Chocolate Cake

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Two-bit's POV

It's been a few days since the Carnival, and I still haven't seen Keith Jr. since that night.

"You'll tell me if you find him, right?" I asked Darry while laying on the couch.

"Yes, but I think we would've seen a tiny blue stuffed elephant by now." He said while moving the couch and sweeping under it.

Then he scooped the trash under the couch, and to both of our surprise, Keith Jr. was in the dust pan covered in trash.

"I thought you said you looked under the couch!" Darry yelled at me in annoyance.

"I did, I looked under it last night! Come to think of it, I was drinking. I might've thought he was a little blue sock or something."

"Are you gonna toss him in the trash, or do you want me to wash him with the socks?"

I grinned and said, "Can you wash him, please? I'd appreciate it."

He crossed his arms and said, "Alright, but you have to finish sweeping for me. I'll start some laundry and make a chocolate cake."

When I heard chocolate cake, I perked up and got excited, "You bet!"
I said as I grabbed the broom from him and swept under the couch quickly.

I threw the trash away and said, "You started making the cake yet?"

Then Darry opened the fridge and said, "Damn, we only have one egg. Do you mind running down to the store to pick some up? I'll give you the cash."

"What do I look like, Ponyboy? That's too far of a walk. I'll just go ask the neighbors."

Then I walked out the front door, hearing Darry sigh loudly behind me as I closed the door.

I knocked on several doors and had the door slammed in my face. But eventually, one old woman down the road was nice enough to give me two eggs.

I put them in my pocket and walked back to the house before entering and showing the eggs to an impressed Darry.

"Didn't think you'd come back that fast. Nice hustle."

I handed him the eggs, and he said, "Guess I'll get started making the cake."

I smiled happily and said, "Hurry, please!" and went to the living room to watch cartoons while I waited for the cake to be done.

After a couple of minutes, I heard two voices on the porch and saw Steve and Soda walk inside.

"Smells good in here. Is Darry making a cake?" Steve asked in excitement.

"Yes, but don't get too excited, I had to get the eggs for the cake so I get the first slice."

He rolled his eyes and said, "Whatever." Before he and Soda went into the kitchen.

Soda's POV

I walked into the kitchen with Steve and saw Darry washing the dishes, "Hey, guys, how was work?" He asked from the sink.

"Shitty." Steve said annoyed, "We were super busy today and never caught a break." I explained.

He nodded and said, "Well, take it easy for the rest of the day. You guys can have some cake as soon as it's finished and I put frosting on it."

I said thanks and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and offered Steve one, too.

He shook his head and grabbed one of Two-bit's beers, and cracked it open before chugging it down.

He wiped his mouth and said, "Refreshing." Then he walked into the living room.

I walked over to my room and took off my work clothes before sprawling out on my bed, letting my muscles relax after a long day at work.

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