the food there!"
"That's why I love Nandoos, too", Niall laughed and smiled at me. "The food there is really good!"
I was still in a concersation with Niall as Louis interuppted us.
"Georgia, did you look at the clock one time?", he said sereously to me. "You have to be home in less than an half an hour!" His eyes went in my direction. He showed no clearly emotion. I held on a bit shocked. "Oh..." These were the only words that left my mouth. That was not good. We need more time than an half an hour to my home.
I looked at Louis and saw that he was thinking about something.
"What about sleeping at my house?", he asked me then. I starred at my brother.
"You can sleep in my bed if you want to. No problem!" I smiled as he started to smile. That was such a great idea! I've never thought about something like that! "Really?", I asked unsecure. He nodded. "'Yeah why not?" He seemed to be convinced of his idea.
"But...what about Johanna...?", I threw in.
"Don't worry, Gee", Louis wanted to calm me down. "I will resolve that!"
"Ok", I said. "But first I will call my mum to ask her if it's ok that I won't come home this night."
Louis nodded. I took out my mobile and called my mum.
"Hello?", I heard her voice out of my mobile. "Hi mum!", I answered.
"Hey Gee! Are you on the way at home?", she wanted to know.
"Em...not now but...can I sleep at Louis the night?"
"Georgia, you have school tomorrow and I'm not sure if..."
School? Oh...right. I didn't think about that! Tomorrow was monday? It seemed to be so but I didn't care.
"Mum please! Louis could drive me to school. I will take my schoolback before school from home."
Mum sighed on the other line. "Gee..." She was unsure. Maybe she wouldn't allowed me.
"Pleeeeeaaaaassssseeeee!", I asked very nice and politly.
"Well...fine...if it's no problem...", she said finally. "No it isn't!", I said happy. "Thank you mum!"
"Sleep well!", she said before I said goodbye to her for this day. "CU tomorrow morning!"
I ended the call and looked in Louis direction. "Are you allowed to?", Louis wanted to know. I nodded. "I am! But it's school tomorrow...", I added. Louis nodded.
"Right...I forgot...but it's ok. I will drive you and my other sisters to school tomorrow."
"Thank you, Louis!" I hugged him.
"But we should drive home now", he said. "School tomorrow!" I nodded and sighed.

For goodbye we hugged Harry, Nial, Zayn and Liam one after the other.
"Nice to meetyou, Georgia! Hope we will see you soon", Harry said to me and smiled. "Yeah I hope that, too", I said happy. "It was a great day and you are all such nice guys. You are yourself and that's the most important thing!" "Aww nice words", Niall said and hugged me again. I laughed. It felt like Niall and me knew eath other since so many years. He felt like an old friend.
We hugged about one minute.
"Sorry Niall but I...", I said and wanted to end it. "It's very..."
"You have to go, I know", he said. We looked at eath other. "Have a nice drive home."
I nodded. "Don't worry! Louis will drive carfully!"

Georgia Austin - The unknown sister of Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now