One Step Forward

314 8 14

Soda's POV

Me and Dally's relationship hasn't been that strong recently. I know we don't get to see each other that often but I'm starting to feel like we're just friends again.

I want more than that. I want to be his lover...I just wish I wasn't so scared to have sex with him.

I've only had sex with girls before, and it's been a while. I don't wanna embarrass myself by trying to act experienced and waste Dally's time.

Plus, he's huge down there. I don't know if I can handle that.

"Hey, Soda." Darry said in a monotone voice as he walked into the living room.

"Hey, Dar. Where's everybody at?" 

He shrugged and said, "Besides Pony going to Two-bit's I have no idea, they usually would've eaten all our groceries by now."

I smirked, stood up and handed him the remote, "Here, I'm gonna go look for Dally or Steve."

He nodded, "Alright. Please be careful and if Ponyboy isn't where he's supposed to be please snatch him up and bring him back."

I chuckled and nodded before I was outside and walking the sidewalks trying to remember how to get to Buck's house.

"I think it's...this way. I hope he isn't busy." I talk to myself out loud too much.

I eventually found my way to Buck's house and walked up to the front door.

I knocked and was let in by someone who knew my name but I didn't recognize them.

"Dally's upstairs by the way." The stranger said before walking off.

I nodded and went up to his room. I knocked and didn't get a response. "Hey Dal, it's me."

Still no response.

I opened the door and saw him sprawled out on his bed sleeping.. I smiled and closed the door behind me.

I quietly made my way across the room and crept into his bed quietly before pulling my shirt off and tossing it on the floor.

I pulled the blanket over both of us and I reached my hand up his shirt and started tracing circles on his back.

I noticed a smile starting to form on his lips as I sped up the motion.

"Is that you Soda?" He asked with his eyes still closed, "In the flesh." I kissed him on the cheek and he finally opened his eyes.

"Woah, I guess I'm overdressed." He said before sitting up and tossing his shirt off.

Then he pulled me close and kissed me like he missed me. "What brought you here? Having trouble at home or work?"

"No, nothing's wrong. I just missed you."  He grinned and held my hand, "I missed you too. I feel like we never get to spend time together anymore."

I frowned, "I know, I kinda wish I could just move into an apartment with you and get away from everyone else."

He started running his fingers through my hair, "Yeah, until rent's due and we're homeless. We don't make enough money for that."

I knew he was right but I didn't want to believe that we couldn't make it happen. "We could still try, I'd be homeless for a year if it meant I got to live with you for a month."

Dally blushed at my words and pushed my face away, "Hey, don't be gettin all mushy and romantic with me."

I smiled and grabbed his hand, "I can't help it, you're just too damn handsome."

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