Chapter 29: Sick Day

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I wake up feeling terrible. My head and stomach hurt. My mind goes straight to my kiss with-please choke me-Chase. Did Chase get me sick? God, was that the purpose of his little trick?

Dad, I can't go to school. I feel sick. I text him.

Okay, then. I'll tell your teachers. He replies immediately.

I turn over on my side and fall asleep. I'll be sleeping for hours.


I wake up to my phone buzzing on my bedside table. I see that I have two messages.

Why aren't you at school? Mason texted.

Want to hang out? Eric texted me.

I'm sick. I text the both of them.

I'm coming over. Mason texts immediately.

Do you want me to come over? Eric asks.

No, thank you. I'm fine. I text Eric.

Ok. He replies.

I hear Mason burst through the door downstairs and hear his loud feet run up the stairs. Does he giant clown feet or something?

"How are you?" He asks first thing as he comes into my room.

"I'm fine. You didn't have to come over. You should be at school, but can you get me a glass of water?" I ask.

He runs back down the stairs and run back up with my water. He tries not to spill, but he comes as quickly as he can. I'm not dying.

I take medicine for my headache as he sits by my feet at the end of my bed.

"So what's wrong with you?" He asks.

"Wrong choice of words," I laugh watching his eyes bulge. "But my head and stomach hurt, and your giant ass feet and yelling aren't helping."

"You must be very sick," he says sarcastically. "We're you at a party? With drinks?"

"No," I answer immediately. I don't do that, and he knows it.

"Is it that time?" He asks slowly and awkwardly.

"No," I answer quicker and louder than before.

"Are you pregnant?"

"No!" I answer louder.

"Just saying what those symptoms could mean," he laughs.

"I love how fine you are with the fact that I could be pregnant meaning I would've had to have sex with someone besides you," I point out.

"Yeah, well, you're practically my sister," he says with a little grin.

Someone knocks on the door.

"I'll get it," he says leaping from his spot on my bed.

"Well I wasn't going to," I laugh.

Mason's heavy feet run down the stairs, and I hear him open the door.

"Who the fuck are you?" Mason yells. A moment passes by before I hear him shout, "Beth!"

I groan and get up. I walk into the hall to hear them.

"No, don't make her get up!" Eric yells at Mason.

Oh, boy.

"Guys, shut up," I say walking slowly down the stairs. I have to hold the rail, so I don't fall. I sit on the couch and watch this whole mess unfold in front of me.

"What is he doing here?" Mason asks.

"He happens to be my friend. But what are you doing here?" I ask turning my attention towards Eric.

"I lied. I was going to surprise you by coming. I wasn't going to leave you alone. Turns out you've got your brother," he pokes at Mason.

"I'm not her brother," he denies.

"It was a surprise for sure," I laugh.

"Beth," he whines. "He's a dirty rat. He just wants to get in bed with you," he spits.

"If only you knew what we already did," Eric teases.

"You're the same way, Mason!" I yell ignoring Eric's comment.

"Beth, please tell me you didn't. With him?" Mason sadly asks.

"You said you'd be fine!" I argue. "And we didn't."

The two begin throwing words at each other. I don't listen to them. My stomach hurts more and more. I run down the hall and to the bathroom. I hurl up everything that was in my stomach; which I'm not sure how, considering I haven't eaten since last night.

"Beth?" Mason yells, stopping the fight.

"Beth, are you okay?" Eric calls.

Mason opens the door and runs to my side. He holds my hair up. Eric runs from the scene, but he returns with water, medicine, and three mints. What is with this guy and always having everything? I'm happy they both stopped fighting to help me out.

We leave the bathroom and sit back down on the couch. Mason puts a fuzzy blanket over me and sets a small, plastic trash can on my lap. Eric turns on Guardians of the Galaxy, my favorite movie, and the two sit on either side of me. Mason sits on my right, and Eric sits on my left. Mason rubs my belly, and Eric holds my cup of water. My bad boys. My perfect bad boys.

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