Chapter 41: failed plans

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She began walking back to town, pulling her hood up. Immediately she was spotted by an officer.

"MA'AM PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" He shouted, drawing his gun.

Immediately she started running back the way she came, her plan was working already, wow. The officer chased her, calling for backup as he did.

She ran into the house and quickly moved the couch in front of the door. She took her clothes off, placing them on the dead girl. She carried the woman upstairs, forgetting to grab the clothes as she did. She placed the girl in a closet and took the lighter she had. She had to carry all the things in her pockets by hand which was a pain in the ass. She left a few things as to not call suspicion. She lit the room aflame, leaving the lighter with the corpse. She was about to go put the clothes on, when a few cops barged through the downstairs door.

The fire hadn't had time to catch, but an unexpected explosion happened behind her, causing her to fall forward. She quickly stood up, realizing that the lighter had blown up or that was a cleaning closet.

She ditched the clothes and immediately ran to the bedroom window. Jeff was outside waiting. She opened it and threw herself out, the last thing she wanted was to be seen.

Fortunately Jeff caught her, and was a bit shocked. She was only in a bra and underwear. "Come on! We gotta go!" She began running into the forest, not looking back.

As they got into the forest, they slowed down and their shoulders relaxed.

"It's cold." She complained.

"No shit. You're naked, here." He handed y/n his hoodie, leaving him in a grey t-shirt. "You're just fucked for the bottoms I guess." He chuckled, staring directly at her ass.

"Would you stop staring?" She scoffed, walking slower so he couldn't see.

"Nope." He laughed.

She flinched as she felt a sting on her ass. "The fuck?" She held the injury.

Jeff didn't say anything, just laughed and continued walking. He smacked her ass. That fucker.

"You horny motherfucker." She teased.

"Your the one with no pants on." He teased back.

"Would you guys stop flirting?" Nolan chipped in.

"Oh fuck, sorry Nolan, maybe if you would leave." She rolled her eyes.

"Oh my god. I forgot about him. Did he-"


"... Nolan saw my dick?"


"It was small." Nolan remarked.

"He said it was small." She repeated.

"My dick is NOT small."

They arrived back at the mansion. Jeff grabbed her wrist before she could go in the house. "Let's go in through the back." He suggested.

"Why?" She asked, stepping down from the porch.

"Because I don't want anybody to see you pantsless?" He spoke as if it wasn't the most obvious thing.

"We fuck one time and suddenly your worried about people seeing me half naked?" Y/n scoffed, continuing to walk in.

As expected nobody paid her any mind as she walked up the stairs, however she did see Ej look back as he walked past her. To which Jeff gave him the death stare.

She walked in the room, Jeff following behind. She picked out a pair of black shorts.

"Look! We match!" She showed off, holding her arms out and spinning around.

"Did you see the way jack was looking at you?" He spoke in a low tone, almost a mumble.

"No? Bet he liked what he saw." Y/n teased. Jeff was protective, territorial and jealous. She knew that for sure. But she wanted to see how far she could push it.

"I know what your doing. And it's not gonna work." Jeff rubbed his temples and sat down on her bed.

"Fine. I'll stop." She chuckled, sitting beside him. She was admiring Jeff's scars when she remembered what she saw that morning.

The woman.

"So, I need to ask you something." Y/n started, Jeff gave her a curious glance. "How many people have you.." she stuttered trying to find the right words.

"Huh?" Jeff questioned.

"You know Jane?" Y/n hesitated, seeing that Jeff tensed up at the name.


"How many people have you done that to?" She finally asked.

"...only Jane.. why?"

"I saw a girl today, she looked like you with the smile and everything." Y/n explained, watching as Jeff's eyes darkened.

"What did she look like other than that?" He asked.

"Uh, she had black hair, and had a purple hoodie-"

"That's Nina." He sighed with annoyance. "Where did you see her?"

"Uh I don't know exactly where, but she was with some people." She spoke, remembering the cabin.

Jeff sighed and stood up. "I need to talk to slender. Gimme a minuet."

"Okay.." she agreed as he walked out of the door. The room fell silent and she sat on her bed. The hoodie she was wearing was warm. There were a few faded blood stains and some cigarette burns but other than that it was clean.

"So.. when are you leaving?" Y/n quietly questioned the only other person in the room.

She heard a sigh, but nothing to follow.

"You said you would." She followed.

"I.. Know. I know." Nolan spoke.

"Are you scared?"

"Not for myself."

"Your scared for me?"

"You'll get hurt."

"No I won't."

"I don't-"




"I love you."

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