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[a girl i'd kinda be into]

Chaeyeon groaned when small rectangular blocks landed on her lap, screaming into one of the Japanese's pillows while Sakura, the eldest between the two of them, laughed in triumph. She grinned widely, proud that she won another round of jenga against IZ*ONE's dancing feather.

When Sakura's laugh died down, she found herself in a trance, eyes set on a pouting Chaeyeon. A giggle escaped from her own mouth without even realizing it.

Chaeyeon's pout turned to a sigh and soon a smile crept up to her face. She does not admit it, but Sakura's laugh is just so quiet and soft that she became soft as well. "Aish. okay, you win"

The girl in front of her was already stacking up the wooden blocks one by one to start another game. Unbeknownst to the Japanese, a certain feather's crescent moon-like eyes were set on her as she grabbed another blue block.

"Saku-chan," a dazed expression was obvious in her face as she called out. Sakura didn't spare Chaeyeon a glance, she hummed instead.

"Say there's this person you pass in the hall everyday.
You've known her since trainee days.
You're used to thinking about her in a certain way, from the persona that she displayed.."

She trailed off, her eyes were now on the stacked blocks, but through those, she was silently gazing into Sakura's focused, yet confused arched eyebrow.

"and then something changes and she changes.. From a-"

Chaeyeon suddenly stood up as she sang with all her gay heart, her foot accidentally knocking the poor blocks that poor Sakura built for a total of five minutes.

"-girl that i'd never be into, into a girl that i'd kinda be into
From a girl i'd never be into,
into a girl i'd kinda be into."

An upset scowl came out of Sakura's mouth, which Chaeyeon didn't quite catch, so she proceeded to look down on Sakura with an arched eyebrow and curious eyes, asking,

"Is she worth it,"

A dramatic pause, then Chaeyeon lowered her voice, and came a sweet,


Feeling her blood rush up to her cheeks, she looked to the side to hide her flushed face. Get your shit together, Miyawaki!

"i-is she talking about me?!" weirdly enough, a little ear piece is hidden behind her hair, a voice responded,

"of course she is! I've been keeping an eye on you and i see that your panic gay-ing is slowly decreasing! Keep it up!" The voice encouraged. Sakura mentally gulped before looking up, but then instantly lowered her gaze to meet the floor when she caught sight of Chaeyeon eyeing her lips.

With a quick shake of her head, Chaeyeon flashes a smile and continues, "Say there's this person you never knew that well-"

"she is TOTALLY into you!" The voice in Sakura's ear piece quipped, causing the said girl fangirl on the inside. To hide her burning cheeks, she grabbed a block and stacked them up to start a new game of jenga, hoping it wouldn't be too obvious that she's so flustered right in front of the now sitting Chaeyeon.

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