A Night Out

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Ponyboy's POV

After we bought the tickets we walked over to the screen they would be playing our movie and sat in the back since the Socs tend to sit in the front

Even though we weren't early we got there before almost anybody else and our section was pretty much empty.

It's amazing that we're even able to go to the drive in while the whole city is still under construction but the local business owners are pushing through these hard times.

"Did you bring an umbrella?" I asked Steve cautiously, he looked at me with confusion, "It ain't supposed to rain today, they said so on TV."

"Oh, well I have really bad luck and would hate to have to walk home in the rain." I said with concern which Steve shook his head at.

"Stop it, you and Soda are always worrying too much. Just try to relax and enjoy the moment."

Then Steve kicked his feet up on the seats and got comfortable. I decided to take his advice and try to relax.

I did the same as Steve and kicked my feet on the seat in front of me and when I put my hands behind my head just like Steve was laying he turned to me and said, "I didn't say be you had to be a copycat."

"Jerk." I put my feet back down and sat upright.

I tapped my foot in anticipation as I thought about the movie. I loved romantic movies almost as much as romance novels. I hope Steve enjoys it though, I know these kinds of movies aren't his thing.

"Hey," I said, getting his attention, "Thanks for coming with us, I know you like comedy and horror movies more but I'm glad you're giving it a chance."

His expression was pretty stoic when he said, "No problem. Who knows, if I like it you might have to take me to the sequel."

I chuckled and said, "I don't think there will be a sequel, it's based on Romeo and Juliet."

Steve had confusion written all over his face when I said, " Steve, have you never heard of Romeo and Juliet?!"

"I've heard of it but I don't know who they are, why?"

I facepalmed and sighed, "You're missing out on classic literature, a quintessential love story. Alright, so basically a guy and girl from feuding families fall in love, and as you can imagine that causes issues. I don't want to spoil the rest but you get the gist, right?"

He nodded, "Oh, so they're kinda like Greasers and Socs?"

I lit up with excitement at his comparison, "Oh my god! How come I've never thought of that before? That's a great point Steve, but in this story, the groups are called the Capulets and Montagues."

Then he pointed and smiled, "Here come the snacks."

Then I turned and looked at Two-bit walking toward us and he had his arms full of popcorn, sodas, and candy.

"Whoa Two-bit, why'd you buy all this stuff for?" I asked as he handed me a bucket of popcorn and a drink, "I know somebody working concessions tonight, an old friend. Didn't spend a dime. Here ya go Stevie."

Then he tossed Steve a candy bar and a soda can, "Thanks, Keith."

Once we all got settled with our snacks Two-bit asked, "This movie ain't gonna put me to sleep is it?"

"No, I think you'll like it. I think there's supposed to be a fight scene in it."

"Alright, fight scene! Woohoo!" He cheered in response. A few people turned to see what the commotion was.

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