Chapter 28: The Chase

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Her heart sank as the cop yelled at her.


She panicked for a second, she put her hands up.

"DROP THE BAG!" The cop yelled.

She slowly put the bag down. As the officer was about to say something else she quickly turned around and began running.

As she ran as fast as she could, she heard a few gunshots and immediately after felt a blistering pain in the back of her leg and torso. She had been shot. Twice.

She kept running through the crowd of the town, hearing sirens behind her.

She ran, well, as fast as somebody can run with two bullets in them.

She turned a corner and took a sharp turn into the maze of alleys behind buildings.

She almost screamed as she felt a hand grab her from around the corner of a wall. She knew who it was immediately.

Ej held her close and leaned down to her level.

"You're pretty stupid, y'know that?" He chuckled under his mask.

"How was I supposed to know I was seen?" Y/n angrily replied.

"You would've known if you had looked around." He teased.

"Suck my dick." She teased back.

They heard the sirens fade and began running towards the forest again.

They finally got out of the town and were able to breathe. The adrenaline was still rushing through Y/n's veins. A big grin appeared on her face, She had started to like the casual adrenaline rushes.

Ej seemed to notice her excitement.

"You like being chased?" He asked sarcastically.

"Well.. kinda." She replied seriously, running her hands through her hair and heavily breathing.

"Good. Because theres 3 cops over there." He said, sounding oddly calm.

She quickly turned her head towards the direction he had looked.

Sure enough, she saw 3 officers coming her way. They hadn't spotted her yet, but of she stayed there they would.

She turned to where Ej had been standing, only for him to have dissapeared.

"Bitch." She muttered.

She began running deeper into the forest. Her footsteps quiet.

She finally lost the cops. She fell against a tree.

She hadn't realized how sick she felt. Her vision wavered a bit and she felt like she was about to puke.

It was probably fear and stress. She held herself up as she puked all over the ground beside her.

She hunched over and began to breathe heavily. She had completely forgot she had been shot, as soon as she was able to calm down she started hurting again.

She cried out as she sat down. She didnt realize how much blood she had lost.

She took her hoodie off and pulled her tank top up, examining the bullet wound in her side.

Luckily the bullet didnt go in her, it just grazed her. But god damn it really hurt.

She ripped her pants with an extra pocket knife  and tied the cloth right below her knee.

The bullet didnt hit her knee which helped, but she probably wouldn't be able to walk right for the next few days.

She tied her hoodie around her waist to keep pressure on her side.

She pushed herself up by leaning on the tree, when she stood her vision faded in and out. Y/n began limping deeper into the forest.

She was on the opposite side of the town now, so she was lost. Then a sudden realization hit her.

She had one of Jeff's knives in the bag she dropped.

"Aw fuck, he's gonna kill me!" She said out loud, looking back the way she came.

She debated going back for the bag, but the cops would have already taken it by now.

She decided to just prepare to be yelled at by jeff later instead.

She heard movement near her and quickly hid behind a tree. She winced as she leaned over to see what that noise was.

She saw Ej looked around. He looked at the ground in intrest. It was only till he began walking to it, I realized what he had seen.

•first person

He saw a blood trail. My blood trail. I hadn't even realized the cloth was leaking.

I went back to watch him.

He leaned down by the blood trail and ran his finger through the blood, collecting some on his fingers.

He licked the blood off of his fingers and paused.

He looked directly at me.

I knew he saw me, so I began walking the opposite direction.

He started catching up to me.

"Why're you back?" I asked.

"If I had gone back to the mansion without you, slender would question my 'teaching abilities'." He said with a jokingly sad sigh.

"Hm." I replied.

I wasn't really up for a conversation. So I kept it short.

"I didn't know you got shot." Ej said, concerned.

"I'm fine." I responded, trying to save my energy.

It went silent for a few seconds.

•third person

"Your blood tastes good." He said, out of nowhere.

"Is that a compliment? Or you just being a cannibal?"

She looked at him, remembering what she saw when he found the blood trail.

"You decide." He smiled as he continued walking.

Word count: 873

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