Chapter 3: Breaking Out of Prison

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•Beth's POV•

I woke up actually excited to go to school. I flatten my hair down and pull it into a nice silky braid. I put on my Marvel tank top and tuck it into my plain gray skirt. My grayish-black tights cover my legs and I pull on my black combat boots. I find my blue cardigan in my messy closet and run down the stairs to meet my sisters.

I get off the bus and into school. Lynn runs up to me. "Tell me everything," she says with an excited squeal. "What?" I ask, obviously confused.

She takes a deep breath. "Cory stopped me in the hall today and told me, to tell you, that Mason says hi, and Cory thinks you should meet him at his locker. So tell me what happened? Obviously he's interested in you. So, tell me!" She grabs me and takes me into the girls bathroom. She locks the door. "Okay, now tell me."

"Fine. Well my dad had a friend come over for dinner and turns out her son is Mason. That's basically it. Nothing else happened besides eating food."

"Oh my gosh!" She squeals and jumps up an down. "My best friend basically had a date with Mason! Well at least got to hang out with him!"

"It's was actually very boring," I say straightforwardly.

"I could just die right now," she ignores me. "You guys would be so cute together!" She calms down, and we sprint to our first class.

After the bell rings signaling the end of home room, I find Lynn, and we walk out of the classroom to find Cory waiting there. "Hello ladies," he winks, "come with me. I'll take you to Mason's locker."

We walk a little ways before being stopped by another one of the rich popular kids, Bobby Day. "Hey, you three should come to the party I'm hosting." He gives us each a paper of where to go and all that information.

"Yeah, sure." Lynn says giving Bobby a wink.

We continue on walking until we see Mason at his locker. Lynn and Cory stop walking. They shove me towards him and walk in the opposite direction. Are you kidding me? Does nobody listen to how much of a train-wreck last night was?

"Hey, Mason," I say my voice squeaky and high pitched. His head hits the door of the locker.

"Oh my God. Are you okay? I'm so sorry. Did I scare you?"

"Yeah, just a bit, but I'm fine," he answers rubbing his head.

"So, you going tonight?" I ask waving the paper to show him what I'm talking about.

"Yeah, I might, now," he answers with a laugh. The bell goes off.

"Oh, well I should get to class, now." I say before turning around. Cory and Lynn come back into view just as I walk away from him.


I look through my fridge. Even though there is food in it, to me, there is absolutely nothing to eat. "Dad?" I ask peeking into his office.

"Yes?" He looks up from his papers.

"Can I go to a party a guy from school is hosting?"

"Sorry, but no."

"What if it's really important for me to go?"


I leave and walk up to my room, laying down on my bed. I grab my phone and start to text Lynn.

Well I can't just walk out of the house tonight. Idea? I text.

Really? She texts back. Just sneak out through your window.

Lynn, I'm on the second floor.

I'll bring a rope.

Park far from the house.

See you at 10

I look through all my clothes to find what I should wear. I pick out my black, high-waist shorts and leave on my tank top. I grab my black jacket and my red converse.

At nine o'clock I put on my robe and run down the stairs.
"Goodnight, my father! I'm just going to watch Netflix until I get tired," I say gleefully and run back upstairs. I apply my makeup and throw my hair up into a messy ponytail. I finish up my makeup with a dark red lipstick and my black mascara. I wait by the window waiting for Lynn.

When I see her running up the sidewalk, I silently open the window. I run to lock my door and turn off the light, making it look like I'm sleeping. Lynn tosses up the rope. I tie it to my bed post and make sure it's sturdy. I slide down the rope as slowly as I can. When I get to the bottom me and Lynn sprint to her car.

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