Chapter 11: The masked man.

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4 years later... (it's a big time skip sOrry-)

Y/n's 18th birthday is today. Of course, her parents don't care. Y/n cleans the blood off of her from killing someone and walks to the store and gets a cake with her parent's money. She gets a chocolate cake with a pumpkin on it and starts walking home. When she gets home she slips her converse off and runs up to her room. She starts eating the cake and writing in her diary. She decided since it was a 'special' day she'd read through her diary. She turns a few pages...


Today is my birthday and I have no one to celebrate with. Isn't that fun... I guess I could go practice throwing knives.. that's fun.

Y/n laughs a little at her 14-year-old self. Y/n's birthday was on a Sunday this year so she was excited about not having school. Y/n's day was quiet. But her parents still weren't home. As it turned night time, her parents still weren't home. She decided she was going to sleep in her clothes because she was too lazy. She sat there reading the news. Until she started hearing footsteps downstairs. She assumed her parents were home. She looked out the window and her parents car wasn't there "oh shit.." y/n said. She turned around to a masked figure. It was a guy. He had brown hair and a mask on. The mask was white with black eyes and lips. He had a yellow jacket on. Y/n just stared at him and slowly reached for the knife in her pocket. The guy just stood there.
The guy pulled out a gun and almost shot her within 2 seconds. But she dodged it. She made a run for the door and was only able to slip one shoe on while running. She made it outside and she ducked behind a tree and slipped her other shoe on before the guy could get to her. She turned her head around the tree to see if he was there. She turned her head around and had a gun to her forehead. She looked up at the guy. Y/n grabbed a knife out of her pocket and slid it across his leg. He grabbed his leg and almost fell. Allowing y/n to run away. She ran as fast as she could down the sidewalk. She looked behind her and he was gone. But she wasn't risking it. She ran to a crowded area. She put her phone to her ear and said "Nolan. Do you know who that was?" Pretending to talk in her phone. "No idea.." Nolan said. "Well shit. We're being chased. I can feel it." Y/n said. Y/n decided to walk into the forest. She was gonna fight this guy. Not run like some pathetic little girl. She sat on a tree stump and waited. Finally he showed up. She felt something on the back of her head. A gun. "Okay. You win." Y/n told the guy. Of course, lying. The guy put his finger on the trigger. Y/n waited until he pulled the trigger and then jumped to the side as soon as she heard the trigger pull back. She grabbed his head and pushed him on the ground. She put her foot on his back. "Who the hell are you?" The guy asked. "Your Potential Murderer if you don't tell me why you just tried to kill me." Y/n said. Stepping harder on his back and pulling his hands back more. They guy stayed quiet. Y/n started to hear voices from behind her. "God damn it masky." Y/n heard a voice say. "Shut the hell up Ben." She Heard another voice say. Y/n turned her head to look but nobody was there. When she turned around The guy was gone. She got pushed and her head hit a tree and she passed out.

Word count:670

HerE wE gO-

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