Quality Time

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Soda's POV

I went to sleep without talking to Dally, I hope he had fun at Buck's. He deserves to relax and have fun for once.

When I woke up the next day, I helped Darry make breakfast, and once we were done, I had to go wake up Ponyboy.

I shook him gently and said, "It's time to wake up, buddy." He didn't move an inch, so I shook him harder and pulled the blanket off of him.

He immediately curled into a fetal position and started shivering, "Give it back, it's cold!"

"Get up and put some clothes on. We made a big breakfast that you're gonna love."

He groaned and said, "Give me five more minutes." I nodded and said, "Alright, but your chocolate chip pancakes are gonna be cold."

I saw his eyes open in excitement before I closed the door behind me and heard him scramble to get clothes on.

I knew the pancakes would get him.

I fixed myself a plate of pancakes, eggs, and bacon before sitting down to eat. Ponyboy and Darry fixed their plates and sat down at the table.

"What's the special occasion?" Ponyboy asked while stuffing his face, "We don't need a reason to have a nice breakfast as a family. It just isn't always convenient." Darry explained.

I loved the taste of everything we cooked, especially the pancakes. They reminded me of when mom would make us pancakes in the morning before school. Good times.

"How is everything, guys?" Darry asked to no response since we were both still stuffing our faces.

Pony gave him a thumbs up with his free hand, and he laughed, "Glad it's good."

Once we were finished eating, we all helped clean off the table. Then Darry washed the dishes, I rinsed and dried them, and Pony put the clean ones away.

"It was nice being able to have a meal with just my two little brothers." Darry started, "I love Two-bit and Dally like family, but y'all know I've got both your backs for life."

I was touched by his words, and I know it's hard for Darry to talk about his feelings.

"We've got you too, Dar. The Curtis brothers will always be there for each other. We're all each other got at the end of the day." I said to which Ponyboy and Darry nodded.

"We should do this more often." Ponyboy said while putting away the last of the dishes.

"Do what, dishes?" Darry asked in a serious tone that made me laugh.

"No, hanging out. Just the three of us." Ponyboy said, then looked at me for approval. I smiled and said, "Absolutely. Quality family time is good for all of us."

Darry nodded and said, "That sounds great. And I'm always down to hang out whenever I'm not working or sleeping."

Then we talked for the next 10 minutes about what we would do the next time we decided to hang out, and eventually, we had company.

"Sup fuckers!" Two-bit said while bursting through the door, obviously drunk.

"Knock before you enter, Keith! You burst into the wrong house one day by accident, and they'll shoot your ass!" Darry said, annoyed, but Two-bit could care less.

"Knocking's for chumps. What's up, gang?" He asked while getting comfortable on the couch.

"How do you drink in the morning, that would make me sick?" I asked, and he said, "I'd be sick if I didn't drink. My body wouldn't know what to do with itself."

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