Chapter :4

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Stars POV:
I get up as quickly as I can and try to make it seem like I wasn't uncomfortable.
" what's wrong dear ?" He asks as if nothing happened and pretending to be flirty , this man disgusts me .
" I-I uhh.. I really need to go home.. because- because I have a sick dog and I don't want to leave him alone too long ." Star lied , she didn't have a dog but was eager to get out of there .
"Oh , ok...." he said sounding a little disappointed.
" I'll see you at work tomorrow." He said with now a smile that sent creepy shivers down her spine .
Star walked out of the restaurant quickly enough , getting closer to freedom .

Marcos POV:
I saw star leave the restaurant, I guess I was right , she doesn't want to be with that creep . Can't blame her , I wouldn't either .
I see her heading for the exit which is where I am .

Star walked out of the restaurant finally being able to breathe again .As soon as she got outside she bent down and took off her shoes which were ,at this point killing her . She picked them up again and looked at her cell phone . She tried calling an Uber but it was impossible to get a cab at 10:30 at night . Star knew she probably had to walk home as that was her only option at this point . Meanwhile Marco stood a far enough distance away from her , but enough notice her . He covered his head with the hoddie cover and tried getting out of their .
" Marco?" A voice was heard from behind Marco .
Marco turned around to be greeted by her voice . Star looked confused at him , why was he here ?
Marco was quick to respond as he did not want her thinking he was stalking her .
" I couldn't sleep so I went on a walk and I happened to pass by the restaurant and saw you and your boss, on a...??" He asked , while she could only get flustered.
" it's-it's not a date..." she quickly denied the question . While saying it In a quite and soft voice .
" ok, I believe you ." Marco spoke back feelings sorry for her . She knew she was probably pressured into the 'date' and maybe threatened to loose her job . He felt bad for her because he knew how difficult it was for ladies in the business .
Star however was surprised to hear Marco say this . He actually believed her....
You could say Star got quite happy to know that someone didn't think bad of her , like she was doing a slutty thing. It was a first . To show her appreciation , she smiled a half smile at him which he returned .
" I think I should head back home.." Star spoke while pointing the other way . She then turned around and left walking back home . Marco continued walking down the street and then walked back to his apartment,not feelings any better than he was before .

Time skip :
It was the next day and things were as they always were , normal . Star hoped that it would be the last time that she and her boss would have to go on a date , but she was wrong .
" hello , what can I do for you ,sir ?" Star said politely as she entered his office as she had been called to come .
"Well now that your here , we can talk about your promotion."
This was the moment Star had been waiting for months !!! She'd been dreaming of the day she'd get a promotion and stars face lit up with joy . Her boss came up to her with a smile but then into a frown when he stood infornt of her .
" sorry but this year the promotion is going to Mr. Anderson . But it's ok , maybe next year ."
Stars face turned from happy to sad instantly, was this dude really just using her , of course he never wanted to give her the promotion he just wanted a sugar babe and he used Star for that . She really thought all of the creepy flirting and inappropriate comments and touches were all gonna he worth it In the end when she'd get the promotion but no, he was just using her. Disappointed was not a big enough word to describe stars feelings . How could hope build up so fast then get distroyed so quickly . The promotion celebration was tonight and she'd have to watch other people get promotions she worked even harder for .
" I'm sorry it's just you haven't earned it yet . But it's ok maybe next year you'll get it." He said with a sorry expression. or was he really sorry . For years Star had been the most hard working person in the company and everyone knew it , and she still hadn't gotten that promotion.
" umm.. boss is it ok if I leave work earlier ? I'm not feelings well ."
" it's ok dear , you take as long as you need ." He said with a creepy wink , while Star awkwardly smiled back at him .

Time skip :
As soon as Star entered her apartment, she stripped off her cloths and went into the shower . Might aswell treat yourself when life sucks . When she got out of the shower she put on sweatpants and socks with a tank top . Her long hair was messy and wet and she took a good look in the bathroom mirror . Maybe he was right , did she really deserve that promotion anyways or was she really what everyone thought of her , a slutty blonde who only has beauty as her only talent ?
Star sighed into the mirror .at this point she'd been used to the disappointment of not getting that promotion, why did she think it would ever change , some things never do .
All day Star was on her laptop watching tv and drinking wine trying to cope with the never ending disappointment. She could feel herself falling apart by the second , was she gonna let that man mess her up and treat her like a toy or was she gonna square up .
This year Star was determined to get that promotion and she was gonna get it . No more seat backs, no distractions , no nothing . Every and any moment she had free was gonna be used wisely and only on her work . This year was gonna be different and she was sure of it.

Back to marco :
After work we'd have to stay a couple extra hours for the promotion celebration. It's expected of everyone to  come which sucks but you could say im curious about who's getting promoted next .
As everyone takes a seat and prepares for an hour and a half of dumb promotions .

As more people started coming in marco noticed one particular person who wasn't there .
" dude , who you looking for ?" Alex whispered to marco who was sitting next to him .
" uhhh.. no one ." Marco said as he turned back around to see that the ceremony was about to begin .

Back to Star :
At around 6pm I knew that type of state I was in . I had had a whole bottle of wine and eaten a bucket of ice cream all by myself . I took a look in the mirror , what no one knows about me is that I'm a mess , literally . I go to work looking like a glam god , a presistant , strict , hardworking , independent and other than that a perfect girl . But when I go home I'm always exhausted and I'm definitely not like how I am at work , but I'm only human and I'm not different like everyone thinks i am. Everyone thinks I'm always happy because I'm nice to everyone but also respected greatly, but when I'm alone I fall into a deep hole of emptiness . Every year around this time when people get promotions I always fall into a great pit of unimportance because of it . It makes me feel that yes maybe I didn't earn my promotion and I don't deserve it . It makes me feel weak like I'm only a pretty face.
I took a look into the mirror and I saw the real me. Not what I was years ago. The happy positive , energetic girl , but I only see an unworthy person...I sigh to myself and tell myself what I tell myslef every year " maybe you'll get it next time..."

Back to marco :
At the promotion things were boring as ever . The strange thing was is that I didn't see star anywhere . I thought she was going to receive a promotion , I've only worked here for a month or so but I can say with full confidence she is the hardest worker here.. it's strange why she isn't getting a promotion.

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