Chapter 2: The Dinner

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I hop off the bus and run through the door. Billie follows at a slower pace.

"Hey, Dad I'm back!" His face appears through the doorway that leads into the living room.

"Great! How was the first day?"

"Pretty good."

"Oh, tomorrow night one of my college friends is coming over for dinner. Apparently she has a son your ages bd another that's maybe around the twins' age," He gives me a big smile.

"Alright." I say and walk to my bedroom. Great, I'm going to have to socialize with a guy my dad is making me meet. I could just sit around and watch Netflix in my sweatpants, but I will do this for my dad. He seems pretty excited about this.


The next day passed extremely fast. As soon as I got back home dad made me, Billie, and Fallon cook dinner while Piper, Paige, and Catherine cleaned. And the whole time he tried to get ready. If I hadn't known, I'd have thought the Queen of England was arriving.

The doorbell rings around six o'clock, and my dad rushes to it. Billie and Fallon stand behind him. "Melanie!" His booming voice echoes through the kitchen. I turn around the corner to see a lovely woman standing there. My dad: what a sly dog. It's a freaking date. My heart sinks. My eyes widen, and my breathing stops. The person right behind her is Mason Turner. He gives me the same expression that I'm giving him; the look of 'why?'


"Yikes," he says turning around an revealing his younger brother.

I walk back behind the corner and run up the stairs to my bedroom. It's not that he's attractive, I don't want to deal with him. I see him at school, and the space between us is just that. I want space there. My home is a safe zone, and he's invading.

•Mason's POV•

I run from Beth's house and stand by my mom's car. I dial Cory's number and wait for him to pick up.

"Hello? What's up?" He asks, knowing it's me.

"Well you know how I told you I was having dinner with my mom's friend and his family?" I ask him.

"Yeah," He says flatly

"Well, that family is Beth's family."

"Oh dude, you're screwed."

"Help. Me. Out."

"Text me the address and I'll come. In the meantime, text me what's happening." He orders and I hear the sound of a car starting.

"I can't just do that," I slap back.

"I'm trying to help you out."

"That's a stupid plan," I reply to the phone.

"I'm sorry for trying," he gives a huff. "Get back in there tiger."

I take a deep breath and walk back in there, so nervous. Beth comes into view again. My throat goes dry.

Shit shit shit shit shit shit.

"You wanna go in the living room while our parents talk for ages?" She asks me.

"Yeah, sure," I answer cooly. Is it normal to feel this funny?

We sit on a green soft couch together awkwardly not saying anything. I casually look around at the decor. Little trinkets line anywhere they can, but it's not too cluttered.

"Want anything to drink?" She asks breaking the silence.

"Nah," I lie, "I'm fine."

The silence continues. It draws on longer and longer. Seconds feel like minutes. It's like waiting for the microwave. What do I say?

Hey, I purposely bumped into you because I think you're hot.

I think we had a class together freshman year.

"I've seen you around during passing periods," I say casually. That's fine.

"You bumped into me yesterday," she retorts, "and we had a class together freshman year."

Damn it, I knew that. Now I just seem like a jackass.

"Oh, yeah," I shrink, returning to my quiet state.

Just when I want to die, I'm saved by her father exclaiming that dinner was being served.

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