Chapter :29

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3 years later :
The brunette stood in a dark alley way, rain pouring over his head as he keep looking down at the ground . In his hand was a bouquet of red roses that were meant for this date that stood him up , saying she couldn't make it for "unexpected family problems" however Marco knew she just wanted to word it as nicely as possible so she wouldn't have to show up . He sighed as he realized what a fuck up he had been the last few years .

"I hope your next girl has the same joy I had with you"

Those words played over and over in his head until he finally came to his senses and started heading home .

"One more kiss for the road ?"

"I'll miss looking at your eyes."

I miss looking at your eyes ,
I miss being the one next to you ,
to hold you,
to care for you ,
to look at you ,
to call you mine ,
and for me to be yours ,
to love you ,
for you to love me.
I just miss.. you .

He got so lost in his thoughts that he hardly noticed the rain beginning to fall . He looked up at the sky , did the sky ever feel alone , is that why it's raining , because it's crying ?
His gaze turned towards the ground , looking down at his hand , not realizing that he was clutching onto the flowers before eventually dropping them .

He dropped onto the bed as his body sank into the mattress, finally letting his body rest . As he unintentionally stared at the ceiling he couldn't help but let his thoughts of Star overcrowd him and fought the urge not to look at it .

The urge to do what ?
To fight off his feeling
To fight of his thoughts ,
His questions
His burning desires for only her.

He sighed as he realized his situation . How did he turn out so sad and depressed over his feelings for her that should have been gone by now , for a long time now they shouldn't even be existing .

Why ? Why , why , why ?
So many questions but so little answers .

He couldn't fight the urge any longer so he give in , like always .
He took the paper out of his pocket .

"I'll love you forever and always"

He smiled like a fool at that piece of paper that he had looked at a thousand times but you know what ? He could still look at it a thousand times more and never get tired .
He did however wonder looking at those words , did she actually mean it ?
Will she always love him ? Does she still love him ?
How was she anyways , was she with a new man ? Maybe she was married with kids but now .Just the thought of that made him weak and crushed. Thinking about another man touching her the way he would , making her feel the same way he would .
Does she still think about him the same way he does ?
He wondered if she even thought about him at all ?

So many questions , would he ever know the answers ?
He found himself wondering that a lot .

"Don't forget that the flight is tomorrow at 7 !" Her co-worker yelled at the doorway about to head home .
"I will !" She replied half concentrated on his words and more on her work on her laptop that she could quite seem to understand . Frustrated , she leaned back on her chair and let out a sigh after the long day she just had.
She found herself spending more and more time in her office focusing on her work than she spent at home . But then again , what was even considered home anymore ? They only home she ever knew was with him.
Shoving those thoughts to the back of her mind she tired to concentrate on the work , her sleepy eyes barely able to open . She was exhausted but then again she couldn't relax either , her job was hard but that's what she's always wanted .That's what she had been working towards since starting in this business but then again what we want changes .
She was in a vulnerable situation . This is all she's ever wanted , or is it ? Yes , she wanted him , She needed him but at the same time her job helped her forget about him .

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2021 ⏰

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