Chapter 25: Announcements

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I kept Eric's number.

Cory wasn't home, and Mason wouldn't return my texts. I was lonely, so I called the number he wrote.

"Hello?" Eric asks in his deep voice.

"It's Beth," I say.

"Elizabeth!" he exclaims. "Wasn't sure if you'd actually call, but thanks. What's up?"

"I'm completely bored."

"That's sucks. What do you want me to do about it? I can come and get you if you like. We can do something."

"Hey, Beth!" I hear from the window. I turn around to see Mason at the windowsill.

"Eric, I have to go. I'll text you," I say into the phone.

"Sounds good," He says. I feel bad before I hanging up; I could've sworn there was some sadness in his tone.

"Who's Eric?" Mason asks seriously.

"No one," I say immediately.

"Beth, tell me," he says forcefully.

"No," I shut my window and close the blinds.

Beth? What did I do? Mason texts me.

Hey. Never asked how old are you? Eric texts.

You're just really bugging me at the moment. Do I have to tell you everything? I text Mason.

17 almost 18. I text Eric.

It would be helpful if you could include me in stuff. Mason texts.

When will you be 18? Eric replies.

Ugh. Why do you do this to me? I send to Mason.

February. I reply to Eric.

I just want you to be safe. I love you, and I don't want you talking to people who aren't trustful. Mason texts.

February better come fast. Eric texts me.

I love you too, but you are just annoying me. I send to Eric.

Haha. So you're over 18? I send to Mason.

Wait what. Eric texts back.

What? You know I'm not 18 yet. Mason texts.

Crap. Did I just accidentally send the wrong messages to the wrong people?

Sorry, wrong person. I send to both of them.

Oh haha. Eric sends.

What?! Mason replies. Who are you texting?

I have to go. I send, again, to both.

That's fine. Eric sends.

What? No! Tell me now! Mason sends.

Two types of bad boys.

I don't text Mason back. I leave my phone in my room and walk downstairs. I lay exhaustedly on the couch when the door swings open.

"I'm home!" My sister, Morgan, yells cheerfully though the house.

I hear Piper and Paige's squeals as they run through the hall and down the stairs. Catherine and Fallon aren't far behind them.

I hop off the couch and walk to Morgan. Her boyfriend, Andy, walks through the door. He's sweet and funny, and he takes care of her well. That's what I like about him.

"Hey, when's dinner?" She asks.

We all shrug our shoulders.

"Now," my father says coming into the room and hugging her.

After eating dinner, we all sit in the living room watching some hilarious family movie. We hear a knock on the door and pause the movie. Piper runs to the door. "It's for Beth!" She yells.

Mason awkwardly walks in. "Can I speak to you, Beth?" He says keeping his voice low and calm.

I lead him up to my room. A hundred mental groans go off at once. I don't want to deal with his bullshit.

"Who are you talking to that's over eighteen?" He asks.

"Well I don't know for sure if he's eighteen, but why?"

"Because I care about you! I don't want anything to happen to you."

"I'm fine. He's this guy I hung out with at Fallon's birthday party."

"Oh my - ugh, you are killing me, Beth! Why are you so stupid as to doing that?" He asks, collapsing onto my bed.

"So looks like I can't make friends because you said so," I say sarcastically back and sit down as well.

"That's not what I'm saying. I'm sorry that I'm nervous having you out and around other, older men." He lowers his voice.

"If I need you, I'll tell you. I love you." I take his hand and kiss it lightly before walking out of my room. He follows me down the stairs, and we see that the movie ended.

"Why don't you stay," Morgan says to Mason. "I'm Morgan; Bethie's older sister."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Mason," He says politely.

I sit back at my spot at the edge of the couch next to Andy. Mason sits on the armrest of the couch right next to me. I could practically hear my father growling at him.

Morgan stands up, and so does Andy. "Hey, guys," she starts. Something's coming. All of our attention is on her. "We're pregnant."

"What?!" My dad shouts through the house. I don't think any of us can tell if he is joyful or angry. I saw Mason flinch, in the corner of my eye, at the sound of my father yelling. "For goodness' sake, Morgan, you're only twenty-two!"

"Remind me never to get you pregnant at a young age," Mason leans in and whispers in my ear. "Or ever make him mad."

I lean to him and whisper back, "He already hates you. Maybe now some of that hatred is off you and onto Andy."

"Did you just find this out?" He asks, now standing.

"We found out late September," she says, shrinking down.

"And you didn't tell me?!" He erupts.

"Well would you want me to announce it over the phone?" She exclaims, growing to her original size, maybe even bigger.

"I guess you two were too happy to see each other again once school started," Dad says immediately regretting it by physically trying to shake the thought of it out if his head.

Morgan gasps and crosses her arms. Andy has the same wide-eyed expression as Mason.

"I'd at least hoped you'd be married first," my father says sounding disappointed.

"I can make that happen, sir." Andy says speaking up for the first time.

My dad only glares at him. Then he marches up the stairs.

We all wait a moment, until we know he's gone, before we erupt into our congratulations for the two. The twins are excited at becoming aunts and volunteering to help Morgan and the baby. But I know everybody will be doing that.

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