Chapter 3: Bloody converse..

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*Little warning: This chapter is a little violent.*


Third person•

"So... Newbie.."

[Y/n] stared at her, confused, waiting for her to ask something.

"Let me lay down the rules. I'm in charge here. Everyone here including the teacher listens to me. And I saw your headphones in your backpack. I want them." The girl said.

[Y/n] wasn't shocked, more agitated than anything.

"I bought these. Their mine. I'm not giving them to some overconfident brat who thinks she owns the world" [Y/n] said, not even a tiny expression on her face.

The brown-haired one snickered a bit. The blonde girl then attempts to reach for [Y/n]'s backpack. Of course, this made [Y/n] mad. She smacked the blonde girl's hand away as hard as she could and pushed her into the dirt, the blonde gasped and signaled the green-haired girl to grab her, and she did so.

Before [Y/n] knew, she was being held with her arms behind her back. As the blonde girl took [Y/n]'s backpack and took the headphones, she said "I told you I was in charge. Should have listened." [Y/n] could feel Nolan trying to talk but it was muffled by pure panic and fear. [Y/n] Was flailing her legs trying to escape the green-haired girl. [Y/n] didn't have much experience with being detained like this, so she tried her hardest to escape. Eventually kicking the green-haired girl in the leg, which made her tighten her grip. The blonde got a knife out of her pocket and held it to [Y/n]'s throat. [Y/n] stopped flailing knowing that if she moved now the knife would cut her, but the blonde girl slowly slid the knife across her neck. Blood started trickling down her neck. [Y/n] felt a strange feeling that she had never felt before. It wasn't Nolan. She was sure of it because when Nolan tries to take over, she passes out. She was wide awake.

With strength she never knew she had, she kicked the blonde girl at least 11 feet across the field. She then yanked her head back, headbutting the green-haired girl. The brown hair girl just stood by. Watching everything unfold. [Y/n] shoved The green-haired girl into the brick wall. Over and Over and over again. The green-haired girl's head was soaked in blood, and she was unconscious. The brown hair girl simply put a lollipop in her mouth and watched. [Y/n] was surprised at what she had done. But it wasn't like killing animals. This was much more... fun... [Y/n] smiled a big eerie smile. Then turned her head to the blonde girl, who was laying on the ground in shock. [Y/n] slowly walks over to her, giving the blonde a chance to run, but because of paralyzing fear, the blonde couldn't move. [Y/n] started laughing uncontrollably at the sight of pure fear.

The blonde started tearing up, still not moving. [Y/n] kicked the Blonde in the head with her heel. The blonde was starting to pass out. When [Y/n] Grabbed the knife she was holding and with a swish of her hand, the blonde's eye was bleeding. The blonde started to scream and [Y/n] covered her mouth. And had the urge to torture her. She did so. By cutting off her fingers one by one. In the end [Y/n] had blood splatters all over her hoodie. Her hands. Her converse.

"That was gruesome." [Y/n] jerked her head around to see the brown-haired girl. "Fucking hated them anyways.." the brown-haired girl said, kneeling at the unconscious green-haired girl.

[Y/n] turned to the dead blonde girl. Feeling no regret or guilt whatsoever. "You just have to kill this one now." The brown-haired girl said. 'She's oddly calm about this..' [Y/n] thought.

Word count: 671

I'm having so much fun writing this-
Thanks for reading ♡

(Btw any of these sign offs were also written when I was 12 be prepared 💀)

"Unexpected" // Jeff The Killer X ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt