Chapter 30: Another episode

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Y/n slowly opened her eyes. She quickly looked around to see she was in her room.

She saw jeff at the edge of the bed.

He saw she was awake and crawled over to her and sat down beside her.

"You okay?" He asked.

"I got shot, but yeah, I'm fine." She said

She looked at Jeff's face, noticing the subtle anger on his face.

She remembered the knife she took.

"I lost it." She said.

"I know." He replied.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have taken it." She said.

"Yeah, you shouldn't have. Because now I dont have a knife." He murmured.

"You only used one knife?" She asked surprised.

"It was the one that I've used since I was 14." He said.

"You mean the one you stabbed me with?" She teased.

"Yeah." He replied seriously.

It went silent for a second.

"Do you wanna get it back? She asked mischievously.

"What are you suggesting?" He looked at her.

"We break into the police station and get your knife back!" She sat up.

She struggled a bit.

"Your in no shape to break into a police station." He said.

"Give it an hour I'll be fine." She replied.

"No." He sternly said.

Y/n rolled over in the bed, obviously angry.

Jeff stood up and walked out of the room.

Y/n began hearing things. Not nolan.

Other voices. Telling her to kill everyone, specifically jeff.

She felt a hand touch her shoulder.

She jerked her body around too see nothing.

She quickly realized the room felt unreal. Nothing was making sense.

She realized what this was.

She hadn't taken her medication in a while.

She turned over again and scrunched her eyes.

Trying to block out the noise.

She eventually fell into an anxiety induced nap.

about an hour or 3 later, she woke up and looked outside. She sat up and rubbed her eyes.

She tried to walk to grab her clothes but almost fell over in the process.

As she began walking she got the hang of it. She picked out a green short sleeved shirt and black sweat pants

She walked down the hallway to Jeff's room.

She knocked and jeff answered the door in a balck t-shirt and red and black plaid pants. He rubbed his eyes and looked at her in confusion.

"It's.. 4am what do you want?" He asked.

She pushed her way past him.

"I need to use your bathroom." She blankly said.

"You do know theres another bathroom right?" He asked, shutting the door.

"I know but I really dont wanna share a bathroom with more than 1 person." She said, opening his bathroom door.

"Unexpected" // Jeff The Killer X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora