Chapter 31: The Great Makeover

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Lynn inches her hands closer to my window, and she inches her feet towards the edge of Cory's windowsill. She shifts all her weight onto the top part of her body.

I grab her wrists and help her grab onto the sides of my window for leverage.

She pulls her chest onto my concrete windowsill. Her feet rest on the very edge of Cory's windowsill. She uses her muscles to pull herself though my window, and she flops onto my floor, panting.

"You had to go the complicated way didn't you? You couldn't have gone through the door once my dad left?" I ask.

"You shut up. I could've died!" She says through her panting.

"Exactly!" I yell back.

"Well your dad hasn't even left yet, and you have a date!"

"One: you know it's not a date. Two: you know how families say they're going to leave early and actually leave late? My dad always leaves early."

"He said he would leave in an hour from now," She retorts.

"Okay, let's go, girls!" My dad yells from the hall.

Lynn's face goes blank and she look at me irritatedly. I smirk back.

We hear a knock from the door. I look down at Lynn, and she gives me the same scared look.

"One minute!" I yell. I pull Lynn off the floor and push her into the closet. I quickly shut the door.

"All good," I say sweetly.

"Who are you talking to, Beth?" Dad asks opening the door.

A loud thud comes from Cory's room.

"I see." Dad walks toward the window. "Mr. Capore, what are you doing?"

Cory peels himself off his floor, where he purposely jumped to, and rises to his knees, flashing a scared-looking smile.

"Smelling the floor?" He replies.

"You're scared of me aren't you, Cory?" Dad asks with a slight smirk.

"Yes, sir," Cory quickly responds.

"Good," he says and turns back to me, smiling. "Bye. Love you. Have a good date."

"Bye, Dad," I say anxiously.

"Oh," he says before closing the door.

I hold my breath.

His smile disappears. "Don't have too much fun. I still have my doubts about that Turner boy. Be careful."

He smiles again and leaves the room. I hear his footsteps run down the stairs. The front door closes. I wait a few seconds before opening the closet up.

"Finally! Better light!" Lynn says already looking through my clothes. "'Don't have too much fun,' really? Does he always make underlying sexual comments like that?"


By the end of my "much needed makeover," according to Lynn, although she seemed to be joking, I looked cute. Cory and Lynn's opinions were different. To them, I looked hot. Lynn worked her magic, like usual.

Lynn wanted me to wear heels on the date to give it a more "sexy look", in her words. I convinced her not to give me showy heels. Although, I agreed to wearing a cute pair of gold heels.

I'm awfully glad Lynn hadn't tried to straighten my hair or used a curling iron for all of my hair. She pulled my hair up into casual-looking bun with a few strands hanging in the front.

She went with really light makeup. She only covered a few blemishes, put on a nude-color lipstick. The only major makeup that I let her do was my eye makeup. That was one thing I never really did to myself.

Clothes were her top priority. Once she escaped the closet, that I shoved her in, she began to trash my room. She divided my whole closet into two piles: what I could possibly wear and what I could not wear.

After forcing me to try on every piece of clothing in my "what I could possibly wear" pile, she found the perfect dress for me. I thought it was fantastic myself. If she hadn't picked it, I sure would've.

Lynn had found it stashed in the back of my closet. I don't know how I could've forgotten about it. The last time I'd probably seen it was when I unpacked after moving here.

The dress came up to my mid-thigh. It was made out of all polyester. The whole dress was simple and had sleeves going just over my shoulders. It was navy blue with a small, limp bow at the top that was the same color and fabric as the dress.

To top the whole outfit off, I put on the sun necklace Mason gave me for Christmas.

Lynn was pleased with everything. She looked so happy. I was glad she stuck with my look without complaining. She knows me best, and she kept my natural look.

She squeezed Cory. She fled my house, knowing Mason was on his way over. She told me I should be the only one in the house, whatever that means. This time she went through doors to get where she wanted.

"I wish I could hug you right now," Lynn says almost in tears. "Damn, why didn't I do it while I was over there?"

The doorbell rings downstairs.

"He's here!" I scream.

"Calm down!" Lynn screams back in much greater excitement. "Be cool."

"Yes. Cool." I run from my room.

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