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Dally's POV

Earlier, I was invited to a party at Buck's house tonight, I don't know if I feel like going, though.

I wanted to ask Soda's opinion on if I should go or not.

I walked into the kitchen and sat next to him while he and Ponyboy were eating breakfast.

"Hey, Soda, do you think I should go to the party at Buck's tonight or stick around here?"

He shrugged and said, "Whatever you wanna do." He said nonchalantly, with a mouth full of pancakes.

"You're no help. What do you say, Pony?"

"I mean... we probably aren't doing anything crazy tonight, so if you're just looking for a good time, I would go."

I nodded, "Thanks for the help, I guess I'm partying it up today."

I usually don't have the energy or desire to get really drunk and party since Johnny died, but today, I felt different.

For once in so long, I actually feel like being around some drunk people I don't even know and letting loose again.

I kinda wish Soda would come with me, but he doesn't seem that interested.

Plus, he's not really a drinker.

I got my shit together and hit the road before yelling, "See ya later!" And slamming the door.

When I got to Buck's house, it seemed like the party was in full swing already.

I walked into the living room and I heard familiar voice say, "Winston, you son of a bitch."

I looked over and saw Buck with a cigarette in his mouth, "You finally good enough to come to a Buck Merrill party again?"

I smirked and said, "I guess I finally missed getting shitfaced drunk with you buddy."

He chuckled and said, "I knew you would ya bastard!" As he gave me a cold beer, "Welcome back."

Then I opened it and chugged it before tossing the bottle in the trash, "That hit the spot."

Then I sat on his recliner and he sat next to me on the couch, "You know that was just a warm up, right? The real party hasn't even started yet."

I looked at him and said, "What are you-" Before I could finish my sentence, he pulled a bottle of flavored vodka out of his jacket.

"Don't worry, I'll let you have some." He said as he poured some into a red plastic cup and handed it to me, then poured himself a cup.

"Bottoms up." I downed the liquid as fast as I could and immediately felt the burn. He patted me on the back and laughed as I coughed.

"That's some good shit, right?" I nodded and could already feel my face warming up.

"You should join the party. After a few more swigs, you'll be a people person in no time." Buck said, leaving me on the recliner by myself.

I finished off what was in my cup, then I tossed it on the floor and followed Buck upstairs.

There were a lot of guys I hadn't seen before, probably Buck's associates or friends, I don't know. I did see a few familiar faces, though.

I walked into Buck's room, and he was playing poker with four guys while someone else was getting it on in his bed.

Buck saw me standing there and asked, "Dally, you got next game?"

I shook my head and said, "I'm alright, I'm no good when I'm drunk."

"Well, don't just stand around. Go do something or somebody."

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