Chapter 26: Space To Dance

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Christmas was getting close. Our midterms started this week. Some amazing person at school decided to set up a coffee stand. $1 for a cup of coffee. You could choose between iced or hot. I swear, everyone is buying coffee to keep them awake. That person is making bank.

Mason is going out of town at the end of the week. He is going to see family in Minnesota. He's going to need five coats on at once.

Morgan and Andy are here. So is my twenty-year-old sister, Heidi. She's extremely gorgeous. She's just as excited to be an aunt as the twins are.

My dad is finally happy that he's going to be a grandfather. Once dad figured he couldn't do anything about Morgan being pregnant, his mood shifted. But I catch him glaring at Andy every once in a while. I wonder how Andy feels about that.

Our sleeping arrangements are all weird. I still have my room, but I have to share it with Heidi. I don't mind it at all, I'm just not used to it. It's hard to find time where I can talk to Cory through my window. Heidi thought he was my boyfriend at first.

Morgan took Billie's bed. Dad made Billie give it up since Morgan is pregnant. So poor Billie has to sleep on the floor. Heidi and I just share the bed. I'd hate to sleep on the floor, and so does she. Billie could have slept on the couch but that is where Dad put Andy. Dad didn't trust the two in the same bed let alone the same room. So Dad forced him to sleep on the couch.

You can't tell Morgan is pregnant when you look at her if she's wearing a normal t-shirt, but if you live with her, you can tell. Dad's had to make extra amounts of food for her. The poor girl gets morning sickness all the time, and it wakes up everyone. Andy has to get up early every morning just to comfort her.

Poor Billie wakes up too. She tells me that she had to rearrange her sleeping schedule just so she won't pass out during the day. So now she goes to bed at nine o'clock.


I finished my last midterm. I was officially done with midterms. It was Christmas vacation for me. That was the last midterms I'd have to take as a high school student.

If I didn't say it before, I'm saying now. I'm a senior student along with Billie. Lynn, Keaton, Jason, Mason, Cory, Chase, and Luke are all seniors too.

"Hey," Mason says coming up behind me at my locker. "We're done with midterms." He places a kiss on my lips.

"Whoa," I say seriously.

"I've come to terms with to terms with where we're at," he smiles down at me.

"And I've come to terms with our friendship," I say with a whining tone and pushing him away. "I love you, but no."

"Why?" Mason asks.

"I'm doing it for myself."

"Merry Christmas," he says quietly with underlying sadness. He holds up a small white box

I stare blankly at the box with a little label reading: Love You. I'm starting to feel a bit guilty, and I don't even know why. It was my choice, and I was happy with it. I miss him already. I open the box to find a thin, chain necklace with a elaborate sun connected to it.


Hey. Eric texts. My dad is making me go to a Christmas party for his work. It's formal. They hold it yearly. He really wants me to have a date. Would you go with me if I asked you?

That depends. Are you asking? I text back.

Yes. So?

Then I'll go. When is it?


Really? Why didn't you ask me sooner?

He just told me about today I swear. He texts.

You knew it was coming. I better find a dress. I'll send you my address for you to pick me up.

It's ok I still have to find a tux. Thank you though.

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