Chapter 36: jane

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The two began having meaningless conversations. she was enjoying the normal time with Jeff.

"You know.. we don't have to do it right away." She suggested.

"What do you mean?" He smirked.

"I meann.. aren't you hungry?" She smiled to him.

"Ohh.. Yeah. I kind of am now that you mention it." He chuckled.

"Hear me out.. we go through a drive through and you give me your shirt so I don't look sus?" She suggested, unbuckling her seatbelt.

"Alright but-" he was caught off guard by Y/n crawling over to him. "What are you doi-" he was even more caught off guard when she threw her leg over his lap, essentially sitting in his lap.

"Alright, now you scoot over there." She demanded. He winced a little as he did, but moved into her seat.

"Now give me your shirt, quick!" She pointed out the window. "See? The McDonald's is right there!"

Jeff quickly took his hoodie off, along with his shirt. Y/n got a little sneak peak from the corner of her eye, his stomach was toned , and he had a few scars here and there.

He handed her his black long sleeved turtle neck. Putting his hoodie back on and pulling up the hood as she turned into the line.

They both got their food and pulled into a separate parking lot. Y/n smiled as she bit into the burger. She hadn't had fast food in a month. A month too long. Jeff seemed more disgusted.

"Yuck, what did they do to these?" He asked, putting his food down.

"Oh my god you haven't had McDonald's in like.. 5 years!" Her eyes widened.

"Yeah, that'll be the last time." He chuckled, taking a sip of his drink.

Y/n smiled, the feeling of being normal was nice. But it couldn't last long anyways. They began to drive again.

As the silence washed over them, y/n had a few questions since they weren't really busy now. All of the time she had spent with him before they needed to do something urgent.

"Hey Jeff, what happened after you left?" She asked.

He took a slow breathe and sighed.

"Slender found me. He asked me to be a part of their group. At first I denied and tried to fight them.." he chuckled covering his eyes with his palm in embarrassment. "That didn't work obviously."

"So?" She spoke, encouraging him to continue talking.

"So, after I got bored of my spree, I decided to join them. For the adrenaline I guess." He lowered his hand, resting it on the seat.

"So your an adrenaline junkie, huh?" She grinned.

He looked over to her cautiously. "Yes?" He slowly replied.

He saw her eyes dart to the rear view mirror, then the road ahead of them. The car sped up, her foot sinking into the pedal.

"Y/n! Stop! Slow down!" He shouted, bracing himself in the seat.

She bit her bottom lip as her foot reached the floor, the car going around 110mph.

She weaved around turns and sped up around red lights. Of course, a few other cars saw her. She laughed when they ran over a pothole.

"Y/N! STOP! WATCH THE ROAD! WATCH THE FUCKING ROA-" he yelled, grabbing the emergency break and pulling it. The car slid down the road about 13 feet before it came to a stop. They both sat in silence when it did.

"Unexpected" // Jeff The Killer X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now