Chapter :15

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Time skip :
Stars POV :
It was about towards the end of the day . I was waiting in the meeting room because I was going to have a meeting with another company , Steven market is one of the most famous companies in Canada today !!! So you couldnt imagine the excitement and nervousness I felt !!
So far I'm loving my new job as boss . I mean , it's been my dream and to actually do it feels so rewarding!!!
When the work pays off that you do, I don't know , it's the most rewarding feeling !!!
When the people came I put on my best act and did my job as manager .
" so we're starting a new project , it's called 'headlines for Stevens' and basically we focus on selling and building houses for the homeless . We were wondering if some of your workers are interested in helping us with this project . Not only will we include your companies name in the add but your co-workers can be featured in the ad , I don't know if any of your workers are considering to help others in need and would be interesting in doing this but we would like to include you guys !" The manager of Stevens market explained to Star .
This would be a great opportunity for some of the workers .
Later that day , Star called for a meeting with her co-workers to see who would like to participate.
At the end of the meeting Star put up a poster on the board where they could sign in if they wished . Then at the end of the day Star could see who signed up and have an interview with them .
At the end of the day , Star went back to the meeting room and got the paper off the board . She wasn't expecting many people to sign up but when she looked at the paper she was surprised to see over 30 sign up !!! That was wayyy more than she expected .
Of course with the amount of people signing up the blonde had to immediately start with the interviews .
Some people did good while other didn't so much , while others were just terrible . Somewhere towards the ending of the interviews , when star was ready to pack up and make the decisions ,the door opened and out came Marco .
" Marco , what are you doing here ?" She questioned .
" I came because I wanted to see if I could still get an interview."
" uhhh.. I was actually gonna close up..."
" do you think I could just have like a minute or two to show you my skills in this topic ."
" Marco... I don't want to be unfair to all the other contender just because your my boyfriend , I'm not that kind of boss."
" I know that and I'm not asking of you to add me on the list just because we're a thing . I want the treatment as everyone else get and I just want you to treat me like everyone else but please let me do this interview to prove I have what it takes ."
Though the blonde felt unsure of the decision she was gonna be honest with however his interview would go and not give him any help just because that's her boyfriend .
" alright ,let's see what you got..." Star said setting back into her chair .
" ok so my name is marco and I think I deserve a place in this project because I feel I have what it takes .
I'm about building homes for the homeless , manly because i can only imagine how difficult it must be for these families , these people !! Actually, I have a girlfriend and I love her to death , I can see us in the future having kids and living in a cozy home . Thinking about all these families that don't have a home is heartbreaking because I know that I would never want my family to be in that place and so should no one else. That-that's my interview boss ." Marco said to star .
Star smiled , hearing her name in this was an amazing feeling and it was better to here it from her partner . Star hated to admitted it because she didn't want to add Marco to the project because she didn't want to seem like a teacher pet to her boyfriend and treat everyone equally but after hearing his interview her view changed about him , she could tell he was actually honest and serious about what he meant and that he not only had the mindset but also the skill to do this job .
"That-that was a really good interview Marco... umm. I still need to look through all of it before I make a decision..."
Star said while Marco got up and left .
" wow..." Star thought to herself.....

The next day :
" ok guys , so I have the results . Who will be helping doing the project and who won't ." Star said in the meeting room . Everyone anxiously sat at the end of their sets , obviously nervous . The silence in the room was killing to most . All they could hear was the clock ticking in the room . Everything seemed so gloomy and the only thing that anyone could focus on was stars mouth and maybe they could tell the name she was going to speak .
" when I call you name , your in ,if not , sorry you didn't make the team ."
Star started calling out names
" Emma , Alex , Maria , jimmy , tucker , randy , kelly and Marco..." the last name she said looking up at him . She saw the smile he had on her face .
Some people signed while other jumped for joy . It was mixed emotions but Star could only focus on one and that was the look on Marcos face . He was overjoyed .
When everyone left the meeting room Marco stayed behind for a little while .
" Star you know that you don't have to pick me to be on the team only cause we're dating..."
" no, no , no , no . I picked you because I was actually really touched by your interview. Honestly I think you mean this out of everyone else . I think everyone else signed up so they could be apart of the ad but you... your different . And I'm not saying this cause I'm your girlfriend ."
She said with a smile at the end .
He smiled back feeling good about hearing those words , especially coming from her , gave it a satisfying feeling .

Also a shoutout to EmilisNavickas 
Thanks for motivating me to correct my mistakes and always helping and figuring out my weak spots and for that thanks a lot !!!♥️🥺

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