Chapter 16: This bitch..

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Third person•

After diner Y/n got up and started walking to her room. She heard someone behind her, but didn't bother to look. When she got the her door she finally turned around to the person following her. It was the girl with a clock in her eye. The girl immediately started "I don't like you." As she narrowed her eyes.
"Good to know." Y/n said turning around and reaching for the doorknob. "Why did slender even recruit you?" The girl nagged. "Why don't you ask him yourself?" Y/n said. "Because I want answers from you. Your a human. Not any normal serial killer just shows up here." The girl said. Y/n was very ticked off at this point but kept her cool.
"Okay what's your problem?" Y/n said. "You're below us, that's my problem." The girl said, stepping closer to Y/n. Y/n wanted to sock her in the eye, but held back. Maybe she's just in a bad mood? The girl quickly pulled out a knife from her pocket and held it to y/n's throat. This wasn't y/n's first rodeo with a knife to her throat. Y/n simply looked to the knife and back to the girl. "If your so great, stop me." The girl said. "Want me to-" Nolan was cut off. "No." Y/n said, responding to Nolan and the girl at the same time.

Y/n felt the knife going slightly Into her throat, but not enough to draw blood. The girl saw she had a scar right above where she was putting it. "This isn't your first time with a knife to your throat I see." The girl said, cocking her head slightly to the side. Y/n stayed silent. She honestly wanted to see where this was going. Y/n was just standing there. When the girl asked "Why are you not scared at all?" Y/n's face was still blank. This bitch- y/n thought Y/n had stood there long enough. Y/n grabbed the girls arm and twisted it, she grabbed the knife and threw it down the hallway. Y/n then pushed the girl down and walked into her room.

Y/n laid down on the bed. Why am I here though? Am I not normal? Y/n Thought. "Didn't he already explain why?" Nolan said. "Yeah but.. are we really that weird?" Y/n said sighing. "He didn't say we're weird. He said that it's because I'm not human." Nolan told y/n. "So.. you don't have any use for me..?" Y/n said, starting to panic a little. "Y/n. I'm not just going to leave you. We're friends now." Nolan said. "We are? I thought you were only using me.." Y/n said, eyes wide. "Hell no. I could leave right now if I wanted, but I'm still here." Nolan said, Nolan wasn't a solid figure but Y/n felt like he was somehow hugging her. "I wonder if Slender is Just using me." Y/n says. "I don't know. But be cautious." Nolan said. "I wonder if my mom and dad have even noticed I've gone missing.." Y/n said turning to her side. "Probably not." Nolan said. "Your Right." Y/n said. Y/n heard her door slam open. "Hey! Slendy is making me take you on a mission. Let's go." Jeff said as he walked out the door again. Y/n decided it was best if she went.

Y/n walked out the door. She followed Jeff outside. "You got a knife?" Jeff said. "I don't just use knives." Y/n said. "Oh?" Jeff eyes y/n from the corner of his eye. "I use throwing knives, hatchets... rocks.." y/n said. "Hold on you've killed someone with a rock?" Jeff asked a little surprised.. "yep."


Y/n had been walking down the new hiking trail. She was a little bloodthirsty at the moment. She didn't have any weapons on her but she was planning to kill. It was near sunset so anyone walking at this time was lost. Y/n saw a guy in his late 20 to early 30's looking at a map. Y/n was 16 at the time, so she wouldn't be able to kill someone at his age with her hands. She pushes the guy but the guy obviously knew she was there because he caught her hand. Her eyes widened. "What?" The guy said turning around. He had short blonde hair, blue eyes and glasses. The guy started twisting her hand, obvious of her intent. Y/n fell to the floor and tried to get out of his grip. She used her free hand to grab a big, sharp rock. She bashed his hand off of her. His hand was bleeding. Y/n jumped up and hit him in the back of his head, knocking him down. She hit his head over and over again until there was a giant dent. She had blood all over her as she walked down the trail.

End of flashback

"Holy shit.." y/n Heard Jeff mumble "I know." Y/n said. "Where are we even going anyway?" Y/n asked. "Well I'm going to kill someone. Slendy Just asked if you could come with me to learn." Jeff said. "So I'm not doing anything?" Y/n asked. "Not unless you need to. You need to learn how to kill properly." Jeff said. "I've killed 43 people. I'm good at it." Y/n said. Jeff slowly turned his head with a dark, mischievous smile (wider than it already was) on his face. Y/n's blood went cold, maybe she is a bit scared. "2759" He said. "W-wha.." y/n tried to speak but was at a loss for words. He's killed that many people within the span of 4 years?!

After a bit of silence and walking.. "We're here." Jeff said, as Y/n looked up and saw a house. "Stay here." Jeff said. "Uh. No." Y/n said, walking in front of Jeff. Y/n walked up to the porch of the house. "You just gonna walk in?" Jeff says, raising a eyebrow bone . Y/n nods and starts to open the door...

Word count: 1410

Thank everyone SO much for reading, I stopped writing for about a month because I got self conscious about my story. I'm going to take it slow while writing, so please don't fret!  There WILL be more chapters!

Very long chapter my friends. Thank you for reading ùwú

Little info:
I started this story off the top of my head and do not plan ANYthing out, everything in this story was off the top of my head. I've only planned 2-3 things. Everything I just wrote what I thought and I think that it's turning out well. Of course at the start it was a little shaky  but it steadied itself out pretty quickly. I'd say my writing has gotten better since the beginning. I started this a year ago. Everything is STILL off the top of my head. I have so much fun in writing but sometimes I do it a little to often and lose interest because I'm forcing myself to write. I like to add as much detail as I can without adding TO much. It means SO So so much to me that you liked it enough to read this far!
I don't really like writing 'romantic' chapters. What I mean by that is people like to dive straight into the romance, when in real life it takes months, sometimes years, for people to start likening each other. And if you've read this far into my rant- then a little bit of a spoiler warning- Y/n isn't in love with Jeff yet. She's just fond of him, remember that he was her first friend, she's very obsessed with his company since he was really the only one that was nice to her (aside from Lizzy) by the way do you guys even remember Lizzy?! I kinda forgot that she existed- oH by the way what happened between Y/n and Lizzy was that They just kind of stopped talking, no fights or anything. OKAY! Feel free to comment questions! Just make sure you comment your questions on the next paragraph and I'll try to answer them the beSt I can without spoiling it!

give me da questions-

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