Chapter 10: The New Neighbor

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Cory Capore is my new neighbor now. It's weird to think that. After my first night of getting my bed and sleeping it in, Mason and Cory came into my room while I was asleep. How do I know this? Mason took a picture of me while I was sleeping and printed out the picture. He put ten copies of it around the school, including my locker. Now I'm popular by that. It's not the good kind of popular.

Now Mason is different. He was kind and was there for me. Now he acts like a jerk again. But this time, it's more teasing than slamming my books to the ground.

Walking to school is so much easier now. I just hope winter doesn't come so soon. This week has been really hot, so winter won't be close.


I walked in through the school doors alone this morning. My sisters and Cory leave early for school, and I don't go with them. I have no reason to go in early.

P.E. is as worse as always. Running laps, jump roping to where I can't breathe, and then some sport where the boys exclude the girls from it. Today, we are all split up. The boys get to play football outdoors, us girls get to play volleyball in the gym. Not my first choice of activity, but at least I don't have to play football in the heat outside.

I sit on a bench reading my book while two teams of girls play against each other and the rest of us sit to the side. It is only recommended that I play at least once. "Beth, you're in!" I look up from my book and get up and walk unto the court. I'm up to serve. Surprisingly I'm very good at serving. I serve and no one goes for it, thinking that it's out, but the ball stays in.

I remain server and score three more points with my serving. After my rein is over I am pulled out of the game. At least I can read my book. I hear the large double doors at the end of the gym and I watch for a moment as the group of sweaty boys run into the gym and gasp at the cool air. They line up behind one another for the water fountain, it's probably just their break.

Chase slides down the bench, sitting next to me. I'de almost forgot that he was in my P.E. class. "So," he starts, looking down at my book. "Me, Luke, Mason, and Cory are going to the beach Saturday. Wanna come?" The thought of the beach and relaxation seems perfect. Especially with a bunch of funny and hot men around me. "Sure," I reply. Chase hops up and runs back to meet the other guys to go back outside.


I open my eyes and check my phone realizing that it's the weekend and today is beach day with a bunch of shirtless, sexy men. Cory texted me that I should come over to his house in twenty minutes which was sent five minutes ago. I jump out of my bed and hurry to get ready.

I put on my black swimsuit and pull on a pair of jean shorts. I pack up a bag filling it with a bottle of sunscreen, a towel, and my phone. I put I my flip flops and head out the door shouting "Bye, dad."

I ring Cory's doorbell. It's crazy how similar our houses are. The porch looks the same, down to the board's arrangement. The door and doorbell have the same swirling pattern of ocean waves surrounding them.

Mason's face appears as the door slowly opens up. "Come on in," he says eyeing me. I walk in and notice the similarities and differences between mine and Cory's houses from the inside. His house his is much cleaner. We just have everything scattered around until we sort out the furniture.

"Oh, hey," Cory says coming down the stairs without a shirt, and leans against the wall. Mason hits him in the arm. "What?" He asks opening the door. Chase and Luke drive up to the curb slowly. The windows of Chase's car down to see their heads bobbing to the music blaring from the car. Luke puts his sunglasses on his head and raises his eyebrows at us. "Hey," Luke and Chase say. Mason rolls his eyes as he gets in the car. I know he hates it when other men flirt with me. I know how he feels about me, but I don't know why.

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