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Yesterday was

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Yesterday was...unexpected. I mean, it shouldn't have been. It was the direction we were heading anyway, but I never knew it would feel like that. I had lost all fight and reason afterwards and we spent the night at Eric's. His mom gave us a loooooong speech, but was completely understanding. Exactly how I thought she would be. I was in a blissful state I never wanted to leave. And it was an experience I would never forget.

But reality hit when you needed it the least. I watched as Tate and his crew gave Justin more shit during practice. This was going on longer than it should have. At first it was just light hearted jabs, but when Justin dropped that implication Tate was now out for blood. His extreme reaction meant one of two things: he was homophobic or in the closet. And I could relate to that myself. Tate handled it with anger and fear while I used lies by omission. No one outright asked him if he and Eric had something going on, but when Crystal implied that his girlfriend was cheating on him with his best friend he hadn't told her the whole truth either. But right now this thing with Tate was putting a strain on the team. Our season was coming up and we needed to be more cooperative with each other. They almost came to blows again and coach had to cut practice short.

Could I really do this? Justin was just a helpless new kid trying to make it through his college years like the rest of us, but at every turn was being put down for something he couldn't control. And if I did I knew the backlash wouldn't just fall onto me, but also my lovers. Lovers. At this point that's what they were. My lovers. We had crossed a line I wasn't sure how to get back from. And Eric...he acted like nothing was wrong. That it was easy. What the hell did he know? He was kinda still in the closet too since barely anybody knew of his bisexuality 'cause he wanted to keep it from me.

My thoughts were interrupted by a grunt near by. Following the sound around the corner a symphony of thuds accompanied it. There I saw three guys beating the crap out of some kid. From there jackets I could tell they were in the basketball team. I could see the profile of one and recognized it as Tate. Throwing my back pack to the ground I tackled him to the ground bringing one of his goons with us. Eric didn't call me "bull dog" for nothing.

I got up pushing the other guy bringing the kid up to his feet. It was Justin of course. His face was bloodied and bruised, one of his eyes almost completely shut. Fuck!

"What the fuck are you guys doing?!"

"This ain't got shit to do with you, Danny! Mind your own."

"You're my teammates I am minding my own asshole."

"Tell the queer to keep his eyes off my junk."

"Nobody wants that Vienna sausage." Justin spit out a glob of blood. Tate tried to come at him but I blocked him.

"Dude, calm the fuck down. So what he may or may not have looked at your junk. You're acting like an idiot and it's gonna get you kicked off the team. I'm pretty sure it's a done deal now."

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