11. Should Lottie know?

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Georgias p.o.v.

"Hey Gee! 
See you in 2 days at your home.
Please send me your adresse.
Your big brother who loves you so much
Louis xD"

I read the message again and again with a big smile on my face. Louis will really visite us at our house! That was so great! I was happy he said yes. This was so amazing! I've never expacted an fast answer. I thought that he wanted to think about it but I had his answer just now! I answered as fast as he did and send him my adresse and wrote that I'm happy to see him soon.
"Do you like that dress?", I heard my Mum saying. She got me out of my thoughts by asking me. I looked up from my mobile and saw that she was showing a nice long summerdress to me.
Mum and me went shopping this day. I like to shop with her but sometimes it was just boring because she tries nearly everything on what she saw. I tried to be a nice daugher and nodded without saying something.
"Gee, darling, what's up? With who are you writing?", Mum asked me and put one hand on one of her hips. Her glance was on my mobile. She hated it when I was on my phone nearly every second. Most of the time I wasn't like that but it was different when I wrote with Louis.
"It's Louis, mum", I said to her like a happy 5 year old child. "He said yes to my suggestion for in two days."
Mum smiled at me. "Really? Is that true?"
"What about Louis?" My Dad went to us with a trouser and a nice shirt on his shoulder. Oh, I forgot. He was with us, too.
"Louis will come in two days to us at home!"
He started to smile with us. Everbody was smiling at this moment. "That's great! I knew that he will come soon!", he said lucky. "Yeah I know! I can't await it!"

Lottie p.o.v.

Louis left the house to meet Eleanor today. It was boring so I decided to call Georgia.
We wrote some texts the last days and got a bit closer to eath other. We didn't wrote about her brother anymore. I wanted to know more about him but I couldn't write that in a message. I decided to call her. I chilled on my bed in my room and chose her number to call.
I waited. And waited. Wasn't her phone in her pocket?
"Hello?", I heard a voice on the other side.
I smiled and was happy that she took the call. "Hi Georgia!"
"Oh hey Lottie!", Georgia said a bit surprised. Hasn't she seen my number on the scream? It was a bit strange but I carried on.
"What's up? Why are you calling?", she wanted to know from me then.
"I wanted to hear your voice again", I said unsecure. Was that really true? But what should I say at first? Oh man, I wanted to talk with her just because of one topic! I was curious!
"I haven't seen you since we met a week ago."
"Yeah that's right..."
"So..." A short second of silence. "What about meeting eath other again?"
Silence again.
"Georgia? Are you still on?"
"Yeah...em...hmm...", I heard through the phone. I heard a brethtaking Georgia in my ear. Is something wrong? Was she okay? Didn't she want to meet me?
"I don't know...", she answered then.
What did that mean by "I don't know?" Did I said something wrong?
"You can come to me and then we...", I suggest but she blocked: "No, I think this isn't such a good idea sorry..."
"Why?", I wanted to know confused. "Should I come to your house? Are you okay with it?"
"Lottie...can we meet in a cafe or somewhere else?"
I nodded and didn't ask more. I didn't want to risk anything.
"Yes ok. Tomorrow at 4 pm at the city cafe?"
"Tomorrow? Oh...sorry but tomorrow at this time isn't good. Maybe at the weekend? Saturday?", she asked.
"Ok fine", I nodded.
"Fine", Georgia said. "I have to end the call now, sorry. CU then."
"CU! Bye!"
I ended the call. This happened very fast. Now I had to think about how to talk with Georgia on Saturday. Something must happen!

*the next day*
Georgias p.o.v.

The school was over. I left the school together with Celine by my side.
"Lottie called you yesterday?" she asked me curiously as I told her about the call yesterday. "Cool! And what were you talking about? About Louis?"
"No, nothing is cool!", I said seriously. "And no, we didn't talk about Louis but I think that she will talk with me about him on Saturday. She want to help me with my relationship with him. I am sure about that. Remember what I have told her?"
Celine nodded. I have told her the whole story about the day when I had met Lottie.
"I regret that I did it!" I sighed and looked at Celine. "What can I do? Help me! She wants to meet me on saturday at a cafe!" I breathed in to calm down. This topic got on my nerves. I didn't know what to do!
"You should tell her."
My eyes met hers. I raised an eyebrow. "Tell her what? That I'm Louis half sister?" I shook my head. "No way!"
But Celine nodded. "Yes! Maybe you could say: Hi I'm Georgia Austin and I'm the half sister of your brother on his dad side. Let's be friends!" That was clearly ironical. I rolled my eyes around. She was so crazy but sometimes this could be strange.
"No, defenetly not!", I repeated seriously. "I can't do this! Louis have to tell her not me! It is his sister and not mine!"
We left the school premises.
"Earlier or later she will find out", Celine told me.
I sighed again. Celine was right. "Yeah but...Louis has to tell her! I think it is way better when she gets the information from Louis. Okay, yes, she will be angry but she will be more angry when someone else tells her. You understand?"
Celine nodded.
"And what if she gets jealous? What if she breaks our contact?"
My friend stopped walking and looked streight into my eyes. I hold on, too.
"Georgia Elisabeth Kathlen Austin!" How I hated it when she called my full name. Just my family does it. Celine took her hands on my shoulders. "Don't think so negative! You are a brave and tough girl! I know you another way than this! You tell people the truth and steight what you think! But when something have to do with Louis you are another girl! Lottie has to know about your relation to Louis! I am sure!"
I raised an eyebrow. Did I heard this words correcly? I'm another girl when I talk about and with my brother?? Could this be right? What does it mean? I was confused.
"What do you mean by that?", I asked her.
 "I think you have to tell Lottie! If you don't tell her now, you both get closer maybe friends and then it's harder for her to trust you."
"I really like her..."
"Yeah and that's why..."
"Ok, ok! I understood", I interuppted her nicely. I took a deep breath. Celine was so right. Lottie has to know! But from me? This was one thing I had to think about.
"Lottie has to know the truth!", I said strongly.
"That's my Georgia!", Cel said and boxed in my shoulder. "And you will tell her on Saturday?"

Georgia Austin - The unknown sister of Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now