Chapter 20: Break Ups and Make Ups

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I put my books into my locker when a hand is put on my mouth. "Stop it, Chase," I say into his hand.

"How'd you know it was me?" He asks with a smile along his face.

"Prankster," I say raising one eyebrow.

"Oh, yeah," he said forgetting his own title. "That reminds me, I haven't pulled a prank in a while. I need to step up my game." He ran down the hall. I only laugh.

Mall? Lynn texts me at the end of the day.

YES PLEASE. I reply.

Moments later, Lynn's small, silver car pulls up to the curb she knows I will be at. I hop in, and she drives us to the mall.

The mall isn't huge, but it does have fantastic stores and an amazing-smelling food court. We get free samples every time.

"Keaton and I broke up," Lynn mumbles as she eats the Chinese food we got.

"Wait, what?" I say completely surprised. They missed lunches to make out. Why would they do that?

Lynn stares at me. She stuffs her food into her mouth from saying it again.

"No, no, Lynn. You guys broke up, why?"

She sets her fork down and puts her head in her hands. Keaton must have broken up with her if she feels this way. "Keaton thinks that we should stop because it's not good for our friendship. Making out and all that."

"Oh, Lynn," I say and bring her into a hug. "Will more shopping help?"

She nods slowly and laughs. We shop for another hour and cry over what is too expensive for us to buy. She drives back to my house, and we collapse on the couch. We definitely "shopped 'till we dropped."

"What the heck?" Piper asked surprised as she saw us.

"Where'd you go?" Paige added.

"Mall," Lynn said tiredly.

"Ah," the twins chime in unison.

I don't know why, but I'm closer to Billie than the rest of my sisters. The twins have each other, and Catherine and Fallon have each other. We have nothing to talk about. Maybe it's an age difference thing.

"Well, I'm going to leave. I'll text you." Lynn says as she walks out the door.

"Bye, babe!" I yell so she can hear me.

"Love you, babe!" She yelled from the lawn.

Piper and Paige roll their eyes and walk to their room.

•Mason's POV•

Cory walks up to my locker as the day draws to an end. My smile drops. He has bags under his eyes, and he looks like his depression took over in the past 24 hours.

"Mason, I can't stop thinking about it. I made a wrong choice."

"I forgive you," I say and take him in. I hold him, feeling all of the weight on his shoulders release.

I've been wishing it was over. I've lost everything. My mother hates Beth and her family. My own best friend was against me. My friends left me.

The ice of jealousy that crawled over me is beginning to suffocate me. The only thing keeping me from turning completely cold is the thought of Beth. Beth is what kept me from going cold to myself and others. She kept the coldness from coming, but once she left me, even if it was an act, she brought the ice back to me. The ice was rage that built up because of her. This crush was crushing me.

We walk out of the school and begin to walk to Cory's house.

"I heard that Beth got a real boyfriend this time," he starts the conversation.

"Luke?" I calmly question.

"Funny," he replies with a chuckle, "but no."

Surprisingly, I felt no burning sensation or ice cold sting. I could handle her with someone else for now. It felt relieving.

Cory opens up his door. We walk up the carpeted stairs and into his room. His room is a dark green color with nothing on the walls. It's a bit boring.

Cory grabs a new bag of sunflower seeds and starts throwing them one-by-one at Beth's window. She doesn't answer. "I'll try again later," Cory says putting the bag down. "Wanna watch a movie?"

About two hours later, after we watched some movie Cory picked out, he tries to throw sunflower seeds at her window again. This time she answers.

"What?" She hisses, but she's smiling. Cory laughs at that. It confuses me. It must be an inside joke of some sort.

Cory holds up the bag of seeds. "Hey, you got some! Nice," Beth says laughing. Her laugh mesmerizes me.

She's only a crush.

I come slowly into the picture so that Beth can see me. Her smile slowly fades.

"It's okay. I've moved on."

Partially true?

"Oh," her smile returns.

I grab a seat and sit next to Cory.

"How's Lynn?" Cory randomly asks.

"Poor her," she says. "Keaton broke up with her. She's devastated."

"Oh," Cory says. He takes out his phone once I start talking to Beth.

"So, who's this boyfriend of yours?" I smirk.

"Promise me you won't get mad?" She questions.

Who is it? Who shouldn't I get mad at? I nod anyway.

"It's Chase," she says nervously as if an explosion will come right afterward. I'm that explosion. I'm a ticking time-bomb. "Chase Jackson."

Boy, did I laugh. I cried over the mess I've been put into with Cory. He's been a rock. We've both been given shit. Shit just come to some prone people, and we have nothing to clean it up. Others get resources. Cory and I make the most. Two people are better than one.

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