Only Time Will Tell

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Dally's POV

I was talking to Pony and Two-bit on the couch and we were saying what we wanted for our birthdays.

"I want a beer and a Mickey Mouse cake."

"I want a new book and a bigger bed."

Pony and Two-bit said what they wanted and then looked at me, "What about you, Dal?"

I thought for a while but couldn't think of anything, "I don't know, I guess...maybe...a cake?" They both looked at me confused,

"Come on man, there's gotta be something else you want." Two-bit said, I shrugged and shook my head.

I really didn't know what I wanted, I've been really happy lately because of Soda. I don't feel like I need anything else, just him.

Ponyboy yawned and said, "Well, I'm tired. I think I might take a nap." Just then, Darry walked into the room and said, "No can do, buddy."

Ponyboy threw his head back and groaned, "You're so mean, Darry." Darry chuckled and said, "Am I mean enough to cancel your birthday?"

Pony blushed and said, "You wouldn't do that...right?" Darry smiled and ruffled his hair, "Course not, bud. Alright, I'm off to work. Behave yourselves."

We said bye and he was gone. A little while later, Soda and Steve walked out of Soda's room, I didn't even realize they left.

They both looked happy and I assumed that they talked it out or something. That's good. Although, I've never been really fond of Steve, so it doesn't surprise me that he has a problem with me and Soda being..together, I think.

(Three days later)

I was sitting in my truck with Soda, we were on our way to the bakery to pick up a cake that Darry ordered for Ponyboy's party tonight.

It wasn't a suprise party or anything, but Darry still took Pony out of the house so we could set up.

I had the windows rolled down and was enjoying the breeze, Soda was too.

It was a pretty decent drive to the bakery, about 15 minutes from the Curtis home.

Me and Soda haven't had any alone time in a few days, so I assumed that we'd be talking to each other, but I guess just being in each other's space is good enough.

I saw a stop sign approaching but I didn't care, there was barely any traffic so I drove past it.

"Dally, you drove past a stop sign." I glanced over at him and said, "I know, what's the problem?" He sighed and said, "It's illegal and dangerous." I don't know why he's so upset, it's just a dumb sign.

"Alright, I'll obey the laws of traffic next ti-" I was cut off by Soda grabbing my shoulder and saying, "Dally, watch out!"

I saw a dog laying down on the road and swerved out the way, "Shit!"

I was lucky that there weren't any cars around, that could've been bad.

"Dally, pull over! We've gotta help that dog!" Soda said frantically, I shook my head and said, "We can't, we're gonna be late if we help it. I'm sure it's already dead."

Soda didn't like this and said, "Come on Dally, please! Don't be heartless." That comment annoyed me.

"Were not stopping, we cant be late. I'm not being heartless." Soda scoffed and crossed his arms.

"Are you seriously mad?" I asked but got no response. "Fine, Soda. Be mad."

We drove the rest of the way to the bakery in silence. It really pissed me off that he would get mad just because I didn't help some dumb dog from dying.

I couldn't even help Johnny from dying. What makes some mutt special?

We pulled up to the bakery and soda got out of the truck and took some money that Darry gave him to pay for the cake.

He was only gone for about a minute when he walked back out with a white box.

He looked like he was struggling to get the door open. Even though I was annoyed at him I got out and opened the door for him.

He looked at me shyly and said, "Thanks." I nodded at him and he got in the truck.

I got in and started driving while soda held the cake close to him.

We drove for about three minutes when Soda said, "Dally?"


"I'm sorry for getting mad at you, I just felt really bad for the dog and wanted to help it." I nodded and said, "It's alright. I promise if we see another dog in the road we'll help it." Soda smiled at me in the rear view mirror, "Thanks, Dal."

I could at least promise him that, since we were taking a different route than we did on the way to the bakery.


We pulled up to the house where Steve and Two-bit were inside cleaning and putting up the decorations.

I looked over at Soda and he looked back at me, he was so beautiful, I want him to be mine.

"Can I kiss you?" I asked him, he nodded happily and I leaned in and gave him a loving kiss. Because I do love him.

Even though I haven't always had romantic feelings for him, I still loved him like a brother, but it's more than that now.

I pulled away and looked at him, he was smiling and he said, "Do you love me?" I paused for a second but nodded my head, "Yeah, definitely." Soda smiled harder and said, "That's good, cause I do to." And he gave me another quick kiss.

Then he got out of the car and walked into the house.

I was feeling a little weird. I had never told anyone that before. Except for Johnny.

I started thinking about Johnny and how I loved him. It was amazing, but it had a terrible ending. I'm afraid that if I date Soda that this will happen again.

I don't know. It's something to think about.

I got out of the car and went inside.

It looked pretty nice, not like it was put together by two Greasers. "Just put the cake on the counter for now." Two-bit said to Soda.

I looked at the streamers they put up and said, "You guys did pretty alright. Since when are you decorators?" Steve tied up a balloon and said, "I guess we've just got a gift."

Soda leaned on the counter and said, "Do you guys know when they'll be back from the book store?" They both shrugged and Steve said, "Good thing it isn't a surprise party."

I sat down at the table and said, "Well, wanna play poker in the meantime?" Everyone nodded and Soda went to grab a deck of cards from his room.

"No cheating, Soda." Steve said, Soda walked back into the room and said, "Me? Never." Everyone rolled their eyes and we began playing.


About fifteen minutes passed and Soda had already been caught cheating twice. I decided to stop playing and have a cigarette.

I walked outside and lit one up. I started thinking about Soda and our future. If there even will be a future.

I don't want to get hurt again. Not by someone I love. I'm not sure if I'm ready to be in another relationship.

Only time will tell.

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