Chapter 17: Regret

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Do you want to come to the beach with me tomorrow? I text Mason not including the fact that Luke, Chase, Cory, and Lynn will all be there.

Yeah, sure. He replies.

The trap is set. I feel guilty lying to him. Chase was right, it is all like one big prank on him. It's a fun prank to play though. I'm doing this to get him back. Maybe he will be more loyal to me after I tell him I'm not actually dating Luke. I'll just wait a while to tell him that.

•Mason's POV•

Maybe she broke up with Luke and that's why she asked me to go to the beach with her. I highly doubt it by the way she kissed him. I hope my betrayer of a friend won't be there.

Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. It's not just going to be you and me. Beth texts.

There it is. Luke's coming. Her in a bikini with her shirtless boyfriend. It's sickening, and I don't want to be there to see it.

I invited Lynn, Cory, and Chase. She continues to text.

What, not your boyfriend? I ask.

She doesn't read the text. She's either ignoring it to not lie to me, or she had something to do. It better not be the first one.

I'll go to the beach anyway. I want to see her.


I drive myself to the beach the next morning. It was a nice day for it being November. Usually you'd think it'd be cold or at least chilly, but it wasn't. At least not today.

I go onto the sand seeing Cory, Chase, and Lynn. Beth wasn't here yet. Chase flirts with Lynn, but I know she's not interested.

A car pulls up. I know that car. It's Luke's car, and Beth come out of it. I had a feeling he'd be here. I just tucked that feeling deep down and hoped for the best.

Beth looks stunning in her bikini, and I can tell Luke feels the same way. He stares at her butt as she walks towards us. I would never do that to her.

Luke comes up behind Beth and pinches her bare sides. "Stop it," she giggles playfully and lightly punches him. Can I leave now? This all makes me want to hurt Luke.

"C'mon, Lynn, let's go into the water," Beth says. The two go into the ocean, and Chase and Luke follow them. Cory stays with me. "You bugged by it?" He asks worriedly.

"A bit."

I follow the group and go into the water. The water is cold, but the heat of my anger for Beth and Luke keeps me warm.

Beth starts to come my way. My body tingles as she looks at me and smiles. She trips, but I catch her in my arms. "Sorry," she says laughing.

"It's fine," I reply smiling. Luke glares at me.

Lynn and Beth walk back to the shore to tan while the rest of us follow. Beth trips, again, on the sand and falls onto Luke. The two topple over onto the sand flinging the sand everywhere. Beth laughs and kisses Luke's sandy lips with her sandy lips. The kiss lasts for a while. I get up and walk back to my motorcycle. I'm not staying around to see that. I see it enough at school.


I lay in my bed with Karen sleeping next to me. I stare at her body, watching the movements it makes as she sleeps peacefully.

Karen goes to school with me. We take biology together. She's not a slut, and she's not one of the girls who fantasizes over me. She was just available.

When I look at her in my bed, I regret it. I love Beth, but I tried to distract myself from her.

Tonight, I'm glad my mother went out with her friends. She usually spends the night with one of them. Oh, moms. And I'm glad Ben doesn't care about this. I hope he doesn't make the same mistakes that I've made.

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