Win Some, Lose Some

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(Dally's P.O.V.)

I shifted around while I was sleeping and I felt a warm body near mine. I gripped them and kissed their shoulder.

I open my eyes and see Soda sleeping next to me, I looked at the clock and saw that it was 35 minutes before Soda had to go to work.

I sat up and shook him gently, "Soda, come on, it's time to get up." He rolled over to face me and he looked into my eyes.

'Damn it, why does he have to be so beautiful?!' I thought. "Good morning, Dallas." He said sleepily.

I smiled at him and said, "You have to go to work today." His somewhat happy expression dropped and he frowned.

I didn't like seeing him upset, I knew that Steve was an asshole but I didn't expect him to hurt Soda this badly.

I brushed his cheek with my finger and he grabbed my hand, "You'll take me, right?" He said worriedly. I said, "Of course." and he let out a sigh of relief.

He stood up and stretched, then he got his work clothes and went to the bathroom.


I got in my truck and unlocked the doors. Soda got in and he put his seatbelt on.

We drove for a couple minutes before we pulled up to the DX and I parked.

He looked over at me and I could tell that he was nervous.

"Are you gonna be alright?" I asked him, he shrugged and said, "I guess it doesn't matter. I'm still gonna have to face him."

I grabbed his hand and kissed it, "You'll be fine. If he starts talking shit or making you uncomfortable just tell him that I'll kick his ass."

Soda chuckled a bit but I think he knew that I was being serious.

"Thank you, for everything." He said with a smile on his face, I returned the smile and kissed his on the cheek.

"Have a great day." I said as he got out of my truck. He waved at me and walked inside. I hope he'll be alright.


I walked up to the Curtis home and knocked on the door. I figured that I would see if Darry was mad or not and try to make it to where he wouldn't be mad at Soda.

Ponyboy answered the door and said, "Come in, Dally."

I sat on the couch and saw Two-bit on the floor, watching Mickey Mouse and eating chocolate cake.

Pony sat on the floor next to him and they stayed quiet.

I looked to see if anyone was in the kitchen but no one was.

A few moments later, Darry walked into the kitchen and I stood up to go talk to him.

"Hey, Dally." He said when he saw me, I nodded at him and sat down at a chair. "Hey, Darry. I gotta talk to you about yesterday." I said, ready to defend Soda.

He turned around to look at me, "Oh? Go ahead." I sighed, "So Steve and Soda got into a huge fight about...some girl or something," I couldn't tell Darry about me and Soda, "and Steve hurt Soda really badly. Soda doesn't think that they're friends anymore. And he didn't want to come back here because he was really emotional and he wanted to clear his mind. So I let him go to come to Buck's with me." I finished and Darry had a concerned expression on his face.

"Oh, I feel bad that Soda and Steve fought, but he still should've called me. I won't be too harsh about it. Thank you for being there for him, Dal." Darry put his hand on my shoulder and smiled.

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