Chapter 23: Natalia

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(Third person)

Toby was using google translate to talk to her. "Menya zovut Tobi." The translator said. Y/n looked at Ben. He shrugged. "my name is Natalia ." The translator said. "Great. W-were getting somewhere." Toby sighs. Natalia reaches for the translator. "Why am i here? you guys are scary.." the translator said. "Told you." Y/n said, crossing her arms. "Prezhde chem my uglubimsya v eto, mozhem li my nauchit' vas angliyskomu, chtoby my mogli pogovorit'?" The translator said. "That was a lot." Y/n said. "No." The translator said. "What did you ask her?" Ben asked. "I a-asked if we could teach her English before we continue.." Toby spoke. Natalia typed into the translator.

Y/n got bored and walked out of the room, leaving Ben there. She soon remembered Jeff. He was surely okay. Slender was some sort of magical demon, this is no problem for him. Right? Y/n kept that in mind as she walked back upstairs. She went to her room and locked the door. 'Geez I smell' she thought. She then realized she hadn't taken a shower in a few days. It was embarrassing to ask, but she looked for clockworks room. She then saw a sign on a door that said 'Clockworks room. Stay out.'. She took a breath and knocked on clockworks door. She answered the door. "What do you want." She said. "So uh.. this is a little embarrassing, but where is the bathroom?" Y/n asked. "7 doors down to the left." She said. Clockwork then shut the door. Y/n smiled. She walked back to her room. She then realized she didn't have any clothes. She groaned. 'Seven Doors down to the left from clockworks room.' Y/n told herself to remember that.

She decided she'd go back to her house.
She walked out of her room and down the stairs. She saw that only Ben and Nali were there. "Did she take a liking to you?" Y/n asked. "Pokhozhe na to-" Ben started. "I mean. It seems so." He said. He told Natalia to wait a minuet. "Were you Just speaking Russian?" Y/n asked. "Well. I figured if I have access to the internet, I can just code myself to speak Russian AND english." Ben said. "That's the coolest shit." Y/n said, looking at Natalia. "So you can just talk to her?" Y/n said. Ben nodded. "What were you guys talking about?" Y/n asked. "I told her why she was here. She's not in danger. And we told each other our names." Ben said. "How old is she?" Y/n asked. "Skol'ko tebe let, Natalia?" Ben asked her. "12 let." Natalia replied. "She's 12." Ben said. "She's your age?" Y/n asked. "Mhm." Ben said. "Cool. Well I gotta go." Y/n said. "Where you going?" Ben said. "I need to go back to my house." Y/n said. "Oh.. you shouldn't do that alone." He said. "Why not?" Y/n asked. "Weeellll..." Ben scratched his head. " if your parents filed a missing person report, then there will be police around your house." Ben said. "I can evade the police, Ben. I've done it multiple times." Y/n said. "Okay then, how many?" Ben asked, putting his hand on his hip. "4 at a time." Y/n said. "There will be atleast 7 In the area." Ben said. "Fine. Do you want to go with me then?" Y/n asked. "No just go ask masky. He's probably not doing anything." Ben said. "Where is he though?" Y/n asked. "Probably practicing shooting his gun outside. He's been self conscious of  his abilities since you dodged his bullets." Ben said. "Oh.. I'll go apologize then." Y/n said. She opened the door and walked outside.

She stood for a minuet. She then heard five gunshots. She ran in the direction they came from. She saw 'masky' sitting on the ground, looking at the sky. He looked defeated. "Hey-" y/n managed to say, before two gunshots were fired at her. She dodged one, but got hit in the arm. "God damn!" She shouted. "Oh, I'm sorry." Masky said. "It's fine." Y/n said, though she was in a lot of pain.
Masky walked up to y/n and pulled the bullet out. Y/n made a high pitched noise. Masky stood and stared, as if he was surprised. He stood for a second and then started to bandage her arm.

"Sorry about That.." Masky Said. "It's okay, but you got me that time!" Y/n exclaimed, giggling a bit. "Yeah your right." Masky said, sounding happy. "Why did you come out here?" Masky said. "Oh, I was wondering if.." y/n started. "You'd come with me to my house to get some stuff, since There might be police there, Ben told me to ask you to come." Y/n said. "Okay." Masky said. Y/n was a bit surprised that he agreed that quickly. "Thank you!" Y/n said, she was eager to get her diary and her phone. She started towards the city. She heard Masky Start running behind her. She found the old bike trail behind her house. She started walking along it. Masky caught up to her.

After walking for a bit she saw her house. She looked around and didn't see any police. She slowly walked up to her back door. She opened the door and walked into her kitchen. The lights were off, so she assumed nobody was there. Masky stood outside and didn't walk in, y/n looked at him for a second. She then continued up the stairs. She tip toed down the hallway. As she was walking, she passed her parents room. She heard sobbing. Was that.. her mother? She stood frozen in place. She put her ear up against the door. "I hope she's okay.." her mother said. "I know she is honey.. she's just mad." Her father said. "That demon inside of her.. did this.." her mother said in between sobs. 'Are they talking about Nolan?' Y/n thought. "If it hadn't threatened us.. it probably said all of that to scare us.." her mother said, again in between sobs. "I know, I know." Her father said. " I just miss her.." her mother said. Y/n's eyes were wide. 'Are they talking about me? They're talking about missing me.. after 9 years of shutting me out.' Y/n thought. It made y/n so angry. Y/n turned the door knob. She opened the door.

Word count: 1217

I finAlLY hAvE mOTivAtIon AGiAiN-

Ty for reading- Tik tok has consumed my life so if my updates are late it's cuz of that-

"Unexpected" // Jeff The Killer X Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें