Chapter 29: A tragic backstory.

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After about 15 minuets of walking, Y/n started feeling sick again. She was still loosing blood. She stopped and leaned forward a bit. Squinting her eyes in pain.

"You alright?" Ej asked.

She nodded.

A moment of silence was interrupted by a cough and a sputter of blood.

"Hey, hey. Let me carry you." Ej offered.

"No, I'm fine, I'm ok." She swiped his hand away.

"I'm alright." She strained, standing up straight again.

She began to walk, with a heavier limp than before.

"You look like a zombie." He teased.

"Your one to--" she coughed mid sentence.

"--talk." She finished, weak chuckles followed.

She stopped chuckling when she almost fell, tripping over her own feet.

She felt a pair of arms go to her back and the back of her thighs. As she swung around she was picked up.

"Hey put me down!" She said, not fighting much.

Ej looked down to her. She stared into the eyes of his mask. She had never really looked at his mask this close up.

"At the pace your going, we'd take the rest of the day to get there." He stated.

Y/n gave up and eventually just propped her head on his shoulder, admiring him. He definitely isnt human.

As she stared, she noticed more and more.

His mask was pulled up, just above his mouth, a little bit of his nose could be seen.

His nose pushed the mask up a bit, allowed her to see underneath.

She saw the faint outline of his eyes. She saw the same black liquid from his mask leaking from his eyes.

She noticed his teeth next, they were sharp and jagged.

He let out a huff, allowing her to see his tounge. It was black.

"Why is your tounge black?" She asked.

He looked at her, then stuck out his tongue as if to examine it himself.

Y/n's eyes widened a bit when he stuck his tounge out. It was atleast 5 inches long and was sort of pointy at the end.

"I'm not sure." He replied. Pulling his tounge back in his mouth.

"What about your eyes?" She asked.

He went silent for a moment.

"Why do you keep the mask on?" She asked again.

"Why is your skin grey?"
"What's that liquid in your eyes?"
"Why're your teeth sharp?"

She kept asking questions in her delirium. Losing so much blood has made her a bit loopy.

He stopped for a minuet and thought. He slowly moved his mask to the side.

Y/n started up at him, admiring his face, she finally got a clear look.

He continued walking.

"About my eyes, they were gouged out--" He was about to continue, but was interrupted by a delirious girl.

"Who did it?!" She raised her voice.

"When I was in college, I met a girl named Jenny, turns out she was a part of a cult, and she sacrificed me to some demon god by gouging out my eyes and pouring some type of boiling liquid in my eyes. Before I knew it I was this thing and had a taste for blood." He let out a breathe with the last word.

"And kidneys. Cant forget the kidneys!" She laughed.

"That's tragic." She slowly said.

"What about you?" He asked.

"What about me?" She asked in return.

"You've gotta have some horrible backstory, right?" He said.

"I wouldn't say horrible, but I guess." She said.

"Tell me about it." He comforted.

"When I was 4 a violent spirit attached itself to my soul, making me agressive. It scared my parents into ignoring and neglecting me my whole life and unfortunately were one now." She sighed.

"A violent spirit." She heard a familiar voice scoff. Nolan.

She ignored it.

"What do you mean unfortunately? That sounds cool." He pressed.

"Did you not hear the part about it scaring my parents into ignoring me my whole life. They didnt tell me why they hated me until a day ago. When he- it killed my parents by taking control of my body." She took a deep breath.

"Guess that isn't that cool, huh-" he said.

"What about the mask?" She asked.

"Its the one that Jenny was wearing." He said looking at the mask on the side of his face.

"Symbolic, huh." She said, admiring Ejs face 1 more time.

Her eyes began to close and flutter.

"Ah, shit! Dont go to sleep! You could di-"

She heard a muffled worried voice after that. She had blacked out.

Word count: 768

Its literally 3am I'm going to bed good night

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