Swift Changes

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(1 month later)

Ponyboy's POV

After the huge storm that shocked Tulsa, it took us two weeks to find the truck. But it was too late, it had too much water damage and got smashed against other cars that were swept away during the storm.

The mayor made an announcement about giving the whole city money to make up for everything that got destroyed, but that won't happen until they get the city cleaned up.

Everything has been paused for about a month now. Everyone's out of work except construction and sanitation workers to help fix our city.

Even though we have no income right now we don't have to worry about paying bills because our rent is on hold.

School got cancelled and that's about the only good news I've heard in a while.

Darry and Soda mentioned something about homeschooling me but I hope they were only joking.

I feel like we're going crazy inside of this house. Two-bit, Steve, and Dally haven't been in our house for about two weeks straight, it feels weird not seeing them almost every day.

I'm hoping Darry let's me walk over to Two's house today, I wanna enjoy this free time before school as much as I can.

I walked into the kitchen where Darry was reading an old newspaper.

"Hey Dar, would it be alright if I walked over to Two's place to hang out?"

He lowered the newspaper and raised an eyebrow, "Does he know you're planning to come over?"

I shrugged, "Not really but I'm sure he'd be happy to have me over."

Darry chuckled and stood up, "I don't want you walking that far by yourself, ask Soda if he'll walk with you."

I sighed but nodded, when will he ever trust me to do anything by myself?

I turned to walk out of the kitchen, Darry walked over to the fridge and pulled out some milk.

I turned back around to face him, "Darry...are you worried about me running away again?"

He stopped and stared at me with the fridge door still open,

"What makes you say that?"

I shook my head, "I just feel like you can't trust me to do anything or go anywhere by myself."

He closed the fridge and walked over to me, "Listen buddy, I trust you enough to make good decisions and stay away from bad people or places. I just don't want some socs to see you and try to jump you. At least if Soda goes with you you'll have some back-up."

I grinned at him and he put his hand on my shoulder, "You're a good kid, Pon. I hope you know that I trust you."

I nodded and he ruffled my hair, "You can walk to Two's by yourself if Soda doesn't want to walk with you."

I smiled and said, "Thanks Darry! See ya later!" And I went to my room to see if Soda was walking with me.

When I opened the door I saw that he was taking a nap, so I closed it quietly and walked outside.


I was about halfway there when I noticed that I still haven't payed back Two-bit for buying the food at the drive in when it was just me and him.

I always have spare cash on me just in case of an emergency but now I can surprise him with it.

I smiled thinking of how he'd react.

It'd probably be along the lines of, "Awwww buddyyyy you shouldn't have!" Followed by a rough noogie.

I sprinted the rest of the way to his house and saw him sitting on his porch without a shirt on.

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