Chapter 21: Time and Space

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"Did you tell Cory about my breakup with Keaton?" Lynn asks.

"Oh, yeah. I'm so sorry, Lynn." I say remembering that I did tell him. I shouldn't have told him that.

"No need to be sorry, I want to thank you," she says cheerfully, giving me a hug.


"Cory asked me out yesterday. I mean, it was over text, but it's still good," She squeals.

"Hey," Chase says stopping to see me before he has a class. He puts a kiss on my cheek, that makes me bubble up inside, before he leaves.

•Mason's POV•

After school, I brought Cory, Luke, and Chase over to my house for our "Movie Marathon Time of the Month." Each month we do a marathon of movies, with an exception of tv shows, that one person picks, and we watch it on my basement tv. My basement is our safe zone. We can talk about everything from the newest movies to girls. We settle down in my man cave. It's even been a haven for some of us guys in bad situations. It's been Cory's home a couple of times.

Last month, I picked out the movies. This month, it's Cory's turn.

"Should we let Beth join in our 'Movie Marathon Time of the Months?'" Cory asks as he looks through all my movies. He always liked to look at my collection of movies instead of bringing his own. He says he likes to look for something new or something that he hasn't seen "a thousand times."

"But this is our place," I say sitting down on the very large, tan sofa we put down here.

"Yeah, but she likes stuff like this," Luke points out.

"Can't argue with that," Chase agrees, pointing at his best friend.

"Maybe we should invite her for one and then see how it goes," Cory suggests. All three of them stare back at me.

"You know I'm completely fine with this," I say with a reappearing smile.

"I can text her now to come over," Chase says getting out his phone.

"She can pick out what to watch. I can't seem to make up my mind right now," Cory says giving up his search to find movies and laying on the ground, staring up at the ceiling.

"What if she doesn't have a ride?" Luke points out that fact.

"I'll pick her up. My ride's faster," I say. The existing crush feelings spark inside of me, and I'm really hoping she doesn't have a ride. I want to be over her so badly.

Chase looks over at me the moment I said it. I could see the jealousy. "Fine," he says coldly and begins texting Beth.

Soon after the text was sent, Beth quickly replied saying she didn't have a ride. I had a burning feeling inside that I wish I could extinguish. I knew it was bad to be around her. I hated her, but I liked her. I missed her, but I didn't want to be around her. I wanted her, but I didn't want the mess she pulled me into.

I leave the basement slowly, but once I was out of sight from the guys, I dashed to get ready to pick her up.

Once she opened the door and I saw her beautiful self, she gave me a wide smirk.

"Didn't know you were a nerdy guy," she says getting close to me. Once she realized what she did, her smirk fell and she took a step back. Her face grew red. I was too shocked to do anything.

"Looks can be deceiving," I reply with a small smile.

"Maybe I should smack down your collection of movies," she mocks walking towards my motorcycle.

"Not my babies," I say sarcastically respond.

Having Beth grip on to my chest again kept the flame burning. I didn't know how badly I missed this, but altogether, I wanted to throw up.

We got to my house, and immediately she knew what to watch. She came down the steps of my basement and screamed, "We're watching Doctor Who!"

I'd heard of the show before, but I never saw it. She knew what episodes she wanted to watch. We went quickly through the season with the 9th Doctor and onto the 10th Doctor. This show seemed really interesting. Some of the episodes really creeped me out. So far, the 10th Doctor was my favorite of all. But then again, I'd only seen one other Doctor besides him.

By the end of the day, I wished I was the Doctor. I could take her off with me into the Tardis, and we could travel through time and space together.

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