I move closer to him and fall in his embrace thinking of everything he just told me and I shake my head in agreement, he has a point in everything!

Daniel is also telling him everything, he needs him to know because he wants to prove how serious his intentions are for me (this is what he told me) and he trusts him generally because my dad is the best (I am a very proud daughter as you understand).

And then there is me that keep on telling him what is happening every day with the slightest detail there is and he is silent, he never makes a comment, he never tells me his opinion or gives me any advice! This is the first time something like this happens and I don't like it! I am used to discuss with my dad and not just tell him with any response from him...

"Dad... Okay, you are right and I am sorry but I really need your help here! I am never going to blame you for your advices! Just tell me something!" I almost beg him with puppy eyes and he shakes his head in desperation smirking teasingly.

"Alright! But one advice!" he states and I kiss his cheek making him giggle.

"Tell your father crazy girl! What happened last night and what is going on in this mind of yours?" he continues and I clear my throat.

Here we go!

"Last night we got very close and if he hadn't pulled back then we could have...Done what you said before..." I start and he smiles wickedly in realization but I decide to ignore it and continue.

"We had days to get so close, these nightmares with Grayson are making me feel bad for this entire thing with Daniel but yesterday I just couldn't stay away from him for longer... I have to say that he is great with me now and I want him, I can show it in times with tension but when I have to open my mouth and talk to him about it I just can't! Do you understand? I want to open up but I don't know how!"

He shakes his head in understanding and sighs with a confusing for me look.

I don't know what he is thinking and I am worried because every time he has this expression and opens his mouth I am having a heart attack.

"Yes?" I ask impatiently not able to wait for more and he stiffens.

"My conclusion is one: Falling in love makes everyone stupid!" he states and I blink my eyes.

"Excuse me? Did you just say that I am in love and... Stupid?" I ask ready to get angry and he taps my knee in sympathy frustrating me even more.


"Diana, admit you are in love with him because it is not wrong and don't take what I said about being stupid so seriously! I mean that you can't think logically like before! And I understand it, this is the expected thing to happen!" he says quickly before I open my mouth to say more and protest and I nod annoyed.

"You are hurting yourself like this, do you realize it? Leave Daniel out of it, he shows understanding and respects your hesitations, he deserves it a bit but if you continue stepping back then you are going to lose! You are hurting yourself, it is the first time you are going to open up to the person you are in love with and this is why you are so scared but you have to make a move!" he adds and I bite my lower lip thoughtfully.

He is right but...

"I can't find the right moment and atmosphere to tell him! I want to allow him help me with my nightmares like I am helping him with his anger but there is no opportunity!" I speak up after a while and he looks at me firmly like he is telling me 'you know what you have to do about it'.

"If you can't find one then create it! It's so simple yet easy!" he mutters quickly.

"No it's not!" I protest nervous.

His Rejected 'Queen'.Where stories live. Discover now